(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The vast majority of the time I run into Baptists here in the Philippines, they will tell me they do not know for sure they're going to heaven. Let me help you out. If you don't know for sure you're going to heaven, you know why you're not sure? Because you're not. The Bible says if you believe, ye may know that ye have eternal life, and if you don't know, you're not saved. And here's the thing. If you do know or you say you know, that doesn't guarantee you're saved either. There's a lot of people in this room that got baptized by me. Even though you've been Baptist for a long time before, why would I baptize you if you've already been Baptist for a long time? Because you didn't believe the right salvation or you weren't sure because it was unclear. You're like, maybe I was saved, maybe I wasn't. It's hard to tell. And I get it. It's hardier because if you become a Baptist, you feel like, man, I know the Catholic Church is wrong. I've left the Catholic Church. I must be in the right religion. That's the way that people feel that if they're at CCF and victory as well because they realize, hey, I've learned the Catholic Church is wrong. It's the false way. And they feel like they've found the true way when oftentimes they still don't believe on Christ.