(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let's pray father. God. Thank you for this day. Thank you for your word Thank you for pastor. Please bless him and the message open our hearts and our ears to your word in the name of jesus christ I pray amen Amen All right, we're there In second chronicles chapter number 25, and if you could just turn me up just a little bit second chronicles chapter 25 And if you look down at verse number one second chronicles 25 And look at verse number one, and i'm sorry, maybe just turn me down just a bit second chronicles 25 I'm thankful that our song leaders allow me to lead music during the conference. I don't usually lead music that much I think it's affecting my voice. So pray for me, please second chronicles 25 Look down at verse number one. The bible says emaziah was 25 years old when he began to reign And he reigned 29 years in jerusalem And his mother's name was jehoa adan of jerusalem And he did that which was right in the sight of the lord But not with a perfect heart and we read about this king of juda And if you remember the at this point in the history of of the of the nation of israel It's been divided into two nations. You have the northern Nation of israel with the capital in samaria and you've got the southern nation of juda with the capital in jerusalem All of the kings of the north did wrong But some of the kings of the south did right some of the time and this is amaziah The bible says in verse 2 he did that which was right in the sight of the lord But not with a perfect heart and of course we read later on in his life He messes up and he sins look at verse 3 now It came to pass when the kingdom was established to him that he slew his servants that had killed the king his father So if you remember From the previous chapter if you've read this before there had been a conspiracy to assassinate The father of amaziah who is joash and when amaziah becomes king He basically slew his servants that had killed the king his father look at verse four, but he slew not their children But did as it is written in the law of the book in the book of moses Where the lord commanded saying the father shall not die for the children neither shall the children die for the father but every man shall die for his own sin, so we see that amaziah has a little bit of Fear of the lord in his initial part of his life He's got some respect for god and his word He slew the men that slew his father But he does not take revenge upon their children because of what was written in the bible that every man shall die For his own sin look at verse five moreover amaziah gathered judah together And made them captains now amaziah is going to go to war here in a little bit And he begins to gather his military and to put things in order to go to war The bible says he gathered judah and made them captains over thousands and captains over hundreds and captains to the houses Of their fathers throughout all judah and benjamin and he numbered them from 20 years old and above and found them 300 000 choice men able to go forth to war that could handle spear and shield So he's getting ready to go to battle He gathers all of his military gathers everyone who's available to go to war and he finds that he's got 300 000 soldiers he's got 300 000 men Available to be able to go to war and to be able to fight the battles that need to be fought But for amaziah this was not enough He needed to know that if he went into battle that the odds were stacked in his favor that he would be able To win the battle and even with 300 000 choice men able to go forth to war He felt like he needed more so in verse six we read he hired also And 100 000 mighty men of valor out of israel. So remember he is the king of the southern Uh of the southern kingdom of judah and he goes to the northern kingdom of israel, which is a separate nation at this point Sometimes there's friends. Sometimes they're not and he goes to them and he hired An additional hundred thousand mighty men of valor out of israel for an hundred talents of silver he hires Mercenaries he hires men that are willing to go into battle and fight These men were not sold out for the cause of amaziah. These men were not interested in the cause of amaziah They were there because they were going to get paid they were there because they charged him a hundred Talents of silver but really it wasn't just the hundred talents of silver It was that they knew that when they battled and when they went they'd be able to take up the spoil of that battle They'd be able to take the goods off of the corpses that are left on the battlefield They knew that they would be able to to take from the cities and the places that they were at. So he hired these hundred thousand additional Soldiers to guarantee That he would win the battle now. I'm not this is all just kind of by way of introduction I want to give you some side applications before I get into the main application of the sermon this morning But we learn some things, uh from this story just on the side. All right, just by way of introduction Look at verse seven it says but there came a man of god to him saying oh king Let not the army of israel go with thee don't you hate that? When you've got all your plans situated You've made all your plans and you got your checklist and you've decided This is what i'm going to do and this is how it's going to go And this is how it's going to play out and i've got it all i've got all my ducks in order But then there came a man of god to him But then there comes the man of god and says well actually you're doing it all wrong Actually, that's not what god wants from you notice. He says oh king let not the army of israel go with thee Now one thing we learned from here is that you know Uh god doesn't necessarily want you to be affiliating yourself with everybody There were some people here who god says I don't want you to hang out with them I don't want you to go into battle with them. I don't want you to fight the battles with them He says let not the army of israel go with thee for the lord is not with israel Listen to me as christians We can learn an application here that we don't have to look we don't need to join up with every other christian every ecumenical movement Every other person there are some battles that god wants us to fight just on our own Look, I think we've gotten to the point where we don't even Need to be necessarily joining up with the old ifb The old ifb has gone far enough far enough away from the things of god that I think it's safe to say The lord is not with them You know, and it's interesting. I was telling some of the guys yesterday, you know This is the third annual red hot preaching conference and every red hot preaching conference If you've noticed it's got a theme to it. Now. We don't give it a theme, you know People often ask me what's the theme for the conference and i'm like it's red hot preaching That's the thing, you know, you just come and you hear some red hot preaching but you know If you remember the first theme of 2016 What was the theme of the red hot preaching conference? It was against the homos, right? That's back when we were having those protests and all those filthy Reprobates were protesting our church, right and everybody came in for that red hot preaching conference and we were just preaching against the sodomites And their perverseness and pedophilia that was the theme of 2016 remember last year The theme was preaching against the old ifb. Do you remember that? Every sermon was against the old ifb and the old ifb is lazy and liberal And and and they're you know, the the spirit of the lord has departed from them. You say what was the theme this year? Well, here's what's interesting, you know this year, I don't know if you caught it but almost every sermon there was a theme About the preachers telling us about back when they were in an old ifb church and the pedophiles And the homosexuals that they encountered in those churches So year one the theme was homos year two the the theme was old ifb year three the theme was Homos in the old ifb You know and uh, so I don't know what next year is going to be about But I just you know, I thought that was interesting. It was kind of a trinity of years there, uh for that application, uh from the conference but We learned that there are some people we don't need they've gone so far down They've gotten so far away that we no longer need to fight with them. We can separate from them There's another thing we can learn from this passage look at verse eight he says, but if that will go Do it He says it's interesting what the man of god says he says don't go Don't go But if that will go Do it He says look if you're going to go ahead and do What god told you not to do you better be strong for the battle. That knows what he says It kind of sounds like he's encouraging him, but he's being a little sarcastic here He says god shall make thee fall before the enemy He says look god told you not to go if you decide you're going to go anyway. He says you better be ready, buddy Because god is going to be the one that makes you fall before the enemy You say why for god had the power to help and to cast down, you know Something else we can learn from this passage just by way of introduction Is that god is the one in the lives of believers that prospers us That helps us succeed Or that causes us to fail Oftentimes in the life of a christian we forget what I like to call the god factor You know, we look at unbelievers and we say well it works for them You know guys are saying business. Well, it works for them They lie and they cheat and they steal and they suck up and they Sat people, you know in their back and they do this and they get the promotion then so maybe I can do that And maybe it'll work for me and listen to me. You better just understand this right now in the christian life You don't play the game of life by the same rules that the world does It might work for them, but it doesn't work for you and I why because when we play the game of life We have to consider the god factor The fact that god is the one that has the power to help and to cast out and by the way There's no neutrality with god He's either going to help you or he's going to cast you down He says if you're going to go ahead listen, listen to me some of you you've heard preaching from the word of god this week And the bible has been very clear about what you should be doing and you decided you decided well I'm just going to go ahead anyway. I know what the man of god said I know what the word of god said, but i'm just going to go ahead and do it Anyway, and this man of god wants to tell you but if that will go do it be strong for the battle Because god shall make thee fall before thine enemy Why? For god have power to help and to cast down But god is the one that can help you to prosper or god is the one that can ruin your life there's a Third thing we can learn from this passage look at verse nine And i'm amaziah said to the man of god Now look the question that i'm as I ask is is a valid question he says But what shall we do? For the hundred talents, which I have given to the army of israel He says I already gave him the down payment You know, I already gave them a hundred talents of israel. They're not going to give it back They're not going to give me a refund you're telling me I can't go into battle with these hundred thousand soldiers But i've already invested Into this idea now you're telling me it's the wrong idea And by the way It'd be better to just make sure you understand what god's will is in the matter before you start investing into any idea But here we have a situation where he he didn't know and he was doing something and he thought he was doing something That was fine. And then god comes by god sends the man of god to tell him Hey, you're doing the wrong thing and he says but what shall we do for the hundred talents? Which i've given to the army of israel And the man of god answered the lord is able To give thee much more than this I want you to keep your place there in second chronicles 25. That's our text for this morning But go with me just real quickly to the book of first timothy first timothy chapter number six towards the end of the new testament If you find all the t books, they're all clustered together first second thessalonians first second timothy titus first timothy chapter number six And let me just say this so by way of introduction One more thing before we get into the main application of the sermon this morning Something we learned from this story is that we should never listen to me We should never make decisions based solely on money If you make a decision That will affect your life based solely on finances If you are asking the question But what shall we do for the hundred talents which I have invested listen to me mark it down Write it down Take a picture and remember this ugly face telling you that you will live to regret it You said pastor. How do you know that because the word of god tells me that Whenever you make a decision based on money, you're making the wrong decision period Whenever you make a decision based solely on money you're making the wrong decision period I'm, not saying that money should not be factored into every decision we make i'm not saying that finances should not be factored into every decision We make but when you make a decision You decide that you're going to do something or not do something and the only consideration that has been taken is finances Mark it down. You're making the wrong decision So, how do you know that? Well, look at first timothy chapter. First of all, how do we know that? Have you read the bible? Have you read the the book of genesis the famine comes what do they do they go down into egypt what happens in egypt? They always get in trouble They get in trouble in egypt. Have you read the book of ruth a limelike? There's a famine he goes into moab Why just to die in moab just so his sons will die in moab Just so his wife will come back one day and say call me not naomi call me mara Why she says i'm coming back full of bitterness Why because that is the result that happens whenever you make a decision based on money First timothy chapter 6 look at verse 6 notice what the bible says but godliness with contentment is great gain But godliness with contentment is great gain. Notice. God doesn't care about your 401k God doesn't care about your retirement account God doesn't care about what neighborhood you live in or what car you drive. He says godliness with contentment is great gain Why for we brought nothing into this world and it is certain some of you need to be reminded of this It is certain we can carry nothing out You can't take it with you Remember jobe said the lord giveth the lord taketh away blessed be the name of the lord For he brought nothing into this world and certainly can carry nothing out and having food and raiment Let us be the word there with content you are you discontent this morning? Some of you are discontent this morning You're not content with what god has given you but look you ought to be content. Do you have food and raiment? Do you have food and raiment as far as I can tell all of you got raiment on Some of you could use a little more raiment But you you got raiment on There's donuts in the break room. You've got food You ought to be content And having food and raiment let us be there with content verse nine, but they that notice these words But they that don't say they that are rich It says they that will be rich The word will they're talking about desire My will what's your will for your life my will not god's what my will is that I be rich Look when you have a desire to be rich when you have a desire for finances When you make the decisions of your life based on finances, but they that will be rich i'm telling you fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men In destruction and perdition if i've seen it once i've seen it a hundred times I've been pastoring now in september for eight years and i've seen it more times than I would like to admit where you see a young man or a young woman or a young couple or an old man or an old woman or an Older couple and they love god and they're zealous for the things of god and then just it seems like in one week something changes And all of a sudden they're not talking about the same things they used to talk about All of a sudden all they're worried about is money And now they're starting to make decisions based on money and you see them get backslidden you see them get you know, they eventually quit on god And it's like well we knew that was going to happen The bible tells us they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts Which drown men in destruction and perdition verse 10 for the love of money is the root of all evil Now look it doesn't say money is the root of all evil Nothing wrong with money It's the love of money god's not against you having money god's against you loving money God's against you desiring money god's against you making decisions based on money He says for the love of money is the root of all evil which well some coveted after Notice what it says they have heard from the faith People get backslidden and leave their priorities change And pierce themselves through with many songs. Keep your place on first Timothy. We're gonna come right back to it Actually, just just say there. Let me say this now that was all introduction. Is that all right? He said bachelor, what's the point of the sermon here's the point sermon here's the sermon has one point now We're not even close to being done. All right What's the point of sermon we have emaziah Who had made some decisions Taken some counsel Decided that he was going to go into a battle And the people of god that were with him were not enough he needed to go out and hire himself some friends He invests a hundred talents into this military The man of god shows up and says god can help you win, but you got to get rid of your friends You got to get rid of this thing and he says yeah, but i've invested into it. Yeah, but i've invested money into it Yes But what shall we do for the hundred talents which I have given to the army of israel and the man of god says Cut your losses Walk away Leave it alone. He says yes, you will lose something But the lord is able to give thee much more than this you say pastor. What are you preaching about this morning? I'm preaching about the fact that when we when you and I make wrong investments when we invest Into the wrong thing and then we realize by the word of god or by the man of god that we've made a mistake We should be willing to cut the losses and walk away from the investment because the lord is able to give us Much more than this Say that's your man. What are you talking about? Who are you talking to? How does this apply to me? You know i'm talking to this morning? I'm talking to the white go to first timothy chapter five I'm talking to the wife who thinks that her college degree will have been a waste of time and energy and money If she chooses to stay home with her children First timothy chapter five and verse 14 says this I will therefore We saw god, you know, we saw some people's will for their life. Let's look at god's will remember this is The apostle paul speaking under the inspiration of the holy ghost This is god's will he says I will therefore that the younger women marry Bear children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully You know what god's will is for every young woman is that she marry bear children guide the house Notice I don't say anything there about being the ceo of ebay Don't say anything in there about being the governor of the state of california Don't say anything in there about being the president of united states or the secretary of state god's will for your life Is that you marry young ladies bear children guide the house and you say pastor mex when you preach like that What is the a common question you get, you know a common question I get is a young wife will say yeah But what about my student loans? Yeah, but you don't understand i've invested a lot of time and money And energy into getting this degree and that degree and setting myself up for this career and they asked this question But what shall we do for the hundred talents of student loans You say what's the answer to your question the lord is able to give thee much more than this Cut the losses look you took some bad advice you went down the wrong road You invested in something that you probably shouldn't have but god's word says that his will is that you cut the losses Walk away stay home. You say but what shall be done let god deal with it god can help you prosper Amen Do we believe that god has power to help and to cast down? Do we believe that god is able to give thee much more than this? Now, please understand this please understand go back to second chronicle 25 Notice what happens because amaziah he does the right thing. Look at verse 10 Second chronicles 25 now keep your place there in first timothy. I should have told you that earlier. I apologize Keep your place there in first timothy, but go to second chronicles 25. Look at verse 10 then amaziah Remember the man of god said cut your losses Just consider it wasted The lord is able to give thee much more than this then amaziah second chronicles 25 10 separated them To with the army, so he said, okay He sends them home To with the army that was coming to him out of ephraim to go home again. He said look go home guys I know I paid you. We don't need your services. Keep the money go home Knows the response wherefore their anger was greatly kindled against judah And they returned home in great anger Look when you decide to cut your losses when you decide that you've invested in the wrong thing When you decide that you put money towards the wrong thing And now you realize that maybe I didn't need to go and get that degree Since god's will for my life is to stay home and guide the house And uh, you know bear children guide the house, you know, I made some wrong decisions and listen. Listen, ladies Just listen to me very carefully when you cut the losses and decide Yeah, I invested in the wrong thing. The lord is able to give me much more than this Just expect that mom and dad are going to be angry Just expect that some friend or some co-worker or somebody is going to say yeah, I can't believe you're doing that When amaziah said go home guys, you know how they responded they were angry Their anger was greatly kindled against judah and they returned home in great anger Why because they wanted him to follow through with his bad investment If you kept your place in first timothy go go backwards into first thessalonians First timothy past second timothy into first thessalonians What are we talking about today we're talking about cutting the losses When you invest in the wrong thing when you invest in the wrong thing When the question has to be asked, but what shall we do for the hundred talents? Which I have given to the army of israel the answer the question is this the lord is able to give thee much More than this listen to me ladies when you cut the losses you say yeah, I wasted time I wasted energy. I spent time in college. I got that degree now. It's going to go to waste now I'm not going to use it now. I'm not going to be that business person now I'm not going to have that career now. I'm not going to have that listen to me when you raise those kids for god when They grow up, and they rise up like proverbs 31 says and call you blessed. You will be thankful That you made the exchange You will be thankful that you cut the losses you will have realized that the lord is able to give me Much more than this see pastor meadows who you're talking to this morning. I'm talking to the husband Who isn't sure? He isn't sure he actually has a wife. I'd like to quit her job He actually has a wife that would like to stay home and homeschool the kids But he's not sure that if he allows his wife to quit her job and stay home That they can make it financially He's not sure That they can actually do it on a single income Say pastor meadows. What do you say to that husband? I tell him the lord is able to give you much more than this Are you there on first thessalonians 4 look at verse 11? First thessalonians 4 and verse 11 says this and that we study to be quiet and to do your own business And notice notice. This is a good verse for young men and to work with your own hands As we commanded you that you may walk honestly toward them that are without and listen to me listen to me guys When you walk honestly when you work hard when you study to be quiet And you do your own business and you walk right with god notice the last part of verse 12 that ye May have lack of nothing I don't know if I allow my wife to quit her job I don't know if my single income can supply our needs The bible says if you be quiet and work hard with your hands if you work hard, you'll have lack of nothing God will take care of it. God will take care of you. God will take here's what you said What are you telling me? Here's what i'm telling you. The lord is able to give you much more than this Say why don't we make these decisions? You know why we don't make these decisions because we actually don't believe the bible Because we don't want to give up our security of a hundred thousand soldiers just in case Just in case Go to colossians chapter one. You're there in first thessalonians Just go backwards into the book of colossians colossians chapter one say pastor man is who you're talking to this morning I'm talking to the guy that has a job He has a career, but his career keeps him from going to church You got some job that has you working every sunday You've got some job that has you working every weekend You've got some job that keeps you from the things of god and listen to me The bible says forsaking not the assembling of ourselves together as a matter of some is And some people say oh, well, that's not talking about church attendance That's talking about quitting church in general as long as I don't quit church in general You know as long as I show up once every six weeks. I haven't really quit church That verse doesn't apply to me. Listen to me. It says It says that some have the manner Forsaking not the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of summits. What does the word matter mean? It means custom or habit. Here's what he's saying. He's saying some people have a custom or a habit of forsaking the assembly That's not talking about quitting church Look, once you quit church one time it's done You don't have a habit of art it's talking about you just don't show up to church You just don't show up to sunday morning service and sunday night service and Wednesday night So you go weeks and weeks without church and you say yeah But i've got this going on and that going on and i've already invested so much into it The lord is able to give thee much more than this Colossians 1 18 says but he is the head of the body The church was the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in all things he might have the preeminence and by the way you young people Look before you even get into the career field don't go into some career. That'll keep you from church I'm gonna grow up to be a surgeon why so you can skip church every other week I'm gonna grow up to be an air traffic controller why so you can not go to church all the time I'd rather go get some labor job as a tile worker or an electrician or a carpenter and work hard with my hands and be quiet and study hard and Provide for my family and be in church on sunday morning and sunday night and Wednesday night Yeah, but I can make more money the lord is able to give me much more than this and it's not always money It's not always money. Maybe yes, maybe you can have your 100,000 soldiers and lose your own kids Lose your own kids Or lose your wife Or lose your testimony I'm, just telling you sometimes we you say yeah, but already i've already gone to college for that and cut your losses Then walk away The lord is able to give you much more than this deuteronomy chapter eight go there genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy deuteronomy chapter eight deuteronomy chapter eight deuteronomy eight Deuteronomy chapter eight and verse 18 says this but thou shalt remember the lord thy god Deuteronomy chapter eight and verse 18 says but thou shalt remember the lord thy god for it is he that giveth the power to get Well, don't forget that whatever you have you have it because god gave it to you Remember we we don't play by the rules of the world plays there's the god factor that can help you or cast you down For his healing giveth thee power to get well That he may establish his covenant which we swear unto thy fathers as it is this day, you know at our church We're blessed to have men that run their own businesses and what they do isn't isn't glamorous what they do is then You know, you wouldn't look at it and say wow, you're and and you know Some of these guys they make a lot more money than these college graduates And I think myself how in the world you make that much money doing what you do and I just gotta believe that there's a god factor You go to college for four years you make 50,000 You got guys making a hundred thousand dollars a year doing something and you think I don't I can't believe they would do those things You know what? The lord is able to gate. The lord is able to give thee much more than this And their wives love them and their kids are soul winners And the lord has blessed them I'm, just telling do you believe the bible you believe the bible? Do you actually believe what the bible says? Go to deuteronomy chapter six because if that's what matters who you're talking to this morning I'm talking to the couple Who's considering homeschooling their children? But they're afraid about the cost They're afraid about the time They're afraid about whether they can even do it or not You know what some people say they say yeah, but i've already paid my taxes The taxes provide a public school education for i've already paid, you know, when you homeschool you pay for your kids education twice You pay your taxes and you cut those losses You pay your taxes and you walk away from the hundred talents and you say why? Because the lord is able to give thee much more than this deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 6 And these words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children and shall talk of them when thou sittest in thine house And when thou walkest by the way when thou liest down and when thou risest up the bible says You need to have your kids with you when you're in the house when you're along the way When you go to bed when you wake up, what's he say? You need to have your kids with you all the time You need to be teaching them all of the time see it is god's will that you homeschool your children I realize there are people single parents because of the decisions they made in their lives They're not able to do those things. I get that but look if you're able to and you're choosing not to out of convenience You gotta get right with god God is guiding you god is guiding you to what you say. Well, I don't know if I could afford it I don't know if I could afford the investment and the time and i'm not sure You know what? I learned long ago. Somebody told me this where god guides god provides God will take care of it. God will do it for god. Look if god is guiding you to do it. Just count the loss Don't ask but what shall be done for the hundred talents? Just realize that the lord is able to give thee much more than this Why because god has the power to help and to cast down Go to deuteronomy 22. You're there in deuteronomy 6 go to your army 22 The pastor you manage who you're talking to this morning I'm talking to the ladies who haven't invested lots of money into the wrong type of clothing Some of you put a hundred talents into the wrong wardrobe And It's a little too low and it's a little too tight and it's a little too high It's too low in the wrong place and too high in the wrong place and too tight in all of the place And you've got your little pants on And you say well, I didn't know god had you know, I didn't know and then one day the man of god showed up With the word of god you ready for it deuteronomy 22 verse 5 the woman The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man Neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so our abomination unto the lord thy god The bible says there is some clothing That a woman wears that a man should not put on And there are some clothing that a man puts on that a woman should not put on And you say well, how do you know it's talking about pants? Well, is it talking about a wristwatch? Is it talking about socks Yeah, you know for years and years and years and years and years in our society men wore pants women wore dresses That's the way it went. That's it. Look in the bible. All you ever see is men wearing and by the way, jesus wore pants Yeah, but I saw jesus look you saw the picture you saw jesus was was drawn by a sodomite And they're trying to make themselves feel better feel better by themselves So they draw jesus with long hair and a skirt on Jesus wore pants the men in the bible wore britches or breeches. They wore pants now the only thing you see men wearing the bible pants For centuries men wore pants women wore dresses And look you get all mad You get all mad when you go to the grocery store and you've got some guy in his wife's, you know sunday dress With hair on his legs and a five o'clock shadow And you walk away all mad. I can't believe that guy to be wearing a dress It started with you women putting on a pair of pants. That's how it started First step to the transgender movement first step to the mess We find ourselves today was back in the 30s and in the 40s and in the 50s When they decided it was okay for a woman to put on a pair of pants So, yeah, the world's gonna do what they're gonna you know what the world's gonna do what they're gonna do But how about you christian? The past few minutes you don't understand I spent 85 dollars on this pair of jeans Okay, first of all You ever heard of a place called walmart 85 dollars on a pair of jeans that can't be right with you can't be right with god. I mean I don't got a verse for you, but there's got to be something wrong with that Yeah I got I got all the you know, I got my my clothes here go to proverbs chapter seven Proverbs have to keep your keep your butt Go to the book of if you open up your Bible right in the middle You'll find the book of psalm right after psalms. You got the book of proverbs proverbs chapter number seven Not just pants not just pants Is all the worldly clothing proverbs chapter seven verse 10 says this and behold there met him a woman With the attire of an harlot, you know, the bible says that there's clothing that a harlot would wear Listen to me young ladies. Are you a prostitute? You whore I don't like you using those words. Those are bible words The words of the lord are pure words Are you a whore i'm not a whore why are you dressed like one You're for sale you're a prostitute i'm not why are you dressed like one Instead of a heart she is by the way, you want to know a good You want to know if if if a girl is a good girl guys, let me just give you some some tips for for dating Okay, well number one deodorant That's her best behavior If she's not in stubborn while you're dating you're in for it once she's got that ring on her finger buddy Hey, hey ladies, let me give you a hint if he's mean to you while you're dating That's him being nice Hey, if he can't find a job while you're dating That's him I'm just trying to help you out here because i'm you say why do you preach like that? I I spend a lot of time in marriage counseling. I need a break. I'm just trying to help you before you get there Making quiet that's what you should be looking for Not loud and stubborn not dressed like a whore Yeah, but I I I spent a lot of money Spent a lot of money on this what what should be done? What shall we do for the hundred talent? Count just count it a loss Walk away from the investment The lord is able to give you much more than this Go to romans 13 romans 13 new tesla matthew mark luke john ax romans romans 13 You know what always happens when you preach like this Some woman goes home Well, I guess i'm gonna put away these pants In the top shelf of my closet You know just in case Just just in case of one Just in case god changes his mind Just in case deuteronomy 22 5 makes it out of the bible no, you know just in case you get backslid That's what you're saying Just in case your friends were right and this whole christianity thing was just a phase just in case Just in case this whole christianity thing wasn't really real. Hey, you know what? Romans 13 14 says but put you on the lord. Jesus christ and make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof Pastor mantis, what should I do with my pair of pants? I'm a young lady. What should I do my pair of pants? You throw them in the trash can You throw you you put them in the fireplace you burn them off You walk away from the investment and I promise you the lord is able to give you much more than this The lord is able to give you much more than this See pastor mantis who you're talking to go to psalm 127 Keep your place in romans. We're going to come right back to it. Go to psalm 127 Who are you talking to this morning? I'm talking to the couple Who chooses to have no children solely on financial reasons? Well, we would have children. I just can't afford them We would have children I just don't think that we can provide for we're not going to have children So i'm well, you know, my wife's going to go on birth control pills that kill kids by the way We're going on some birth control Pills that kill that take the life of children if you don't believe me look it up Or see me after service. I'd be happy to explain to you Hey, but we can't afford it Psalm 127 verse 3 low children are in heritage of the lord Is that word heritage there? That word heritage that same word heritage in our king james bible the same hebrew word that's translated heritage Are the king james translators in our kingdom's bible translated that word as inheritance And possession Low children are an heritage they are a possession Of the lord When god gives you children those children are not yours God has blessed us with five children We have our sixth child on the way and none of those kids belong to me None of those kids belong to our wife. They are on loan from god for us to return back to him Low children are inherited to the lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward by the way children are there It's not a punishment. It's a reward As arrows are in the hands of a mighty man So are children of the youth happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them. Don't miss this. Don't miss this They shall not be ashamed You know that word ashamed means embarrassed or humiliated. You know, god says when you have your quiver full of children that are arrows You will not be embarrassed. You will not be humiliated You will not be ashamed but they shall speak with the enemies at the gate. Let me tell you something They are god's kids. God will take care of them God will take care of them You know every time i've heard other pastors say this and I can tell you true every back You know when when we were young and we were struggling financially It seems like every time that my wife would get pregnant i'd get a raise or i'd get some bonus or something would happen somehow we'd get the money to be able to pay the midwife and we get the money to you know, We'd be able to you know We couldn't afford another apartment then something happened and we're able to get a different a bigger place or whatever It might be you know, when I found out that those kids belong to god and god's going to take care of them Sometimes I you know, we have a kid i'm like god you gotta feed this kid And maybe maybe there's something left over for me too It's the lord's heritage It's the lord's possession. You don't worry. Look god will take care of those kids you but we don't have the faith to believe that I'm just i'm just here to tell you the lord is able to give you much more than this Go back to romans. You keep your place there romans chapter number 12 Romans chapter 12 you say who you're talking to this morning i'm talking to the individuals I'm talking to teenagers sitting in this room right now I'm talking to the young person and the old person who has invested a whole lot of money You've downloaded a whole lot of music At 99 cents a pop You've downloaded a whole lot of movies You've got all sorts of dvds and magazines and cd play cds if they still make those Of things that you ought not have And you spent a lot of money on worldly entertainment The bible says i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy Acceptable unto god, which is your reasonable service God wants you to live a holy life God wants you to live a life that is holy and be not don't miss this conform to this world Our music ought not be conformed to this world Look, I don't believe in and and and christian marijuana I I don't believe in christian heroin I don't believe in christian prostitutes And if I don't believe in christian marijuana and christian prostitutes and christian, uh christian, uh heroin I don't believe in christian rock and roll either I I don't believe in christian soft rock either I don't believe it and and well, I I like I like that country western but it's christian. It's still of the world And be not conformed to this world be Transformed by the renewed of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god say pastor What do I do? I've invested a hundred talents walk away Delete them Throw them in the trash Be done with them Let the word of christ fall in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hands and spiritual songs The lord is able to give you much more than this You just walk away from the investment my faith you just believe that god will take care of it god will take care of it And you know what you will find that the lord will bless you go to first corinthians chapter six First corinthians chapter six you're there in romans go to first corinthians Say pastor menos. He was talking to this morning. I'm talking about a couple Who's not ready to get married? For whatever reason they're not able to get married yet But they're living together in fornication And you walk up to them and say, you know, the bible says you shouldn't be living in fornication and they're like Yeah, but we already signed the lease And we already purchased the furniture And we're splitting the rent And and and you know, but what shall be done for the hundred talents, which I've given to the landlord Say what do you what do you tell him pastor? I tell him the lord is able to give me much more than this first corinthians 6 18 says this flee fornication Every sin that a man doeth is without the body But he that committed fornication sins against his own body by the way, i'm not preaching on fornication necessarily But kids you better realize every sin that you do is outside the body except except for sexual sins You know that it's rare it's rare that some uh woman Needs to speak to my wife or some man needs to speak to me in my office You know, it's rare that some grown 40 year old man says pastor I need to talk to you You know when I was a kid I stole a sucker from the liquor store I stole a bag of m&ms from the 7-eleven You know, usually people get over those things but you know, i'm constantly talking to people about sexual sins from years and years and years ago It stays with you It scars you Every sin that a man doeth is without the body but he that committed fornication sinned against his own body That's what the bible says What know you not that your body is a temple the holy ghost which is in you which you have of god And you are not your own for you are bought with a price Listen young lady. It's not your body. It belongs to god It's a young man, that's not your body For you're bought with a price therefore glorify god in your body And in your spirit which are gods say, what do I do pastor? I'm already living with a person i'm not married to we've signed the lease. We we bought we bought the furniture on credit That's another sermon Wait, what do I do? What do I do? You cut the cut? You cut the investment you just cut you just realize you made a bad investment you walk away The the lord the lord is able to give thee much more than and by the way you young young lady have some respect for yourself Have some respect for you and you guys have some respect for yourself, but especially you you young ladies You give you give him everything without expecting anything in return make him put a ring on that finger Make him go get a job and save up some money and buy you a nice ring And have a nice wedding So the bible says go to malachi chapter 3 last book in the old testament malachi chapter 3 say pastor who's talking to this morning I'm talking about the individual who's not sure if they should start tithing consistently and purposefully Well pastor, I just I don't know If I could make it on 90 I'm just i'm not sure If I can make it on 90 you know what the lord is able to give me much more than this Malachi chapter 3 and verse 8 says will a man rob god and by the way That's what you're doing when you withhold your tithe you're robbing god You owe him the time You pay your tithe will a man rob god yet you have robbed me but you say when have we robbed thee and tithes and offerings You're cursed with a curse for you have robbed me even this whole nation Bring you all the tides into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now here with Say the lord of hosts if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing That there shall not be room enough to receive it. You say pastor. Are you a prosperity preacher? You know what? I'm not a prosperity preacher, but malachi chapter 3 and verse 10 is in the bible Verse 11 and I will rebuke the devourer for your sake and he shall not destroy the fruit of your ground Neither shall the vine cast his fruit before the time in the field say the lord of hosts You say pastor best can you afford to tie I can't afford not to tie And remember remember the god factor there's no neutrality with god you're either with him or he's against you And you either just pay your tithe and say I believe that god is able to give me much more than this Or you let god cast you down He's gonna get the tithe out of you somehow Right Look if god's gonna get his tithe out of me. Anyway, i'd rather go to support real genuine missionaries Like brother stuck. He was preaching about I'd rather go to start real churches that are going to preach the gospel then it go to the mechanic Then then it go to the hospital bill He's gonna get it out of you. Anyway At least when it goes to the local church, I get rewards in heaven But do you believe that the lord is able to give you much more than this? So you're talking to pastor go to matthew chapter six, you're there malachi that's the next book over new testament matthew chapter six You're talking to this morning. I'm talking to the individual Who's not sure They're not sure if they should commit to commute to church Because you know the gas is expensive You know, i'm thankful at here at very baptist church I can tell you the amount of people That drive here every week consistently faithful. I mean we've got individuals and families. They're just faithful And you know whenever I think of them I pray for them you say why because because it's an expense It costs money and time When you got to drive two hours You got to start your day two hours before everybody else starts their day Yeah on the road two hours before everybody else has to but get on the road See if that's what what do you think about those people? I think that god is going to bless them I believe that whatever it costs them to put gas in that car The wear and tear on those wheels. I believe that the lord is able to give them much more than this And it's not necessarily money, but maybe it's a blessing on their family. Maybe it's the raising of their children Maybe it's their marriage, but god look you just walk you say man. Yeah. Yeah, it's an investment I Believe the lord is able to give you much more than this Matthew 6 31 therefore take no thought saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or wherewithal shall we be clothed? Matthew 6 32 for all these things do the gentiles seek for your heavenly father know that you have need of these things But seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness don't miss this and all these things shall be added unto you All what things The things in verse 31 the what shall we eat and what shall we drink and wherewithal shall we be called god says if you? Seek ye first the kingdom of god if you put me first i'll make sure all these things shall be added unto you Now he didn't say you're gonna live in a mansion He didn't say you're gonna drive a bentley Your debt sure not gonna buy $85 nothing all right But you know god will take care of it if you seek first the kingdom of god First three forces take therefore no thought for the morrow for the morrow shall take thought for the thing of itself sufficient unto the days the evil there Say pastor you know I've been thinking I've been thinking about commuting So you know we have people here in this conference We're all over the country and some of you you you you have a church a good church You can't find one in your area, but there's one that you could drive to and it's two hours away It's an hour and a half away It's it's two and a half hours away, and you've been considering you know making the commute But you're not sure you know the gas is expensive in the car and the vehicle and the time and the energy I'm just here to tell you the Lord is able to give you much more than this You know this story we're talking about amazigh we've been applying it to money the application is money as primary application But it's not just money You apply this principle and to any investment that you have made Any investment that you have made and you say yeah But I'm so invested into it just walk away if it's not God's will if it's not what God has for your life Just walk away and realize that the Lord is able to give thee much more than this go to Matthew chapter 10 Matthew chapter 10 The pastor you're talking to this morning I'm talking to the person who knows they need to separate themselves from some friends and maybe even some family And they know and they know that they've got some friends that are influencing them the wrong way and They know they've got some family that are influencing them the wrong way and They know they've got some people they need to separate themselves from but they say yeah, but we've been friends since the third grade I've got a lot invested into this Relationship what shall we be done For the years that I've invested into this relationship. You know what the Lord is able to give you much more Matthew 10 34 says this think not that I am come to send peace on earth I came not to send peace but a sword for I am calm don't miss this to set a man at Variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law Against her mother love probably would have happened anyway verse 36 and a man's foes shall be they of his own household Don't don't miss verse 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me You know God's been dealing with you about some friends some family members some people they're dragging you down They're keeping you from following Christ He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me And he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me And he that taketh not his cross and follows after me is not worthy of me Are you worthy yeah, but I've got so much invested the Lord is able to give you much more than this You know, you know about the Red Hot Preaching Conference what I love about the Red Hot Preaching Conference, it feels like a family reunion But It feels like the family reunion you want to go to yeah, you know what I mean, it feels like the family you actually like Because the Lord is able to give thee Much more than this go to Matthew chapter 12 Matthew chapter 12 Say pastor who you talking to this morning? I'm talking to the individuals who know they're going a bad church But they don't want to leave because their family and close friends go there You know, what's interesting to me Pastor Romero was preaching about, you know, sick in the head. You know, what's sick in the head to me. I Remember having a talk with Pastor Anderson years ago about this. You know that there are people who live in Tempe, Arizona Who listen to Pastor Anderson's sermons every week Who donate money? online Who send emails and write notes and put comments They live in Tempe, Arizona And they don't go to faithful word Baptist Church And you know, it's true of all the churches in our movement those people that live in Sacramento, California They listen to Pastor Anderson there's a pastor of Merrill they listen to me online Say, how do you know because they show up once a year for the Pastor Anderson Easter? You Know I'm talking about the Pastor Anderson Easter all the pastor know I'm talking about You have Pastor Anderson come to preach all these people show up you you see them once a year Eastern Christmas They don't go to church they love Pastor Anderson, they love Pastor Romero, they love Pastor Mary, they don't go to church They go some lame church some liberal church some church doesn't preach right some church doesn't do anything Why do you go to church? Well, you know my parents Well, I got friends there Pastors real nice to me. Oh Yeah, you may want to stay there You know you may you may need to just cut the cost count the cost Cut the investment Walk away. Yeah, I believe the Lord is able to give you much more than this Matthew 12 46 while he yet talked to the people Behold his mother and his brethren now, here's what's interesting. Jesus is preaching. He's preaching a sermon. He's he's in church He's having a ministry and while he yet talked to the people behold his mother and his brethren stood without Desired to speak with him now. Here's the question. I got why are they standing without Why aren't they in the service? Why are they outside of the service? Why aren't they win the group? Why are they outside of the group? The Bible goes out of its way to tell us here that his mother and his brother and stood without well You have to turn there But if you remember in John 7 5 the Bible says for neither did his brother and talk about Jesus's brethren believe in him now After the resurrection his brothers believed on him, but during the ministry of Christ his brothers did not believe they were not saved and Here Jesus is in ministry and his mother and his brethren stood without they didn't want to be in the service They didn't want to be part of the group, but they want to talk to Jesus. So they're outside They're interrupting the service look at verse 47 Then one says unto him behold thy mother and thy brethren stand without designed to speak with these Mom your mom and dad they won't even come into the service They won't even come in to talk to you But they're asking if you will go out to talk with them notice Jesus response verse 48 But he answered and said unto him that told him who is my mother and who are my brethren verse 49 he stretched out and he stretched forth his hands towards his disciples and Said behold my mother and my brethren For whosoever shall do the will of my father which is in heaven the same as my brother and sister and mother Here's a question I have for Mary and I have all the respect for Mary look when you're chosen by God to bring forth the son Of God, you're a special lady Now you we don't need to worship her, you know, I Got all the respect in the world for Mary, but here's the question. I have for Mary Why is she with her siblings that don't believe or whether with their children that don't believe she's just met with Jesus All right, they didn't they didn't believe on him And before you come down too hard on the on the brothers of Jesus, you know, I mean just you know Put yourself in their shoes. I mean, what would your brother have to do to convince you? He's the Son of God You know, but but but if anybody knew she knew But she was with her other children why but I have an investment there she should have been with Jesus She should have walked to you know, there's some people they they're in the movement whatever that means You know, you don't get in a movement you get in a church You understand me I'm in the movement. What does that you what do you mean by well, I sit in front of a computer every week with popcorn You know the same guy is Emailing me about popcorn Has popcorn on his belly Watching videos listening to every little announcement and words go to church Get in church No, well, you know, I just yeah on Sundays. It's our family type. The Lord is able to give thee much more than this So you were talking to this morning I'm talking to the old IFP pastor Good acts up to 20 I'm talking to the old IV preacher who's listening right now. I'm talking to you, buddy Secretly listen to all the sermons Took time you got someone else to preach a lame sermon so you could listen to all the Red Hot Preaching Conference sermons You're in the closet about the new IV movement He knows we're right He'll never admit it, but he watched after the tribulation three times It's funny how all these you know old IFP pastors pastors They're like have you watched the I've never heard of it You were to March design. I never heard of it watch Babylon USA. I never heard of it you you watch New World War powers. Oh, yeah, I really like that one Now they all like New World War Bible versions they ever heard of marching marching design after tribulation. Yeah, right You're in the closet He knows Yeah, well I'd be pastor he's watching these sermons. He knows we're right He wishes he could preach like this He wishes he wants to go so when he loves the Lord he wants to go so he was but you know what he spent years and years and years and years and years Investing into a congregation of trash He spent years just preaching lame sermon after lame sermon not offending anybody and he realizes now if I stand up and start Preaching the truth these people are gonna leave But what shall be done to the hundred people? That are gonna leave if I actually start preaching the Bible. You know what the Lord is able to give me much more The Lord is able to provide act 21st 26 I says wherefore I take to you to record this day that I am pure from the blood of all men verse 27 for I Have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God every man of God ought to be able to say that Preach the word And I don't say preach some of the word and I don't say preach the parts of the word that aren't controversial Preach the word you say how do you know he's talking about preaching all of it because he says be instant in season out of season He says whether people like it or not Whether it's popular or not reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. What would you say pastor? What would you say to that old I'd be pastor who's just trying to debate should I come out should I take a stand should? I do right, but what about that deacon that I've got that's not even a deacon What about mr. Moneybags back there that gives and what about that family and this family and what about my alma mater? What are they gonna say the Lord is able to give thee much more than this Walk away Let's walk away from the investment Buddha Galatians chapter 1 there in Acts Romans first second Corinthians Galatians Galatians chapter 1 if I see a man as he was talking about I'm talking about the preacher who knows that he should stop purposely avoiding preaching controversial parts of the Bible They're not gonna touch the Leviticus with a 10-foot pole If they if they have the guts to preach through the Bible they're gonna go Genesis Exodus numbers And when they get to Genesis, they're out sick at chapter 19 Call them sick. It's like well. Why do you go straight to 20? I was sick that week Galatians 1 10 for do I now persuade men or God or do I seek to please men? For if I yet please men I should not be the servant of Christ Are you a people pleaser you filled your church, which is a bunch of people you've been pleasing Tickling their ears preaching sweetness and light Not preaching the Bible not preaching the word you say What would you say to that pastor who was just on the fence? And he he's trying to decide you know and he realizes if he comes out And he says you know what I don't believe the pre-trip rapture. I don't worship the Jews I'm a soul winner. I'm against the homos. I want to preach hard and my people are gonna leave What would you say I say the Lord is able to give me much more than this I? Say the Lord will take care of it. I'm talking about I'm talking to the individuals Who do not have a church? They don't even have a church. They could commute to But you say people caught me, and they're like pastor. I don't have a church in my area And I don't even have one that I could commute to I mean the closest one is 12 hours away. I couldn't even go there And it was like what do you what do you want me to say? You Know we're gonna pray and see if God drops you a church from heaven I'll pray that God drops you into church It's like well, you know move. I can't move you know I you know I I've got this good job And we just bought a house, and I'm real comfortable, and I've got the security of my home and my family's here But what shall be done for the hundred talents I just put a down payment on my house The Lord is able to give you much more than this Hebrews 11 24 you have to turn there you can turn there if you'd like Bible says is about Moses by faith Moses when he was come to years Refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for this poor season is steaming the reproach of Christ greater riches Than the treasures in Egypt For he had respect unto the recompense of the reward by faith he forsook Egypt What did Moses do he left mom He left dad He moved away from where there was comfort and security and he took on the reproach of Christ You know what Moses got at the end of his life You know what God did for him the Lord was able to give him much more than this If Moses would have stayed in Egypt You know what he would have had He would have had comfort and riches and pleasure He would have died and we would have never heard his name But when he left Egypt When he left Egypt God used him to do great things God used him to write Scripture We still talk about preach about look up to know about Moses today. And you know what he still got his comfort He still got his pleasure. He still got his riches. He just got him in heaven The Lord is able to give me much more than this He just walk away from a bad investment He's just used walk away. You you've invested so much time and so much energy and something at the pastor's luncheon this week I was able to have a real nice conversation with brother brother Adam Fanning He was telling me his testimony He was talking to me about the internal struggle he was having, you know, he lived in, Florida And he couldn't find a church to go to couldn't find anywhere to go He knew he had to move and he was telling God all these, you know I need to do this I need this and he was telling God like before I move I need a wife I need this I need that I need to have all my ducks in a row and blah blah and he realized like man I'm never gonna get out of here And one day he just said you know what God I'm just gonna go I'm just gonna do it I've got a lot invested in the I love Florida. I don't want to leave, Florida I don't even have a wife. I can't find a wife I I need a career and I need this and I need that I you know, I'm just gonna move any moves And you know in a few short years he has a wife he has children he's in Florida He has a career, you know what brother Fanning found He found that when you're willing to walk away from a bad investment the Lord is able to give thee much more than this So I'm 37 for says this delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart You say pastor who you're talking to this morning go to Philippians chapter 3 Philippians chapter 3 I'm talking to the Bible college student See their pastors listening to our sermons in secret and then the Bible college kids are listening to our sermons in secret I Talked to the Bible college student who's a golden calf Baptist College right now And was coast Baptist College right now And he and he's getting educated and he says yeah, yeah, I'm listening yeah, I like to but you don't realize I've already even made I've already been here for two years I'm always gonna I've already invested a lot of money. I'm about to graduate What should I do you know? We preach a lot about Bible college, and we talk about how like the Bible doesn't talk about Bible college You know, but we're a little bit wrong on that Because Bible does talk a little bit about Bible college Because you know the Bible was written by a Bible college graduate most of the New Testament by Bible college graduate the Apostle Paul He went to Bible college. He had religious education. He had you know a formal religious education and What did the Apostle Paul say about his education Philippians 3 8 Yea, doubtless, and I count all things, but loss For the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my lord for whom I have suffered the laws of all things And do count them, but done Then I may win Christ Say master. You man as I got a Bible college degree count it, but done I Walk away from the investment the Lord is able to give me much more than this The Lord is able to give me much more than this Go to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 I'm almost done 2nd Timothy chapter 3 I Don't normally preach very long, but everybody else is preaching long I'm like hey lunches at this time. You got to be done. It's like whatever okay? 2nd Timothy chapter 3 Say pastor you mean is who you're talking to this morning. I'm talking to the Christian who's not willing to suffer persecution for Christ Well the Bible say 2nd Timothy 3 12 yea and all they and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution Who was stuck with it? No, but I wasn't mad anybody I was coming here once every six weeks or once every other month, and they decided to back off during that time I wasn't mad at them. I understood that there But what shall be done with a hundred talents of lawsuit that I that might come? But what shall be done with my hundred thousand dollar job that I might lose You know what the Lord is able to give you much more than this And then you know people want to come back two years later like everything's okay, everything's not okay Come back like oh nothing happened. No something happened You know yeah, well pastor you shouldn't take it personally. You know what we had seven hundred eight hundred pedophiles outside of our church Who wanted to destroy us who wanted to mock us and you know I thank God for the church people in our church That stood with us I thank God for the other churches in this movement that stood with us and sent people to support us but if everybody would have done like they did if Everybody would have sent me a text message on Saturday night saying I'm not going to show up like a coward like they did It would have been a humiliation for the cause of Christ If all the media would have showed up eight hundred protesters and just me my wife and my children that would have been a humiliation And an approach for the cause of God if everyone would have done like they did So no, I'm not over it I'm not okay with it I'm not it's not okay. You're not gonna show up here for your pastor Anderson Easter and Act like everything's fine It's not You're a yellow belly. You're a coward. You're spineless. You probably sit on the toilet to piss like a woman Yeah, I'm mad about it Yeah, all day that shall live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution praise God We've got some men with backbones around here that stuck with it and stuck with us And everybody else said well, I gotta quit cuz I might get sued and I gotta quit because I might lose my job You know what get out of here and go down to the liberal church down the street. We don't need you Because we found out we found out that you can suffer loss But the Lord is able to give me much more We find out that God takes care of it We find out that God does it We find out that God fights the battles go back to 2nd chronicles 25 2nd chronicles 25 2nd chronicles 25 In verse 11 2nd chronicles 25 11 says this and amaziah strengthened himself Remember they got mad at him They said what you gonna listen to the man of God you already invested a hundred talents into this thing Amazon strengthened himself and let forth his people and went to the valley of salt and smote off the children of seer 10,000 And other 10,000 left he alive did the children Judah carry away captive and brought them on to the top of the rock and Cast them down from the top of the rock anybody who tells me the Bible's boring never read the Bible This is better than your little spider-man They took them to the to the top of rock and cast them down from the top of the rock that they all were broken in pieces You know what amaziah found out he didn't need the hundred thousand soldiers The Lord was able to give him much more than this Go to Luke chapter 17. We're gonna. We're looking two passages in the loop will be done two passages in Luke will be done Luke 17 I People taught me pastor Jimenez and I if you said this to me, I'm not I'm not Chastising you I appreciate the encouragement People say to me pastor Jimenez you know you've suffered a lot for the cause of Christ you you've born a lot for the cause Of Christ you know you've suffered a lot of persecution the truth of the matter is and I appreciate the encouragement I'm not I'm not chastising you for saying that But the truth of the matter is that we haven't suffered anything for Christ The truth is are you there Luke 17 over seven, but which of you having a servant? Plowing or feeding cattle well say unto him by and by when he has come from the field go and sent down to meet What will not rather? Say unto him make ready wherewith I may sob and girt thyself and certainly to lie have eaten and drunken and afterward Thou shalt eat and drink does he think that servant because he did the things That were commanded of him. I trow not So likewise ye when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you say we are Unprofitable servants where we have done that which was our duty to do We Have our church in Vancouver We love those people up in Vancouver. I mean they're just they're over the last couple of years They just became our family not just spiritual just family And they thank us and they write notes And they say thank you know for taking the time and energy and and it was a sacrifice and I appreciate their thankfulness But you know honestly at the end of the day all we've done is our duty Church and Boise Thank You pastor and I appreciate I appreciate their encouragement But at the end day all we've done all we've done is our duty I Beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your body as a living sacrifice Holy acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service? You know based on what God has done for me and what Jesus has done for me. It's just reasonable It's reasonable that I give him my life my body my soul And I present it all to him It's not exceptional He's up here you patting so much, and I went to church to Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday I haven't showed up to so I won't I don't go sewing back home, but I showed up when at the conference God must be really happy with me. No you've just done your reasonable service You you can count yourself an unprofitable servant because you've done your duty You've done what you should have done You've done what you've been commanded to do You've done what God has called you to do go to Luke chapter 18. We're done right here Luke 18 verse 28 Luke 18 28 Then Peter said lo we have left all and followed thee and He said unto them verily I say unto you There is no man that have left house Parents or brethren or wife or children for the kingdom of God's sake Pastor you know I realize I moved to steadfast and I moved to Old paths, and I moved to you know this church and that church. I left everything behind. You don't leave nothing Verily I see unto you There is no man that have left house or parent or brother or wife or children for the kingdom of God's sake Verse 30 who shall not receive Manifold born in this present time and in the world to come life everlasting You know what Jesus was saying the Lord is able to give thee much more than this Here's a question I have for you Here's a question after you I did my best To apply this sermon to as many areas as I could think of But I'm not the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit might have been dealing with you today About some investment that you've been making And you've just invested a lot of time and a lot of energy and a lot of money into something and you know you know God wants you to walk away What is it? What is it? If has to what would you say to that individual? I would say this the Lord is able To give me much more than this Let's bow our heads, and I'm over to prayer come Lee father Lord we thank you for your word We thank you for the Bible We thank you for these stories and scripture these great stories that encourage us and convict us And Lord I pray you'd help us to not be unprofitable servants I Pray you'd help us to do our duty And Lord when we have to walk away from an investment where we've just invested money time energy resources emotions into the wrong thing Lord I pray you'd help us to walk away from it I Pray you'd help us to leave it Help us. I pray you'd help us to exercise faith when we ask the question, but what shall be done for the hundred talents I Would help us to realize that the Lord is able to give you much more than this We love you The matchless name of Christ we pray Amen Just want to remind you real quickly. We're out brother Matt come up and