(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know in the Mormons they'll say, well there's only there's only one God right now of our universe, you know There's gods over other universes, but there's only one God and he couldn't possibly take on the form of a man So Jesus Christ couldn't possibly be God and just for the record all these cults by the way They'll all tell you that Jesus isn't God. They'll all tell you that you can lose your salvation They'll all tell you that it's by works that it's not by faith that you know, believing is not enough Matthew 19 verse 17 We'll start in verse 16 it says and behold one came and said unto him good master What good thing must I do to that? I might have eternal life. So this young Pharisee is asking Jesus He's asking the Lord Jesus Christ. He says good master. What must I do to inherit eternal life? And Jesus said unto him why callest thou me good There is none good but one and that is God So let me ask you a question. Jesus is saying look there's none good but one that is God They'll say well see then he's not God because there's only one good but let me ask you a question was Jesus good So who would he have to be He'd have to be God You show that to Jehovah's Witness you show it to a Mormon though. They'll be blown away You know, it reminds me at a time when when Jesus said before Abraham was I am but in this context It's really clear that Jesus logically speaking is either God or he's not good Why because there's only one good and that's God and they say well Why is he why is he kind of cover-coating it because he had to come as a lamb He'll return as a lion one day But he had to come as the lamb and he was being very clear still that he was God People say Oh Jesus never claimed to be God Well, he did right here and he did in several other places. Oh, you know, I had a Muslim tell me Oh Jesus never claimed to be the Son of God Well, how about in John where Jesus says I am the Son of God Point blank. He says I am the Son of God