(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Here's what Adolf Hitler said. He said the heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. He says our epoch will certainly see the end of the notice the words here disease of Christianity. You tell me was Hitler a bible-believing Christian? Is that something that a bible-believing Christian would say? No, Hitler was a staunch atheist. He even said that the best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death. A slow death has something comforting about it. I don't know about you but that sounds pretty delusional. Who here wants to die a slow death? There's nothing comforting about that. He says the dogma of Christianity gets worn away by the advances of science. Religion will have to make more and more concessions and gradually the myths crumble. It's from Adolf Hitler. Let me ask you a question. Why is it that Adolf Hitler ordered the extermination, the execution of over six million people, six million Jews? Well here's information that's been recovered. It says during the Second World War prisoners were also subjected to medical experiments. Several thousands of them died while survivors were scarred for life. SS leader Henrich Himmler took a close personal interest in some gruesome trials. The experiments were meant to advance Nazi racial policy. Remember this is about survival of the fittest. This is what Hitler believed and the Germans ability to win the war. Victims were burned, maimed, poisoned and infected or exposed to tortures like freezing water. This is what they would do to people and the reason that he did this and notice the words here experiments were supported by the medical establishment. So the the evolutionists were supporting this and they were saying all right let's do this let's see if people are evolved enough. Look at this it says the military and private companies who all saw prisoners as guinea pigs quote-unquote they didn't even think they were human the Jewish people and other people even Christians. Adolf Hitler would line up Christian families and priests and all sorts of false denominations and he would line them up and he would shoot he would fire one bullet and it would go through the son, mother, father, daughter. They wanted to kill everybody. The Bible says they who hate me love death. It's very gruesome. This actually happened. This is part of history. Hitler as I have consistently maintained is a Christian. I read that wrong. This is an evolutionist because remember they always say he's a Bible believing Christian. This is a contemporary of Hitler. He's an evolutionist. He has consciously sought to make the practice of Germany conform to evolution. This is somebody who lived right alongside Hitler. He said you know what the reason Hitler is doing all this stuff the reason he's killing all these people and burning them alive is because he wants to cause the race to evolve better. In 1941 the camp SS launched two programs of mass killings several months before the Holocaust entered the camps. The first program targeted notices the weak ill and disabled. What does the Bible say? People say that Christianity is a hate religion. No it's not. The Bible says comfort the feeble-minded. Support the weak. Don't execute the weak. But they wanted to target the weak ill and disabled prisoners who were selected by doctors and deported to special killing centers across Germany. These are horrible things that happen to people all in the name of oh we just want to just gotta gotta get a better race. Hitler said when the understanding of the universe has become widespread the Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity. Hitler said this he says his goal was to preserve the most valuable racial elements and raise them to a dominant position. All who are not of good race are chaff wrote Hitler. It was necessary for the Germans to occupy themselves not merely with the breeding of dogs and horses and cats but also with care for the purity of their own blood. That's what Hitler said he said I want my blood to be what dominates the world. Mussolini thought that his race was the best race. These doctors they saw people as guinea pigs. This is how indoctrinated they were because they believed in what Hitler was saying. It hasn't changed. This isn't a textbook from today. You are an animal and share a common heritage with earthworms kids. This isn't a U.S. textbook. They say Christianity is so hokey. Now I'd say that sounds pretty hokey to say that my uncle was an earthworm. German philosopher Erich Fromm observed if Hitler believed in anything at all then it was in the laws of evolution which justified and sanctified his actions and especially his cruelties. There's multiple sources. It was established fact that is why he committed this. you