(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 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Good evening and welcome to Verity Baptist Church Can I please have everyone find their seats and grab their songbooks and turn to page number 22? Please find your seats and grab your songbooks and turn to page number 2 to We're gonna start the service off singing. Are you washed in the blood? Page Number 22 and let's go ahead and sing that out on the first You've been to Jesus for the cleansing power. Are you washing the blood of the lamb? Are you fully? trusting in his grace Are you In the soul planting blood of the lamb Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Page 22, let's sing it out on the second. Are you walking daily by the Savior's side are you washed in the blood of the lamb? Do you rest each moment in the crucified are you Are you In the soul cleansing blood of the lamb Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow are you? Let's sing it out on the third like you're happy to be washed in the blood of the lamb. So let's sing it out When the bride groom cometh, will your robes be white are you washed in the blood of the lamb? Will your soul be ready for the mansion's pride and be washed in the blood of the lamb? Are you Washed in the blood In the soul cleansing blood of the lamb Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the lamb? Lay aside the garments that are stained with sand and be washed in the blood of the lamb There's a fountain Planting blood of the lamb Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow are you? Great singing and welcome to Verity Baptist Church in the Wednesday evening Bible study. Let's open up on a word of prayer Father God, thank you so much for this church Lord. Thank you for these wonderful people Coming here and serving you faithfully I pray that you bless the singing Lord a prayer to glorify you and I pray that you bless the preaching and the service to Come in Jesus name I pray amen Please turn your song books page number 96 Page number 96 we're gonna sing God leads us along Page Number 96 and we're gonna go ahead and sing it out all the birds in Shady grain basher so rich and so sweet God leads his dear children along Where the water's cold flow bays the weary one's feet God Great The night Oh Let's sing it out on the second Sometimes on the mount where the Sun shines so bright Sometimes in the valley Darkest of night God leads his dear children Oh Some through the fire Let's sing it out on the third Those sorrows befall us and Satan oppose Grace we can conquer Some through the water Some through the flood Some through the fire But all through the flood Some through great sorrow But God gives a song In the night season And all the day long Let's sing it out on the last away from the And away from the clay Away up in glory Sing it out Oh Hey, man, all right. Well, let's go ahead and take our bulletins will look at some announcements real quickly and if you Need a bulletin. Do we have bulletins to hand out? We're all audible design. So we'll share you share your bulletin if you Can and of course you got the Red Hot Preaching Conference bulletin there Jeremiah 23 29 It's not my word like as a fire saith the Lord and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces That's a good verse there. We like that. If you open up your bulletin, you'll see our service time Sunday morning service 1030 a.m We do invite you to be with us on Sunday morning on the Lord's Day for church and Sunday evening service 6 p.m Wednesday evening Bible study 7 p.m. We're back to just our regular schedule So make sure you are aware of that if you notice our soul winning times our main sewing times on Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. And then we have additional sewing times on Thursdays Fridays and Sundays at 2 p.m. We of course are a family integrated church children and infants always welcome in the service We do not separate children from their parents for any reason and we do have mother baby rooms and daddy rooms available for your convenience So make sure you use those rooms as needed if you need to be baptized Please let us know you can let us know on your communication card that you'd like to Information about being baptized and we'll follow up with you in regards to that. You'll notice there in the announcements We had a lot of stuff going on for the Red Hot Preaching Conference Of course, we have pastor Anderson preach on Sunday morning pastor burzins on Sunday night and all these things The luncheon and the fellowship all that went well tonight We have pastor Oscar Bogart from Calvary Hope Baptist Church in Cape Town South Africa and he's gonna be preaching for us tonight for our midweek service So we're glad that you are here for that. Make sure you encourage him and make sure you You know say hello to him, of course if you haven't already after the service so we are honored to have pastor Bogart preaching for us tonight and Just there in the bullet to want you to be aware that the BBC choir Is going to begin practice for family and friend day on this coming Sunday, July 30th at 5 p.m Alright, so this Sunday, July 30th at 5 p.m. Family and friend day, and we've got other things there ladies weight loss accountability group They are meeting on Wednesdays at 615. You can check for your upcoming cleaning crew. There's other things there Of course Please don't forget to turn your cell phones off or place them on silent during the service so that they're not a distraction to anybody If you look at the back of the bulletin birthdays and anniversaries for the month of July this week We had miss Sandra Gibbs birthday on July 23rd Miss Gina academia's birthday on July 23rd and miss Laura Beth Pompa's birthday on July 23rd And then later this week tomorrow we have for the Edgar and miss Selena de Dios anniversary on July 27th And brother Jose Cruz and brother RJ Marin both have a birthday on July 28th Praise report money matters all of those things are there for you to look at I do have just a couple of announcements real quickly If you would not mind first birth announcement And we want to announce that Catalina Morales was born on July 20th and she weighs six pounds seven ounces and she was 19 inches long and both baby and mother are doing well. So congratulations, of course to Brother Renee and miss Kiki Morales on the birth of their baby and of course want to provide meals for them So if you would like to sign up to bring them a meal Please see my wife after the service and she'll have the sign-up sheet. So make sure you See her after the service for that to sign up to bring a meal to Renee and Kiki Morales then just had a baby and I praise the Lord for that and then just real quickly I want to go ahead and pass out the prayer sheet And if you did not receive a prayer list on Wednesday night just go ahead and raise your hand and I'm gonna ask the ushers if they would not mind Helping me to get this out. We are not gonna go through the prayer sheet tonight We're gonna skip it tonight to give pastor Bogart All the time available for him to be able to preach but I do want you to have it so if you do not have a prayer sheet, please raise your hand and And let us know so that we can get that for you we're not we're not gonna go through it tonight We want you to have it. And of course you can pray for it at home and just be in prayer for a couple things Of course, we have several families that are out Every year after the Red Hot Preaching Conference. We have people that are that are sick Of course when you put 400 people in a building people are gonna get sick So just be in prayer for the different families We have a hundred and sixty three in church tonight, which is still a great a good number for a midweek service But we've got several families that are out So just be in prayer for them and if you would I don't have a lot of information that I can give out But I asked that you would be in prayer for Pastor Anderson Who's having a medical problem and just keep him in prayer if you would and you can add him to the prayer sheet We're not gonna go through the prayer list, but please just keep him in prayer Regarding that I think that's it for all of the announcements. So we're gonna go ahead and Sing page number 86 as we prepare to receive the offering this evening page number 86 in the garden And we'll say I come to the garden alone Page number 86 as we prepare to receive the offering this evening Let's go ahead and sing it out on the first I Come to the garden alone While the dew is still on the Roses and the voice I hear falling on The Son of God Discloses and He walks with me and he talks with me And the joy we share as we carry there None other No page number 86 sing it out on the second he speaks sound of his voice Is so sweet the bird touch they're singing And the melody that he gave To me Within My heart Is Ringing And He walks With me And he talks With me He tells Me I am His own And The joy We share As we Tarry there None other Has ever Known Good sing it out on the last I just stay In the garden Within Though The night Around me Be Falling But he bids Me go Through the voice Of woe His voice To me Is calling And He walks With me And he talks With me And he tells Me I am His own And the joy We share As we Tarry there None other Has ever Known Amen good singing We'll have the guys come up and help us with the offering at this time We're going to go ahead and pray And we'll receive the offering We'll have the reading of the text And then Pastor Bogart's going to preach for us tonight And though we aren't Going through the prayer sheet I would like for us to take a moment and just have a special prayer For Pastor Anderson My wife and I were actually scheduled to play tennis with him this morning And Brother Ray called And the other guy called And the other guy called And Brother Ray called And he had to cancel So we'll just keep him in prayer if you would And let's go ahead and bow our heads and have a word of prayer Heavenly Father, Lord we Come to you tonight asking For our dear friend Pastor Anderson Lord we pray that you would help him at this time Lord we pray that you would help him to get better And Lord we ask that you put your healing hand over him And help him to be able to Get all the things done that he needs to get done And Lord we also pray for Our church families Several families that are not feeling well And Lord asking that you would Heal them and help them to feel better soon Lord we pray that you would meet with us tonight We pray that you would bless the offering The gift and the giver And we ask that you would anoint Pastor Bogart of course With your Holy Spirit tonight As he preaches for us Lord I pray that he would be able to Speak to our hearts Lord And that we might learn and draw closer As a result of what we hear today In the matchless name of Christ we pray Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen 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Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Lord, as a baby, you will always think, I wonder, I wonder, I wonder. And I want to encourage each and every one of you, the family unit that God has created is holy. You need to take care of your family. You need to bring your family to the house of the Lord. I am so proud when I speak of my wife. I'm married for 30 years to one woman. And I am proud because I'm married the love of my life. Do we make mistakes? Yes, we do. But our marriage after 30 years is still work in progress. We're still working on it. And marriage is something that you work on every day of your life. You don't stop working on your marriage. You will have challenges in your marriage. I don't care how saved you are. You will have challenges in your marriage. But you never give up on marriage because that is what Satan wants us to do. He wants us to give up. The Bible says further in verse four of Psalm 127 verse, as arrows are in the Lord's mighty hand, so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them. They shall not be ashamed, but they will speak with the enemies in the gate. God also gave us as dads special responsibilities. And sometimes we get fathers that have sex and they walk in South Africa. We say they went to buy washing powder. They went to the shop and they never returned. And sadly, sadly we have a lot of them. But we as a church needs to guard the family and we need to keep it intact. That is why in the church we encourage that before you go into any sexual relationship that you need to know that you need to be married to the person that you're going to sleep with. You need to honor the person that you sleep with. You see to many people, sex is nothing. And they say, no, we are created to have sex. No, you are created to have sex in the bounds or in the circle of marriage. You should love one another. The Bible says happy is the man whose quiver is full of them. I wish I could have 10 children, but my wife will chase me. We have three children and I'm so proud of all three of my children. God has really blessed us. And in the area where we stay, we always have, we always have challenges. We have, we always have, we have to encourage our children a little bit more, do a bit better with your life. We have to push. We have to tell them, go forward, don't worry. Yeah, yeah, I believe that as dads we have a responsibility according to the Bible to command our families and our children in a godly manner. It is our responsibility as the father to command or to direct your children in a godly manner. This can only be done when a dad are saved. We need more dads who are saved. That means we need more soulliness. We need more dads who reach for the Bible instead of reaching for the beer bottle and for alcohol and for drugs. But who can do that? The minions of California, it's vast, but the laborers are very few. And we have a responsibility as a church to keep on going out. No matter if we are tired, no matter if we feel like giving up, we just need to try and share the gospel, go out, do what God wants us to do. On Saturday, really jet lag really kicked in and I said to Brother Oliver, Brother Oliver, I'm really, I can feel it. I'm not going to make it, but I made my duty while I was sitting in the foyer in the hotel to share the gospel with someone. And that person got saved. You see, so sometimes you can be tired, but you still can share the gospel with someone. The Bible says in Genesis 18, verse 19, for I know that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord. Your responsibility, Father, is to command or to lead your children in the ways of the Lord. Don't just bring them up in the ways of the Lord. I have heard a lot of people say, Bible says in Proverbs, we need to bring up our children. No, you need to lead your children in the ways of the Lord. You need to lead your children to the house of the Lord because we have a lot of dads that will sit back and relax and tell the children, you go to church. Children should say to their dad, no, you come with me to church because you made a commitment to God to bring me up in the house of the Lord. So it is my encouragement, like I said, in Genesis, we are actually commanded, the Bible commanded us as families to make the circle bigger. So whenever a family comes into the church and I see, yes, a big family comes into the church, then I have a smile on my face, and then I say, Lord, how I wish I could have another seven babies, how I wish. You see, the problem is a lot of people say, but I cannot afford it. You don't know that. You don't know that. You need to trust God. Yeah, but it's expensive to have babies. So what, it's expensive to eat. It's expensive to drive. It's expensive to do everything in life. So I say it again. It is our responsibility also to protect God's perfect plan for the family. And this plan is found in the beginning, in Genesis. Families are important to God, and we need to guard families. Do not neglect your family. Can I say that again? Never, ever neglect your family. Pastor, how am I neglecting a family? Many, many of God's pastors are guilty of neglecting their families for ministry or for the church. And it is sad because a lot of pastors end up in divorce courts because the church family has become more important than their own family. In my life, and this is a commitment that I've made to God, I said, Lord, it is first God, then my family, then the church and ministry. I make time for my family. And when I make time for my family, I switch off my phone. Nobody can get hold of me. If someone die, you can tell me later. Someone give birth, you can tell me later. But I need to have time with my family. Something that I've learned in the United States at Faithful World Baptist and here, it is how important families is. And we, our families are also sitting together now. Because I say to them, it's important that family should be together, even in church. The Bible says in Genesis 2 24, therefore man, therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and cleave unto his wife. And they shall be one in flesh. That is the beginning of a family. That is the beginning of a family. Therefore, man shall leave his mother and father and cleave unto his wife. And from there, the word is slipping my mind now, but from there onwards, we start to see babies, we start to see families being born because the man has left his mother and his father and cleave to his wife. That doesn't mean you cannot learn from mom and dad, you can, but they shouldn't be involved in your marriage. They shouldn't be involved in your marriage because a godly family, number one, the father will always know his place in the family. The Bible says in Ephesians, the Bible teaches and it says, giving thanks to God, that's Ephesians 5, he says, giving thanks always for all things unto God the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Submitting yourselves to one another in the fear of the Lord. Now many, many fathers or many men are under the false impression that they can control their wives. That is not what the Bible says. The Bible says that you need to submit to one another. In other words, you need to honor one another. In other words, you need to love one another. You need to take care of one another. And he says, wives, submit yourselves unto your own husband. I don't know if it's happening in America, but it's happening in South Africa, where wives have more respect for pastors than their own husbands. I have a policy in our church, I tell ladies in our church straight to their face, if you don't respect your husband, you don't come in here and respect me. Go respect your husband at home first. Pastor, but you won't understand. He's always drunk, he's always doing that. You married him. Your parents warned you about him. Your parents told you, if you're going to marry this guy, this guy's going to give you endless problem, but yet you chose to marry him. So why don't you sit with what you married? Oh pastor, you must come and speak to my husband. He's an adult, why must I speak to him? You should pray to God. You should learn how to submit to your husband. The Bible says that Sarah called Abram, Lord. Do you know my wife married 30 years, 30 years and I'm so proud of, I love my wife, so I have a reason. Do you know, 30 years till this day, my wife won't bring me a cup of coffee without placing it on a sauce in a tray. My wife won't bake me an egg when she has a pajamas in her gown and she will prepare herself because my wife knows how to submit and I know how to love. And if we do that, and if we understand one another with that, and then because she submit, I submit. And because I love, she loves and we appreciate one another so much. Wife submit to your own husband as unto the Lord. Really a good question that I want to ask. Who do you really submit to? Your husband or the pastor or church leadership? Yes, you need to respect pastor. Yes, you need to respect church leadership. But if you cannot submit to your husband at home, forget about submitting to your pastor here because respect starts at home, not in church. He says, for the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church and he's the savior of the body, therefore as his church is subject unto Christ, so let the wife be to their own and I repeat it again, to their own. Let me stutter for a second, to their own, to their own husbands in everything. Wives, sometimes it's difficult because if there is one person that can angers me the quickest is my wife. She just knows how to press the right buttons. She has a perfect plan and she's executing it perfectly. But you know what? Do you know what? When we love each other, we no longer get angry at one another, we address the issue. And then the Bible says, husbands, love your wife. And there's where it actually should stop. Don't look at other women. Even when you're away from home, at office, one thing that I've noticed of these Americans, they have a problem with dressing modestly. I'm not talking about people in the church. I'm talking about in the hotel where I stay. Young people, six o'clock in the morning, walking half-naked, they have no respect for their own bodies and I said to myself, what type of parent allow a child to come out of a room half-naked? What type of parent allow that? It's because this is the impression that the world wants to give us. They are happy. Look there, the girl's hair are dyed blue and green and white and whatever you call it. The mother looks like a map because she's tattooed all over. The father looks like King Kong and they give you the impression that they are a happy family. If you cannot dress your children at home, you cannot be happy because if a man looks at my daughter and he sees my daughter as a sex object, that is my fault, especially when my daughter goes out. I am not on my guard. I'm not guarding my children because I'm exposing my children to the wicked world. If you tell your children to dress up modestly, I don't care what my children wears when they're at home but as soon as you step out of my house, my youngest daughter told me, Dad, you're very old-fashioned. I said, yeah, that's why I'm still married to your mom. You see, so we need to love husbands and I don't want to go further, love your wives. No explanation needed to it. When you brought your wife to the pastor or to your family, you said, Mom, this is a person that I love. This is a person that I adore. This is a person that I want to spend my life with. You're married not even for a year then you want to leave her. You disrespect her within a year but you forget the first year of marriage, or the first seven years of marriage, that is a time where you start to know each other. You're bonding with one another. You see, the reason why the Bible says that we need to, husbands loves your wife, because God doesn't want us to live in any adulterous relationships with anyone. Adultery in any relationship bring dishonor. And the Bible says in Hebrews 13, for marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled, but warmongers and adulterers God will judge. Please, please, please don't get me wrong. Churches today, I don't say this church, but churches today are filled with warmongers, adulterous relationships. Always be careful, always be on your God. The Bible says that, I've got enough accounts, but we always be on the lookout. I see daily the parable of Luke 6, 14 taking place in the lives of families. Some are sensible enough to build their house and the families on the rock or the solid foundation called Jesus Christ, while others build their house on wickedness, while others build their house on the entertainment of this world, while others build their house of, I don't need to go to church. I will do this on YouTube. The pastor will be on YouTube. There's nothing better than sitting in a church listening to the word of God. Nothing better. The Bible says in Luke 6 verse 47 to 49, Whosoever cometh to me and yeareth my saying, he does them. I will show you to whom he is like. He is like a man which build his house and dig deep and lay the foundation on a rock. And when the flood comes and the stream, beat, ah, good Lord. Okay, upon the house and could not shake it, for it was founded to be on a solid rock. Your household, is your household built on the rock called Jesus? Or are you guys are sinking sand? And sadly, many people in the church, the houses are built on sinking sand. I want to encourage you, whatever you do, always guard your family. Amen. The only way for you to guard your family is from man number one. And I start with the man, because the man is very important to love his family. Amen. Unconditionally. Yeah, but pastor, you don't understand. I have teenage daughters. Yeah, I have this. I've been there. I've done it, it's gone. When my daughter wanted to take over my house, I put out, go, go. My wife said, Abba, this is the girl. I said to her, I'm the husband of the house. I chucked her out of my house. She went to stay with my sister. And while staying with my sister, she realized there's nothing as better than the house of my mom and my dad. And she pleaded for months before I allowed her to come back. And when she came back, I lay down my rules again. And I said to her, we go to church, we do soul winning. This is what we do. This is what we do. And you know what she said? Dad, I'm sorry for everything that I've done. I will do it. Today, I am proud. Sometimes we just need to show them who's the boss. Sometimes you just need to show them if they say, I wanna move out. Wish me luck as I wave you goodbye. Cheerio, yeah, I go on my way. That is my attitude towards a child that comes and tell me I wanna go, bye-bye. You see, and when you move out, don't let the door hit you on the way, please. You see, because I'm the father in the house. I love my wife. I love my children. And if my children disrespect and dishonor me, I will show them by being strict. I'm a strict dad. And I love my children. And I love my wife. But that doesn't mean I'm going to allow them to walk over me. One of the first thing that Fags wants to do today, they want to come and break up your family. Watch out beyond the God. Sometimes a fact that's in your family will come and he wants to come into your house and he wants to sit in your house. Why do you allow him in your house? He decided that he wanted to be a reprobate. Put him out of your house. Doesn't belong in your house. It doesn't belong among your children. I passed about you very hard. Ah, that is me. Do you know one day a friend of mine, he had a funeral and he passed on and he was the elder in his church pastor, not the elder, his son passed away. And he asked me, pastor, please come help me with a sermon. And because he knows on my stance on homosexuality and the elders, the elder in the church, his son was a Fag. And he was the one that passed away. And he asked me, I said to him, no problem, I will come and help you. This is the time for me, I said to myself, to preach to all these Fags and tell them they're going to hell. You know, the morning before the funeral, I receive an urgent call, pastor, don't worry to come. I ask him, why not? No, he has a lot of Fags at the church and I know it's not going to turn out good. You see, because we need to take a stance, even if it's our children. As a family, we need our children or we want our family to be strong and be blessed in whatever we do. We need to become doers of the word of God. How do we become doers of the word of God? If God says that no to Fags, no to homosexuality, whether they are your family or not, they're not welcome. That is me. They call me, in South Africa, I'm called a hate preacher. Why? Because I will put my own family out of the church if it's a Fag and I don't care what people have to say about me. Because who am I to say that person can be saved when the Bible says God has rejected him? He's dead already and people don't want to understand that. Oh, pastor, where's your love? What love? I've got a lot of love because the love inside of me is protecting your children. That's why I'm chasing you out. Let me just give you this brief testimony. One day we had a Fag that came into the church or transgender, whatever you call it, and I didn't know that the queer person was in the church. And one of the elder ladies in the church came to me and said, pastor, now we call them, two words, we call them a Mophie or a Bani. And a Mophie, according to them, is a derogatory term, but they call each other Mophies. But if I call them a Mophie, I'm taken to court. And she came to me and she says to me, pastor, that is a Fag, I got up, I'm protecting my family, I'm guarding your family, I'm guarding my family as a man of God, as my responsibility. I got up and I walked to that Fag and I put him out of the church. Put him out of the church. And I said to him, if you ever come back to the church, God is gonna deal with you. The following week, I think I was in Arizona, here the Fag is there again. I'm in the US, the Fag is in church, and I still need to train up a lot of guys that have the guts that what I have. And the one elder gets up and he puts him out of the church. Go, you don't belong here. And he walks down the road on his way home and he's killed by a bus. Not, oh, yeah! He's killed by a bus. And they called me and they told me, you know that guy? He's killed. They say they're waiting for you for the funeral. I say they wait until they die, I'm on my way to Switzerland. But what I'm trying to say, we need to take a stand. You see, if you guard your family, you will not allow anything to happen to them. You will protect your family at all cost. You will do what you need to do to protect your family. And let me be quite honest with you, the agenda of this Fag is to infiltrate families, to infiltrate schools. Why do they want to be there? Why? That's because they know that our children, they can get to the mindset of our children. They are going to confuse our children. Friend, we need to become doers of the word of God. From the elders to the youngest in our family and our foundation should be strong in God. Our adversary, the devil will always try to destroy what we are trying to build up, but we need to know one thing with God on our side, nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing, can pluck us from the hands of God. If you want to be a part of God's family, receive the free gift of eternal life, we should do the will of God. And Pastor Steven Anderson said, now the other morning, so nicely, we should try to live righteously. Many of us, after we are saved, we are under the impression we can do what we want to do and then they say, we once saved, always saved, so God is not going to worry with you. You need to live righteously, my brother and sister. You need to live in the will of God. You need to pray with your family. You have a responsibility to build your house on the foundation called Jesus Christ. You need to love your wife. Wife, you need to love your own husband and from there onwards, you will see there's some sort of a foundation. We ought to walk in godly wisdom. The Bible says in Proverbs 4, verse one, he says, every wise woman buildeth her house, but a foolish plucketh it down. With her own hands. In other words, but a foolish woman destroys her own house. We need wise men and wise women in the house and in this house. We need wise women to go out with their husbands and preach the gospel. We need wise people. We need to walk wisely. We need to walk righteously with God. Do everything in your power to protect your family. Take care of your family because the enemy is out to destroy your family. This is no longer just a battle that you think it's between me and that fag or between me and that. This has become a spiritual family. And just imagine if they can have one of our children who turns out to be like a lesbian or a homo, just think how they're going to rejoice. I almost told you that. They've cursed me many a times and said to me, your son is going to turn out to be a homo. My son hates homos. So do everything in your power. First Timothy five says, but if any provide not for his own and especially for those of his own house, he has denied the faith and his worth than an infidel. You need to take care of your family. You need to guard your family. Guard your family with your life, whatever it takes. Pastor, are you telling me to go out and to go kill? I never said that. I said, guard your godly family. Because your family is godly, the devil is going to attack. You see, whatever God tries to build, Satan tries to destroy. And if you try to build a godly family, the devil is going to try to destroy you and destroy your family. But you will never be able to destroy you and your family because your house is built on a solid foundation. You are a man of God that goes out, win souls for the Lord, you come to church, you bring your family to church. You see, my son is 10 years old. And when he sees a fact, he says, he don't want to look at a fact because that's what I teach him. I teach him the right way. The Bible says in Proverbs 18, 22, who so findeth a wife, findeth a good thing. We are lucky, not lucky. Luck is for gamblers, we are blessed. We are blessed. When we have a good wife, we are blessed. We should appreciate them. We should, once in a while, we should take them out. We should spoil them. I do it once a month, twice a month with my wife. I say to her, come, let's go have a cup of coffee. Come let us have some time for each other. And you know what? That only builds our relationship stronger, stronger and stronger. The Bible says to the children here, as I'm concluding, the Bible says, Exodus 12, 20, honor thy father and thy mother, children. Never forget to honor them. You will never know what a parent's going through to give you an education. You will never know what a parent is going through to put food on the table. You will never know everything that the dad and the mom have to endure perhaps while they are at work in order for you to have a meal tonight. And sometimes as we grow up, we take advantage because we think it must be like that. You need to honor your parents. But the Bible says, if you honor your parents so that your days may be long, God wants to bless you. I'm still going to be an old man because I honored my father and my mother. I believe in that. The covert couldn't kill me. So this is my encouragement. Let us guard the godly family. Let us pray for the godly family. Let us live and walk righteously and in wisdom as a godly family. Do not allow the enemy to point a finger at you. Do, you will never be able to do good enough for everyone. But you do the best and you stay in the Bible. You stay in scripture. If the Bible says love, love. If you preach about love, preach about the love, but never forget to preach about the wrath of God as well. You need to, you need to. You need to protect your family. You need to love your family. Never forget, my parting words for this year, never forget to pray with your children. Never forget that, never. I love my wife. My wife, my daughter's 29 years old, the eldest one. And my wife makes sure that she prays before she goes out of the house. And I don't want to say how many times my eldest daughter, but mommy, I'm late for work. You pray. That's a policy. Don't let your children run out to school or to wherever they go to go to a party, come to church without praying for your children. Because the enemy is like a roaring lion, the Bible says, and he wants to destroy our families. If we are not on God, if we are not on God, the enemy is going to trap each and every one of us. My prayer of my heart is that this family verity, besides guarding this family, go guard your family at home. Besides honoring this pastor on your husband at home. You see, that is where it all starts. The real church doesn't start here. This is where, this is a filling station where we fill you up spiritually, but the real church starts at home with your family. Your neighbors having to look at you and say, that is a godly family. That is a family that I want to look up to. Any person in my street, you can ask them, actually, couple of kilometers away, then they tell you, no, Pastor Bogart is staying there and he's staying there and he's staying there. Because you know what? I'm trying to live a godly life. I try my best. Do I make mistakes? Yes, of course I do. But you know what? If I live a godly life, I'm going to give godly instructions to my family. And if my family is godly, their friends is going to be godly. They are looking for the solution for crime in our country. And I say to them, you want to police crime, you need to get the family back together, back to God. And then we are going to get a safer community because a godly family is a family that prays for a community. And that family and that community will be so much better. Let us bow our heads and pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you for this day. Father, we love you and thank you for this lesson that we could learn today. To guard our families at all costs. Father, we know that people is not always going to be satisfied with the way that we are preaching and what we are saying. But we need to pray the truth. We need to preach the truth. We need to live righteously and walk in wisdom. I pray each and every family here start to guard their families from today onwards. In Jesus' name, amen. Ladies and gentlemen, song books, page number 15. Page number 15. We're going to sing Lead Me to Calvary. ["Lead Me to Calvary"] Page number 15. And let's sing it out on the first. King of my life, I crown thee now. Thine child of glory be. Lest I forget thine thorn, crown, brow. Lead me to Calvary. Lest I forget Gethsemane. Lest I forget thine agony. Lest I forget thy love for me. Lead me to Calvary. Sing it out on the second. Show me the tomb where thou wast laid. Tenderly morn and wept. Angels in robes of light arrayed. Guarded whilst thou slept. Lest I forget Gethsemane. Lest I forget thine agony. Lest I forget thy love for me. Lead me to Calvary. Let's sing it out on the third. Let me, like Mary, through the gloom, come with a gift to thee. Show to me now the empty tomb. Lead me to Calvary. Lest I forget Gethsemane. Lest I forget thine agony. Lest I forget thy love for me. Lead me to Calvary. May I be willing, Lord, to bear. Failing my cross for thee. Even thy cup of grief to share. Thou hast borne all for me. Lest I forget Gethsemane. Lest I forget thine agony. Lest I forget thy love for me. Lead me to Calvary. Great singing. Amen. Well, thank you, Pastor Bogart, for being with us tonight. Make sure you thank him and appreciate him. He's gonna be going back to South Africa tomorrow and be in prayer for him because, you know, he's dealing with a lot of persecution there. And of course, he's dealing with the courts and they're trying to, it's illegal to preach the Bible there. And so just be in prayer for him. He's got a lot of things he's dealing with regarding that. And so we appreciate you being here and praise the Lord for him. Just wanna remind you a couple of things. First of all, don't forget, please see my wife to sign up to bring a meal for Renee and Kiki Morales. They just had their babies. We wanna, of course, be a blessing to them and make sure that you see her after the service for that. I appreciate your faithfulness. We had 170 in church tonight, so praise the Lord for that. I know last week was a tough week and a tiring week when we've got several families that aren't feeling well. Just be in prayer for the church family. And of course, just remember that we're back to our normal schedule, Saturday morning, soul winning, and all those normal things. So just be back in schedule for that. I would ask that you'd be in prayer for me. I'll be preaching at Sure Foundation Baptist Church on Friday night for their five-year anniversary. I'll be back for the weekend services and for the weekend, but be in prayer for that. If there's anything we can do for you, please let us know. And please make sure you go by and see my wife to sign up to bring meals for Renee and Kiki. I'm gonna ask for the Moses if he would not mind dismissing us with a word of prayer. Let's close on a word of prayer. Father God, thank you this church, Lord. Thank you for Pastor Bogart and his sermon. I pray that I would remember to love and protect our families, pray that you'd keep us safe until we meet again, in Jesus' name I pray, amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.