(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I'll read for you Proverbs 11 30 the bible says the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that winneth souls is wise what is our fruit that we bring forth it's souls it's winning people to Christ you have to have the mentality to do that now the sad thing is lots of Christians don't even believe in soul winning in fact yesterday when I was writing this sermon I was at a barbecue place over by the new church soul man's barbecue this message brought to you in part by soul man's barbecue okay I was writing my sermon there and I was just sitting down to eat I hadn't written it yet but I had my laptop and I had my bible and there was like eight or ten people there talking and I could hear that they were probably Christians you know I heard some buzzwords you know Jesus spirituality discipleship and I was like okay they're new evangelicals you know they're having their little bible study and so they come over to me and they see my bible and they're like hey we just want to invite you to this bible study you know I was being really nice so I was like oh thank you very much you know I'm not gonna be able to make it I'm actually writing a sermon right now you know for tomorrow's service and they're like oh great you know what do you what are you writing your sermon on I told them I was going to talk about the difference between those that quit on God and those that keep going and they're like tell us I was like well a lot of people get offended a lot of people are deceived by the by the deceitfulness of riches but those that bring forth fruit are those that are focused on soul winning and they're like oh yeah yeah you know a lot of people do get discouraged and quit on God because they don't see any fruit you know because we really can't bring in forth any fruit it's only God that can do that all we can do is just abide in Christ you know and try to try to live our lives the best way we can and then God will bring forth the fruit hey what is that they don't believe in soul winning right they don't believe in soul winning now here's the thing they say that we cannot bring forth fruit is that true is my question go to John 15 and here's what's funny he's like make sure you go to John 15 because it talks about abiding in Christ I'm like I will go to John 15 except in his mind he thinks that abiding in Christ is just like this mystical thing like I'm a Christian look at me you're gonna get saved now it's like so stupid this lifestyle evangelism but verse number one I am the true vine and my father is the husbandman so he's using an example of husbandry of planting and gardening he says Jesus Christ is the vine God is though God the father is the husband in verse two every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away and every branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit so Jesus already told us he is the vine now whoever these branches are Jesus says that God the father purges them so that they can bring forth more fruit so we're going to keep reading find out what the who these branches are verse three now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you obviously this is talking to saved people verse four abide in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself accepted abide in the vine no more can ye accept ye abide in me and notice he says abide in me and I in you how do we abide in Christ how does Christ abide in us I'll read for you Romans 8 9 the Bible says but ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the spirit of God dwell in you now if any man have not the spirit of Christ he is none of his this is just talking about salvation right if we're saved we're abiding in Christ Christ is abiding in us now notice does this say that only the vine brings forth fruit no he says hey the the branch cannot bear fruit of itself but does that imply that the branches are bringing forth fruit yes they're just not doing it by themselves and see I would agree with these people that without Jesus Christ we can never get anyone saved but let's keep reading and see what he says verse five I am the vine ye are the branches so here's my question for these new evangelicals that don't believe in soul winning why is it that the Bible says the branches bring forth fruit and we are the branches and you're going to tell me that soul winning doesn't work and that we cannot bring forth fruit it's ridiculous you know what it is you don't bring forth fruit because you're lazy because you'd rather sit at a barbecue place and have a stupid discipleship program instead of going out and preaching someone the Bible and preaching someone the gospel of Jesus Christ and bringing forth fruit you see you want to talk to me and invite me to your little discipleship I'd like to invite you to go soul winning so that you're not discouraged and you could actually see us bear forth fruit how do we do it by abiding in the vine yeah of course we can't do it by ourselves of course we're not going to get people saved with our testimony of course we're not going to get people saved with our lifestyle hey that is doing it by yourself you're saying oh you can't do anything without Christ really is that why you're saying you get people saved by your lifestyle it's ridiculous that is the exact opposite of what this verse is saying verse six if a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned if ye abide in me and my words abide in you ye shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you what does this mean hey of course we can't do it without Christ how does what does this actually mean though how do we in practicality say we can't get anyone saved without Christ it's by his words unless his words abide in us we cannot get anyone saved we cannot get anyone saved by our testimony you cannot get anyone saved by attract you must have the words of God that is how you abide in the vine that is how Christ abides in us that's how both together bear much fruit the difference today with those that quit on serving God and those that bring forth fruit is those that bring forth fruit realize this and have a mindset focused on that mission today when you're focused on that mission when you understand this doctrine it's going to make you want to go out and bear much fruit why is that verse 8 herein is my father glorified why because God is glorified when we bear forth fruit that ye bear much fruit so shall ye be my disciples hey have your little discipleship program by soul winning because Jesus says you want to be my disciples it's going to be by glorifying God through bearing forth much fruit that's what soul winning is that's being a disciple of Christ that is abiding in the vine these stupid this stupid doctrine of lifestyle evangelism I don't believe in it this church doesn't believe in it and Paul the apostle didn't believe it either go to Romans chapter 1 verse 15 so as much as in me is I'm ready to preach how amazing my life is I'm sorry it's not what he said so as much as in me is I'm ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also for I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believe it to the Jew first and also to the Greek for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith what is the power of God unto salvation is it your lifestyle is it how great your marriage is is it how great your children are is it how great of a career you have it's the gospel of Jesus Christ how is that revealed from faith to faith from saved Christian spirit-filled soul winner to the lost they receive that faith by the word of God by the gospel that is how the power of God unto salvation is revealed