(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The Bible also says, nevertheless, the foundation of God standeth sure. So this is the foundation, it's a fundamental issue. Eternal security, the Bible says, nevertheless, the foundation of God standeth sure, the Lord knoweth them. Notice the wording there. It says, the Lord knoweth them that are his. So God knows us, and that's the foundation, we need to understand that. And does anybody know what God is going to tell somebody who's damned on Judgment Day? He's going to say, I never knew you. Notice that wording. What if I said, what if I said, DJ, I never knew you. I'd be lying, wouldn't I? Because I know who you are. The Bible says that God knows us if we're his sheep. What if I said, Hunter, you know, I never knew you. That would be a lie. I know Hunter, he's a good friend of mine. God, when we're born into God's family, he knows us. That's what the Bible says, he knows his sheep. And so if we can lose our salvation, why would he say, I never knew you? He didn't say, I used to know you and you lost it. He didn't say, I knew you once, but you just kind of screwed up. No, he says, if you go to hell, you never knew you. The Bible says that once you're saved, you're in God's hand, Jesus's hand, and Jesus is in God the Father's hand. And the Bible says that no man can pluck you out of his hand. God didn't create you to wonder, oh my, I just really wonder if I'm going to heaven. I wonder if I'm being good enough. No, he's waiting for you to come. And the Bible says the moment you come to him, you're saved. Jesus says, verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of the water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I say unto thee. In other words, Jesus is saying, don't be surprised, don't be amazed that I'm telling you you need to be born again. There's so many churches out there that treat it like it's this crazy thing when you talk about being born again. They treat it like it's just something that we shouldn't talk about or we shouldn't be concerned about being born again. But Jesus said, hey, don't be marveled, don't be amazed when I tell you and when somebody tells you, you must be born again. It's a very serious thing to God. And it's sad because Christians have read in their Bibles that God will somehow abort his children, that once you're born in the family of God, that God could somehow abort you if you commit a certain sin. If you commit a certain crime, you'll lose your salvation. So the Bible says nothing shall separate us from the love of God. Most religions are trying so hard to work up to God. They're trying so hard to just make it to God, but Christ actually came down to our level. He actually came down to us. .