(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And this blows my mind this is this is insane. Brigham Young had said and this is a quote from Brigham Young he says now if any of you will deny the plurality of wives and continue to do so I promise that you will be damned. You know and this is their this is their number two prophet him and Joseph were like buddy buddy right well he says if you don't have multiple wives you'll be damned you'll be sent to hell he also said that if you don't believe that that you know that Joseph Smith's a prophet he says you'll go to hell and he says you also when you get to stand before the gates he says you must be approved by Joseph Smith you must be approved by Joseph Smith before you'll be let in and let me tell you something folks Brigham Young is burning in hell today and people are like oh my that's that's so crazy you know what he's right there with Joseph Smith and you say oh I'm offended oh this is terrible preaching well you know what go eat some popcorn go have some candy and turn on some Spongebob but in the house of God we're in a battle right now against the Jehovah's Witness the Mormons and all the other filthy disgusting cults and somebody needs to stand up and say no and say no to Jehovah's Witness say no to Mormonism no to Scientology no to atheism