(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Man well it's great to be here at the Red Hot Preaching Conference this morning I'm preaching here out of Titus chapter 2 and just to bring you up to speed a little bit with the context this is part of what's known as the pastoral epistles where the Apostle Paul is writing to his young proteges in the ministry Timothy and Titus and in this passage in particular he says in verse number one but speak thou the things which become sound doctrine but I want to kind of give you the context of what that statement means right before that he had been talking about a bunch of false prophets false teachers heretics he said in chapter 1 verse 5 he said for this cause left I thee in Crete that thou should have said in order the things that are wanting and ordained elders in every city as I had appointed thee and the reason why it's so important that elders be ordained in Crete is because according to verse 10 there there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers especially they have the circumcision and so he talks about how there are all these false prophets they need to be called out we need to be preaching against them we need pastors in every city that will preach sound doctrine and put to shame these phony false prophets and it's very similar in the book of first Timothy as well he says I left you at Ephesus so that you would charge these guys that they would not teach other doctrine and so he left Titus in Crete he left Timothy in Ephesus and the emphasis is on shutting the mouths of false prophets now at the end of chapter 1 in Titus with that in mind he says in verse 16 about these false prophets these heretics he said they profess that they know God but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient and unto every good work reprobate and so what he's saying here is that not only are these heretics corrupt in their beliefs and corrupt in their doctrine but they have a corrupt lifestyle that matches their wrong doctrine right wrong teaching and wrong lifestyle go hand in hand and in fact if you study your Bible what you'll find out is that the heretics and false prophets of this world are literally reprobates the vast majority of the time maybe even all the time because the Bible is just constantly putting false teachers in the same category with sodomites and reprobates and things like that so he's saying look they have the wicked works the wicked lifestyle maybe not in their public persona they profess that they know God but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient and under every good work reprobate okay so that's the false prophets but then we get to chapter 2 verse 1 he says but you Titus speak thou the things which become sound doctrine so he's saying look Titus I don't want you only to have the right doctrine but I also want you to have the right lifestyle to match the right doctrine just as the heretics have the wickedness to match their bad doctrine we as Christians need to have the right living to match our good doctrine you see all throughout this chapter Titus chapter 2 it's all about the way that we live our lives I'm talking about just our everyday lives man woman boy and girl hey I'm glad that you have crossed all the doctrinal T's and dotted all the doctrinal I's I'm glad you've got the end times prophecy right you got your salvation doctrine right you got the doctrine of God right but God wants you to live a lifestyle every day Monday Tuesday Wednesday that matches that good doctrine speak thou the things which become which means they're suitable or they're appropriate for or they match up with sound doctrine what are those things they're about how we live our lives that's what the whole rest of the chapter is about so let's get into this he says first of all in verse 2 here are some of the lifestyle things that we need to have to match the good doctrine he starts out talking to the aged men and he's going to talk to old men young men old women young women he says that the aged men be sober grave temperate sound in faith and charity and patience now if you look at those first three words sober grave temperate in many ways these are just kind of three words for the same thing I mean it's almost a little bit redundant the Apostle Paul's basically thinking of every word in his vocabulary for this idea of sobriety now as we go through this you're going to find that the central theme for all four groups old young male female is sobriety he starts out saying the old men need to be sober then he says that the old women need to teach the young women to be sober and then he says tell the young men to be sober sober sober sober the central focus is sober both of the bookends are sober what does it mean to be sober well obviously this includes an absence of alcohol because right before he tells the older women to teach the younger women to be sober he says that they not be given to much wine so that they can teach the young women to be sober a lot of people try to say this word sober has nothing to do with abstaining from alcohol but what kind of a bozo thinks that a person who's drinking is sober that doesn't even make sense you know well I you know I saw what that means obviously it means more than just abstinence from alcohol but wouldn't that be kind of a good place to start being sober like how about I didn't drink so at least I got that going for me now maybe I can work on other levels of sobriety but what does it mean to be sober well think about what the Bible says be sober be vigilant right because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour so sober has to do with being awake alert paying attention thinking clearly everything that goes away when people are drinking alcohol right what does grave mean grave means serious what does temperate mean it means that you have yourself under control now stop and think about this why would the old man the aged man be told hey you need to be sober grave and temperate because of the fact that old people can tend to stop taking life seriously they can start to get relaxed in their old age which is the exact opposite of being sober and vigilant they could start to just sort of relax their Christianity relax their standards of morality relax their Christian living and you know when people are young they tend to have a lot of zeal for God be excited and doing stuff and then the tendency as you get older is to stop taking your Christian walk seriously and sort of just relax a little bit and just coast like well my life's almost over you know whatever who cares and what's the number one attribute of people that are drunk or smoking pot they kind of just stop caring about things and they're just kind of like and you know what don't be that way spiritually just because you're old like well I'm old it doesn't matter hey you know what if you're old today why don't you still take the Word of God seriously take the Christian life seriously be sober be vigilant be alert hey why don't you finish strong in the Christian life and not just relax and it blows me away to see old people today going to liberal watered-down churches it doesn't make sense because they grew up in a time where those kind of churches didn't even exist it makes way more sense for old people to be in an old-fashioned King James Bible pulpit pounding leather long Baptist Church because that's what they grew up with you know they they grew up in a world where this kind of church and this kind of preaching was normal and then all of a sudden you see them defecting over to these watered-down liberal fund centers I'll tell you why because they don't care because they're relaxing because they're not taking their Christian life seriously anymore they're more focused on other things in their life church is kind of an afterthought so hey let's just go to the one that's close or let's just go wherever you know instead of saying hey is it King James hey is the doctrine right hey is this a fundamentalist Baptist Church or what that matters to them when they were younger but now all of a sudden they're relaxed no why don't you aged men today and I'm of course I'm preaching the ones who did show up at the Red Hot Preaching Conference but you know we all need to hear these things again and again hey you aged men be sober about your Christian life be grave take it seriously be temperate okay temperance makes me think of being an athlete right having self-control training yourself having rules for yourself having character not just getting sloppy slovenly and relaxed because that to me is the opposite of sober grave temperate slovenly sloppy relaxed drowsy don't care that's not what we need today in our aged elder old heads and so the aged man need to be sober grave temperate sound in faith in charity in patience right they need to be an example to the young people hey if you're old today why don't you pass on the godliness and the Christianity that you grew up with why don't you pass on that legacy to the next generation instead of just wasting your your Twilight years or whatever they're called the aged women likewise the Bible says that they be in behavior as becometh holiness now we have the same word becoming right becoming means it's it's attractive it's appropriate it's pleasant it fits it's suitable right if someone said you know that hairstyle is very becoming or that dress is very becoming on you it means it suits you it looks good on you hey we need a lifestyle that looks good on good doctrine that matches up that fits that's appropriate and so we need to have the sobriety gravity and temperance that matches good doctrine as men as we get older and then the aged women they need to be in behavior has become as holiness they need to have a life that is appropriate fitting pleasing that goes with being holy what does it mean to be holy it means to be sanctified to be set apart to be a peculiar people not to just be exactly like whatever the world is doing out there but to be holy unto the Lord right and so their behavior should match that holiness he says not false accusers not given to much wine and teachers of good things now why did he tell them not to be false accusers because as women get older they could begin to have more time on their hands because when they're young they're busy taking care of their husband taking care of their children but you know as the kids grow up guess what they don't require as much work as they mom I hope I don't require as much work as I used to require from you right I mean I'm sure my mom worries about me sometimes and and and gets a little nervous about some of the things that I do but I guarantee you that my mom had a lot more work when I was a little kid or when I was a teenager then she does right now being my mom because as you get older as one you get to just enjoy your kids and your grandkids but you have more free time than you did when you're that young mother and you got a five-year-old and a three-year-old and a one-year-old you don't have any time right you're you're you're dealing with laundry and dishes the kids everything but you know the aged women as they get older they have a little more time on their hands and God wants them to make sure that they're using that time for the right things not becoming a busy body not just like oh I was extra time so now I'm just gonna be gossiping and getting in on the latest scuttlebutt and I gotta find out you know the latest scandal about sister so-and-so and brother hey did you hear about so-and-so and here's where the false accusing comes in is that inevitably when you're just constantly talking about unsavory things about other people when you're being a busy body about other men's matters when you're constantly gossiping and trying to get in on all of people's personal drama and family drama and relationship drama and all that scuttlebutt inevitably facts are gonna get wrong that's just the nature of being a tailbearer the nature of being a back biter a gossip is that even if you're trying to get facts right facts just end up getting wrong because it's also cloak and dagger it's also you know hush and whisper and hey you know I mean I heard from so-and-so you know and pretty soon you just start getting facts wrong and people start getting falsely accused of a bunch of stuff that they didn't even do because you're gossiping because you're being a tailbearer and so God's saying hey the aged women should not get in on the slander and the scuttlebutt and the gossiping you know they need to be busy doing the right things investing in the next generation being a teacher of good things and you know what I've noticed also that older women tend to get into drinking and man if you go to this store I used to do fire alarms at a store called total wine and more I never saw the more because it just seemed like it was just total wine is what that place seemed like to me apparently they had something somewhere in that store that wasn't booze maybe they smell like more liquor I don't know so I would do the fire alarms at total wine and more and everybody there was ancient it was just all old people just old people just filling carts with booze just old dudes old ladies and it just seems like every old woman out there just you know when they're not living for the Lord they just end up drinking wine out of a cardboard box for the rest of their life and you know what that's not what God has put you on this earth to do to just discover the joy of drinking in your old age you know that now that the kids are out of the house I can just drink wine out of a cardboard box and whatever hey what a way to end your life don't be given too much wine don't be a slanderer a false accuser getting caught up in gossip being a busy body you know why don't you be a teacher of good things because you have wisdom and life experience that needs to be passed on to the next generation so instead of drinking away your brain cells and gossiping your life away and inevitably whether on purpose or accidentally slandering people why don't you be a teacher of good things what do they need to teach it says in verse number four then that they may teach the young women to be sober wow there it is again to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chaste keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the Word of God be not blasphemed now when the Bible says here to teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children you know what this means don't spend your old age being bitter about men or something you know you got old ladies out there that you know they've just been burned too many times and so they teach their young women hey you gotta stand up for yourself don't you be a doormat you gotta stand up to him and you gotta just take what you want it's like no why don't you teach them to love their husbands and not to have a cynical view toward the opposite gender and you know what I promised that I wouldn't talk about Andrew Tate this morning but I but you know he teaches men to hate women and you know what but then there are all these women out there like teaching women to hate men and it seems like the devil just wants men hating women and women hating men he wants black people to hate white people and white people hate black people you know God wants or God wants us to love one another you know and God looks at this world as like saved and unsaved you know in the kingdom of God and outside of the faith you know those are the kind of dichotomies that we should see the world but yet the devil wants us to divide over all the wrong things and he wants men bitter toward women and women bitter you know don't become some bitter old hag just telling your daughter your daughter-in-law your granddaughter you know the dangers of men and then you know the evils of men or you know and because this can go both ways don't become like this female Andrew Tate or something and by the way it just I'm sorry I already opened the door now if you like Andrew Tate at all you're an idiot okay like if you like Andrew Tate this much if you literally just even if you just like well he says a few good things you know what you're just saying I'm an idiot in a few areas because no he doesn't say any good things he doesn't teach anything right he doesn't say anything right and you're just showing how stupid you are if you fall for that piece of crap for one second that evil human trafficking pimping piece of garbage he's so super incredibly wicked I can't even and if you like him at all you're just showing how either you're an idiot or you're carnal or you're wicked or whatever I don't know what's wrong with you slap yourself in the face and just never listen to him again that has nothing to do with the sermon and I wasn't gonna do that but you know the Spirit of the Lord came upon me what can I say you know I felt the Lord's leading to tell you that because you know what I'm telling you people are deceived today it's incredible but you know we can flip that over you know yeah we don't want to be misogynistic or woman hating but you know what we don't want to be man hating either you know because God made us male and female and we're to love one another and not to get all bitter and angry you know we need some wives that love their husbands today and we need some old ladies who support the younger generation of wives pushing them toward loving their husbands and loving their children and not having a cynical or negative view toward their husbands or how to manipulate their husbands or get what they want out of their husband no no how to be a kind loving godly wife to love their husband and you know I remember growing up with this preaching like you know the Bible never tells women to love their husband it's like okay well thank you for revealing that you don't know the Bible very well because it's called Titus chapter 2 where women are commanded to love their husbands and to love their children to be discreet chaste keepers home now what does it mean to be discreet you know what it means to be discreet having discretion it means you know what's appropriate to talk about and what isn't okay and you know what that means that means you don't get together and talk about what goes on in your bedroom with other women because that is supposed to be kept private and that is wicked to just reveal all of these things about your love life as a married woman that is something that is totally off limits and if you had discretion you would know that you know not to talk about inappropriate things bedroom things sleazy type topics outside of marriage you just need to know what is appropriate to talk about as a woman and what isn't and obviously men shouldn't be revealing what goes on in their bedroom either because that is supposed to be kept private chaste obviously chastity has to do with purity right God doesn't want us committing fornication or adultery he says teach them to love their husbands love their children to be discreet chaste keepers at home right taking care of their house running the household and then it just I love this one just good good teach them to be good now that might seem like just kind of like man is the Apostle Paul trying to hit a word count here you know and just kind of like be good you know he's like you know good let me tell you let me tell you why I like this word good okay you know it kind of reminds me of in the book of Acts forgive me if I get this wrong but I want to say it's it's Silas where the Bible says you know he was a good man and and he was a good man and much people was added to the Lord you know through him I'm just kind of paraphrasing that but I know I have one word of that right good now here's the thing you know it's easy for us as independent fundamentalist Baptist who we are really serious about having the right doctrine and we are really serious about the truth and the Word of God and getting it right to the letter and we want to have our prophecy doctrine right we want to have our salvation doctrine right doctrines of God doctrines of the Word of God I mean we are pretty strict on doctrine and it's pretty easy for us to maybe take pride in the fact that we have such good purity of doctrine and right beliefs and our beliefs are just so on point but then to not really just focus on being a good person you know what I mean because you can have all the right doctrine and then you don't have the things that become sound doctrine you don't have the things that adorn the doctrine because just a little bit later in the same chapter he says in verse number 10 not prolonging but showing all good fidelity that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior and all things you know yeah let's have the right doctrine but let's adorn that doctrine with the life that matches the doctrine it's called being a good person and make no mistake about it if you're a bad wife you're a bad Christian if you're a bad mother you're a bad Christian okay if you're a bad employee you're being a bad Christian because being a Christian is all about being a good mother a good wife a good husband a good father a good employee it's about being a good person look having the right doctrine is supposed to make you a better person and if it's not making you a good person you're doing it wrong that's why the Bible says here in verse number 11 for the grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared to all men hey if anybody understands that salvation is by grace it's the people in this room we're not trying to add works to salvation we're not trying to take a little bit of credit for our salvation smuggle in some works through the back door of like well you know you got to repent of your sins and you know you can't just live however you want you know yeah no no we know it's a free gift it's by grace that we're saved through faith and that not of ourselves the gift of God not of works let's any man should boast we know that salvation is totally by grace but you know the grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared to all men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly right there it is again this he just can't stop talking about being sober soberly righteously and godly in this present world so yes I'm glad that we all understand that there are absolutely no works required for salvation and that salvation is a free gift purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ it's his death barrel and resurrection that saves us not by works of righteousness that we have done but according to his mercy he saved us but that grace of God should teach us should teach us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts not because we have to to go to heaven but we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world we should we absolutely should and you know that's what it's supposed to teach us you know he laid down his life for us we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren we're supposed to look at Christ and say okay he gave us an example that we should follow in his steps yes being saved by Christ is the most important thing but once we're saved God wants us to do good works right we're not saved by works but he says this God has created us and sorry I'm let me back up in and get this right for by grace are you saved through faith and then not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works thus any man should boast for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God has before ordained that we should walk in them so yeah after we're saved God wants us to be good people and that the Word of God and the right doctrine going to church reading our Bible praying walking in the Spirit singing praise to God all of this should ultimately make us a better person in our daily lives we should be better people and you know what I do not believe that I will change this world I don't think that anybody is gonna change the world but you know what I do believe is that I can kind of change my world you know I think about the song brighten the corner where you are we all have our little area in this world we've got our circle of friends we've got our family we've got our sphere of influence we've got our neighborhood we've got our church we all have our own little world here and you know what I should be making that world a better place and you should be making that world a better place you should be a blessing to the people around you should be a blessing to the people you work with to the people you go to school with to the people that are in your neighborhood to the people you go to church with you should be a blessing to your brothers your sisters your mother your father your children you should be making other people's lives better and you should be a blessing and you should be teaching good things and you should be good be a good person well let me tell you man I've got the book of Revelation all figured out yeah but are you a good person now look I'm not saying not to figure out the book of Revelation I'm saying you need to do both I'm glad he said you know speak thou the things which become sound doctrine he didn't say like hey doctrine doesn't matter man it's just about being a good person man you know you just just love man that's not what he's saying he's saying get the doctrine right and then get the life that matches the doctrine because you know the false prophets they have a life that matches their doctrine their doctrine is dung and their lifestyle is done at least they match we need to match we need to live the Bible just as we study it and talk about it and know it we need to live it and so the Bible says that the women in verse 5 should be discreet chase keepers at home good you know that's a great way I throw away it's not like I just stick in the word good to round out the verse be good be good and then he says obedient to their own husbands that the Word of God be not blasphemed you know be a good testimony to this world by being an obedient godly helpful pleasant wife that's what the Bible saying and by the way it says you know to be obedient to their own husbands this isn't saying that all women everywhere have to obey all men you know sometimes you get men that have this attitude that like every woman just kind of has to defer to them but that's not really what the Bible teaches but the Bible does clearly teach that wives need to be obedient to their own husbands okay and that's very clear and it's important that the Word of God be not blasphemed and then he rounds it out with this for the young men young men likewise exhort to be sober minded and I believe that Timothy himself was a young man or yes I do believe that but Titus himself is a young man as well and I believe that that's why he doesn't really say as much to the young man he says young men likewise exhort to be sober minded but here's the really important message that you need to give to the young dudes Titus in all things you're gonna show yourself a pattern of good works so he's saying you know hey teach this to the old man teach this to the old women teach this to young women the men he doesn't have as much to say to you about the young men because he says you know the biggest way you're gonna teach the young man Titus is in all in all ways in all things showing thyself a pattern of good works he's saying you know the biggest thing you can do to teach the young men is just by being an example because you yourself Titus are a young man so show yourself a pattern of good works in doctrine showing uncorruptness gravity sincerity so is doctrine important absolutely he says show uncorruptness in your doctrine be serious about doctrine gravity seriousness about that doctrine correct doctrine and be sincere pure right motivated and so forth about doctrine sound speech that cannot be condemned right preach the sermons that are just airtight nobody can pick them apart because you backed everything up with Scripture sound speech that cannot be condemned that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed having no evil thing to say of you either because of your doctrine or because your lifestyle because what if you're doing great and you're preaching and you're hitting all the doctrinal marks and you're checking all the boxes but if you have these glaring inconsistencies in your lifestyle and and how about just you're just kind of a crappy person in general you know what I mean like like I'm tired you know what I mean by that do you know what I mean by being a good person versus being kind of just like a sucky person okay like for example like you're at work let me do in fact let me just let me just break it down to you here's what it means to be a good person it means you're thinking about other people that's pretty much like it's not complicated it's called love thy neighbor as thyself it's a steaming others better than yourself it's are you the guy at work that's just in it for yourself are you thinking about the people around you in the family are you just in it for yourself in the household are you thinking about everybody else you thinking about your wife thinking about your kids think making everybody else happy around you or is it just what can I get to make me happy that's you know to me if I just wanted to sum up what is a rotten person it's a self centered selfish person and the the good person is the person who's thinking about people around it trying to make things nice for them thinking about their needs doing what's right for them you know that's what we need to do at school at home at work if you're homeschooled what hey whatever you do do all for the glory of God and be kind one to another and think about other people above yourself put other people first don't be always putting down others and lifting up yourself that's the kind of person that we would say this guy is a pain you know should we as Christians be a pain to live with the pain to work with a pain to fellowship with a church absolutely not we should be good people he says in verse 9 exhorts servants to be obedient to their own masters just as wives should be obedient their husbands servants need to obey their masters employees need to obey their boss at work and to please them well in all things right not just doing the minimum that you can get away with and you know as a child don't just do the minimum which you can get away with why don't you make your parents happy as an employee make the boss happy don't just well here's what I can get away with at my job no make him happy why don't you just impress him and why don't you just make your husband happy why don't you make your wife happy why don't you make your kids happy why don't you make your parents happy think about other people please them well in all things not answer again not talking back to authority not purloining that's kind of a an ancient word in English it's not something we use anymore but what it has to do with is like skimming off the top so purloining if you're at a job and you're purloining you're maybe taking money out of the cash register you're stealing items from work you're filching pilfering purloining type of person I don't know if that helps at all he says not purloining but showing all good fidelity being loyal to your job loyal to the boss that they may if they do these things that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things for the grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared to all men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lust we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ man is it hot in here is it just me I'm just like I'm dying I go running all the time and this is it's just a habit man that's what I do when I go running I feel so much better all right I find that when I feel better I preach better so you know it's a lot of people are just listening on audio so who it isn't really that important you know who cares the rest of you just deal with it but he says in verse 14 who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works you know Christ when he died on the cross for us he had two goals that he's doing according to this verse right first of all he wants to redeem us right what does redemption mean redeemed it's it's basically that we're bought with a price you know we're enslaved to sin we have the sin debt that we can't pay we're doomed without Christ without Christ we would all be going to hell when we die right and then Jesus Christ died on the cross he gave himself for us he gave his life to redeem us from all iniquity to save us from our sins to give us forgiveness and redemption through the blood but not only did he give himself for us that he might just redeem us and then just tell us okay now just do whatever now you're saved you're going to heaven now just eat drink and be married no he also wanted to purify unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works okay now what is the word peculiar mean peculiar in this context literally means specific to him okay it's it's it's sort of that same idea as holiness you know being set apart or sanctified unto God it's not peculiar sometimes we use the word peculiar if something's like a little weird or strange that's not what this is saying what it's saying when it means peculiar it'd be like if I said you know there are certain things that are peculiar to say Mexican food or something you know what it means is that only Mexican food does it right or you know there are certain things that are peculiar about driving in Texas for example like like when you're in Texas like there are some weird things about the way you drive like there are these weird feeders and then these weird like u-turn only lanes and stuff and if you've never been to Texas it could be confusing because that is something that's peculiar to driving in Texas meaning if you're driving to California you're never gonna see one of those weird feeder u-turn deals it just doesn't exist and I've noticed as I travel across America that each state kind of has its own peculiarities meaning that it's something that's unique to that region about the driving that's just a little different like I remember in Michigan they have what's called the Michigan left turn who knows what I'm talking about put up your hand if you know what a Michigan left turn is yeah and that is peculiar to Michigan and so God wants to purify unto himself a peculiar people meaning that you know we got a group of people that are different than this world that are a cut above this world that are sanctified and set apart from this world they're not just exactly like the world that's out there they're peculiar and you know what makes them peculiar is two things number one purity because we're living in a world filled with a lot of corruption purity and also a zeal for good works and you know what zealous of good works means excited about good works fired up about good works and look when we talk about good works obviously we're talking about keeping the commandments obviously we're talking about going out and preaching the gospel the loss that's good works right going out and and doing the first works and going out and preaching the gospel the loss but you know what good works is also just good works in every area of our life it's some of the stuff that you just finished talking about how people should be in their job and people should be in their family and among friends and just it's really just all of these things being zealous of good works just means zealous of being a good person following the Bible in every area of life Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday not just only in regard to spiritual things being a selfless person who thinks about others cares about others loves others he says he wants us to be a peculiar people unto himself peculiar to him just as the Michigan left turn is peculiar to Michigan right we as Christians ought to be peculiar to the Lord mean there's no one else like us we are unique what you know what we should be totally different than the people around us because we're in dwell by the Holy Spirit so if we're in dwell by the Holy Spirit and they aren't and they're a nicer guy than we are more considerate better worker better husband better wife shame on you he doesn't have the Holy Spirit and you're outperforming are your underperforming people that haven't even been regenerated that's pretty sad you know we need to be walking in the spirit and doing right and we should be peculiar you know by this show all men know that you're my disciples because you love one another because there's there's something different about true Christians it should be that way and then he says to Titus these things speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority he say look Titus don't feel like you can't talk about this stuff don't feel like well I don't really want to talk about wives obeying their husbands because you know that's gonna offend people no you say man just speak this with all authority like you can get up and you can chew out workers for being lame workers at their job don't shy away from that kind of preaching Titus don't shy away from telling these old ladies that they need to stop buying wine in a box or in any other container and that they need to live a godly life all the way to the end you know finish strong people you know and I'm thankful looking at and seeing the gray heads in the auditorium tonight finish strong you know this is a healthy church it's a healthy church because you know why it's healthy because we got babies toddlers children teenagers 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s we've got the wisdom of the old heads we've got the youth and their zeal and vigor you know something's wrong when everybody in the church is old but something's also wrong when nobody's old now obviously in a very small church you might not have old people yet because you're just starting out or whatever but if you if you stay with the long enough people will become old you know we'll all be old someday but you know to me a healthy church has red yellow black and white you know if you're in America obviously you know if you're in Sweden or something it'll be like all Muslims no I'm just kidding but I'm saying like you know if you're if you're in America I mean to me a healthy church is red yellow black and white you know people that are well-off people that are poor old young right church where everybody's young what's the deal church where everybody's old Wow what's the deal and you know I'm thankful to see older people in the service this morning and what I would say to the older people is finish strong be serious don't just think well I'm done I'm just kind of just waiting to just not wake up one day you know hey man finish strong serve God pass on the doctrine and the truth to the next generation you know I cherish I cherish things that my grandparents told me spiritually and I cherish the things that my parents have told me spiritually and I want to pass on those things to the next generation because whenever a person dies all of their experiences and knowledge and everything it dies with them and unless they pass it on you know Pat and pass on godliness pass on the Word of God scriptures that are important to you doctrine that's important you I remember just cherishing a letter that my grandpa had written to his descendants it was just sort of like a last will and spiritual testament and I remember getting that years after he died and just reading that and just just being so thankful to hear what he had to say about what he felt were the most important Bible doctrines the most important things about how we you know he just he had just laid out some things for his descendants to read you know that was a blessing to me and so you that are old you want to finish strong live sober die sober don't get drunk in your old age don't become a busybody don't get lazy slovenly be a spiritual slob in your old age no man take things seriously stay in the fundamentalist Baptist churches and don't go don't go down to the party rock-and-roll Church but go to a serious church that's doing serious work for God and those of us that are young we need to be serious we need to be sober we need to be good people and I I just put myself in the young category didn't I because I am and preachers need to speak these things exhort these things and rebuke these things meaning call it out when it's wrong and then he says let no man despise thee you know you know don't let anybody try to act like there's something wrong with you for getting up and preaching sound doctrine and preaching the clean living that is supposed to accompany sound doctrine let's buy it's not board of prayer father we thank you so much for this chapter Lord thank you so much for this group of people and dear God thank you for all of the dedication and effort that went into both putting on the conference and attending the conference Lord I pray that you would bless tonight's service Lord and that you would fill pastor David burzins with your spirit as he preaches to us tonight Lord use the soul winning and the fellowship all for your honor and glory and in Jesus name we pray amen