(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The Hebrew language that we have today Was it isn't even the same language that they use back in the time of Christ and yet people say oh if you don't call On Yeshua's name. You're not really saying no if you don't call on Jesus name you're not saved Jesus is the name above all names and anybody that's going to come to me and say oh, you know You gotta call on Yeshua is not saved They're not saved. I don't care what any Baptist says. I don't care what any Hebrew I don't even care what the Pentecostals say I don't care what any of these other moments say the Bible says that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow at the name of Jesus and Anybody, you know, there's kids in this movement that come to me all the time Oh, you know, I've uninstalled the name of Jesus and I put his real Hebrew. No, that's a bunch of garbage It's a lie from Satan and it's time as the people of God that we wake up man We didn't take you the only way where people are going to take America back You know, the only way we're going to take America back is if we get serious about the Word of God We have to be serious about these things And if we don't get serious if we don't have more Corbin Brock's rising up if we don't have more Garrett Lyce's rising up We don't have more Chris Gillums and and men of God that are gonna rise up Satan's gonna overtake this country And he's already doing it right now and Christians, you know parents come to me all the time Oh, why is my kid falling out of church? Why is my children falling away? Why don't they want anything to do with the Lord? Well, cuz you don't even go to church You're not even a church and you wonder why your kids. Oh, you know, that's why they're falling away Cuz they're not in church. They're not around the people of God That's why the Bible says do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together. We shouldn't forsake that when people forsake it Well, why wonder why your kids go off in the world? Why do you even wonder? But this Yeshua thing is garbage it's a lie from hell it wasn't invented till the 1800s and There's historically proven. I proved it to these people and that they still say oh, no, you sure is the real name No, Jesus is his name and one day you'll bow at that name One day you will bow at the name of Christ Bible says every knee shall bow Bible says in Acts 4 12 neither is there salvation at any other There there's no other name given among men whereby we must be saved Let me ask you a question if Satan knows that there's one name that you can be saved by don't you think he'd have a strategy? To shut down that name Amen, don't you think he'd have like some sort of battle plan to just shut down the name of Jesus But people like oh no, you know Yeshua is his real name and some people even go as far as to say that Jesus is a pagan name What in the world is the church coming to and you know what? We had a younger generation rising up that it's gonna put a stop to this. We're gonna shut down the Jehovah's Witness We're gonna shut down the Mormons We're gonna shut down all these false movements and bring in the gospel of Christ and the Hebrew rulers are no different than the Jehovah's Witness I Know this sermons gonna offend people I know people my former friends are all gonna look at me and say you're an idiot brother pal But let me tell you something if you to reject what I have brought forth in this message Then you are not saved and you're on your way to hell You say oh, how can you say that? Well, the Bible says you can judge Love says you shall know them by their fruits. You can know a false prophet by his fruits and It's very evident That the fruits of the Hebrew roots movement are disgusting and damnable and damning thousands of souls to hell