(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Father God, thank you for this opportunity to come here and to hear your word preached. Please bless the message. Bless, Pastor. Open our hearts and open our eyes and help us keep distractions to a minimum. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen. All right, we're there in Hebrews chapter number one. I want to bring your attention to one verse in this chapter. It's a verse that Pastor Logan Robertson preached from this chapter when he preached earlier this week. And he preached from the same verse that I wanted to preach from. And if you need to know, he stole the sermon from me, all right? But I'm not going to change it. We're just going to go with it. Maybe it's the Holy Spirit. Hebrews chapter one, I want you to look down at verse number nine. Hebrews chapter number one and verse number nine. The Bible says thou hast, I'd like you to read with me, all right? We're going to read out loud the next five words, all right? Thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity. I want you to notice that in the Bible you will find that often when love is mentioned in the same breath, hate or hatred is mentioned. Here in Hebrews one nine we see loved righteousness and hated iniquity. You find this all throughout the Scriptures. Go up to the book of Isaiah just real quickly just to lay a little bit of a foundation. Isaiah chapter number sixty-one. In your Old Testament you got the major prophets, those big books at the end of the Bible. The Old Testament you got Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel. I'd like you to find Isaiah sixty-one and verse number eight. Isaiah chapter one and verse number eight. I'd like you to read about eight words there with me. We'll read them out loud. Isaiah sixty-one and verse eight. The first eight or nine words there. Let's read them together. Isaiah sixty-one eight. The Bible says for I the Lord love judgment. Now notice this. For I the Lord love judgment. And let's read the next three words. I hate robbery. You see that? Now here's what God says. Now what's judgment? Judgment is to be right, to be fair, to be equal. Here's what God says. If you love judgment, if you love righteousness, if you love equity, if you love things to be fair, then you're going to hate robbery. You're going to hate cheating. You're going to hate lying. He always says in Hebrews one nine, if you love righteousness, you'll hate iniquity. What's iniquity? It's sin. It's things that are immoral. It's things that are wrong. You love things that are right, you're going to hate that which is wrong. You love things to be fair, you're going to hate that which is not fair. Go to the book of Amos. Amos chapter five and verse number fifteen. You're there in Isaiah. You're going to go past the book of Jeremiah, past Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, into the book of Amos. Amos chapter number five and I'd like you to look at verse number fifteen. Let's read the first seven words together. Amos chapter five and verse number fifteen. Notice what the Bible says. Hate the evil and love the good. Let's read it again together. Amos five fifteen. Hate the evil and love the good. You'll notice in the Bible there are often when love is mentioned, hate is mentioned in the same breath. When hate is mentioned, love is mentioned in the same breath. Here we're told to hate the evil and love the good. Go to Micah chapter number three. Micah chapter number three. You're there in Amos. You're going to go past Obadiah, past Jonah, into the book of Micah. Now when you get to Micah, do me a favor. Put a bookmark or a bulletin or a ribbon or something there in Micah because we're going to leave it and we're going to come back to it. Micah chapter number three and look at verse number two. Micah chapter number three and verse number two. Let's read that first phrase together. Micah, hear a little bit of ringing, brother, if you could help me with that. Micah chapter number three and verse number two. Notice what the Bible says. Let's read it together. Who hate the good and love the evil. Do you see that? Who hate the good and love the evil. In Amos five fifteen it said hate the evil and love the good. And Micah three two, it says hate the... In Micah three two it says who hate the good and love the evil. Now do me a favor. Keep a ribbon or a bookmark there in Micah and go to the book of Psalms. Psalm ninety-seven. Let me just give you one more just to lay the foundation. Psalm ninety-seven. If you open your Bible just right in the center you'll more than likely fall in the book of Psalm. Psalm ninety-seven. Look at verse number ten. Psalm ninety-seven and verse number ten. Let's read the first phrase of that verse together. Psalm ninety-seven and verse number ten. Psalm ninety-seven and verse ten. The Bible says this. Ye that... Notice, love the Lord. Let's read it together. Ye that love the Lord hate evil. Do you see that? If you love the Lord you hate evil. If you hate the good you love evil. If you hate evil you love good. If you love judgment you hate robbery. If you love righteousness you hate iniquity. And here's what you need to understand. Because today we got a bunch of perverts and weirdos out there. And here's what they say. They say, oh you are so hateful. You are so angry. You are so mean. You need to be more loving. But here's what they don't understand. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin. In fact, what I'm preaching about this morning is this. Love-hate. Love-hate. They say, oh you're so hateful. No, actually we're very loving because you know what love does? It hates certain things. See, if you love flowers you're going to hate weeds. If you hate robbery you're going to love judgment. If you hate iniquity you're going to love righteousness. If you love God then you're going to hate wickedness. Love-hate. See, you need to understand this. If you, everyone either loves or hates. These people out there like, we, you know, they're calling their movement. I think they call their movement love is love. What does that even mean? Love is love? No, I want to start a movement that's called love-hate. You know why? Because here's what you need to understand. When you determine what you love, that will determine what you hate. See, at Verity Baptist Church we don't love pedophiles. You know, you got all these churches saying, well, you got to reach out to the pedophiles and you got to bring them in. No, no, no, you don't understand. See, we love children. We care about children. We want to protect children. So when we determine we love kids, that means we hate the pedophile. When we determine we love children, that means we hate the predator or those that would hurt them or those that would abuse them. See, when someone says I love everyone, here's what they're really saying. They love no one. Because what you love determines what you hate. And by the way, what you hate determines what you love. See, these bunch of freaks out there hate you and I. Why? Because they decided they love pervertedness. They love Satan. They love the world. So who do they hate? Bible believing, godly Christians who are just trying to live a good life, who are trying to live a righteous life. Did you keep your place in Micah? If you can get back to Micah, go to the book of Habakkuk. If you go to Micah, right after Micah you have Nahum and then the book of Habakkuk. In the book of Habakkuk chapter 2, I'd like you to notice verse 15. See, today people are telling us you need to love your neighbor. You know, you've got to love these homos and you're supposed to love your neighbor. But here's the problem with that. You know why we hate the homosexual agenda? You know why we hate the homosexuals? You know why we hate? It's not...we actually hate them because we love our neighbor. See, let me explain something to you about the sodomites. I'm glad the media is here because they need to figure this out. These people, these homos, they're not reproducers. It's not like they get married and then they give birth to a little homo. Alright? You say, well how is the movement growing? It's because they're not reproducers. Guess what? They're recruiters. You know how they recruit? Through molestation. You know how they recruit? Through rape. You know how they recruit? Through praying and being predators. Are you there in Habakkuk chapter 2? Look at verse number 15. Notice what the Bible says. Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink. Now here we've got an example of someone giving alcohol to his neighbor. But I want you to notice that we're talking about a male. Woe unto him that giveth his. You see that word, his? That's a male. Neighbor drink. That putteth thy bottle to him. Talking about a male. And makest him, talking about a male, drunken also, that thou mayest look on there, talking about males, nakedness. We're talking about a male giving alcohol to a male in order to be able to look upon his nakedness. And listen to me. You better believe. You say, well how is it? You know, because there was a day in our country when, you know, the Bible preachers would stand up and preach against the homos and it was kind of just preaching in theory. Because they never even seen one. They never even been around one. You say, how is it that they're like taking over now? How is it that you can't go to the store? You can't walk down the street. You can't go to the park without seeing these people. It's because they're actively recruiting. They are molesting. They are raping. They are predators. And they are taking advantage of people. That's how they recruit them into their movement. The sodomites aren't reproducers. They're recruiters. You say love your neighbor. I do love my neighbor. That's why I'm preaching against the homos. I do love my neighbor. That's why we stand against the movement. I do love my neighbor. I do love my neighbor. That's why we're going to speak against the transgender and all of that garbage. Why? Because we love. See, the truth is we love and love hates. You can't love without hating. You say, I love everyone. You love nobody. Because if you love flowers, you're going to hate weeds. Today we've got preachers actually teaching that it's wrong to hate. When the Bible talks about hate all over the place. There's a preacher. He's an afshin. He's an afshame is what he is. And we've got this guy preaching sermons against me and against the different men that were at this conference. And he preached a sermon titled pastors who hate. And he's talking about how you shouldn't hate anybody. You shouldn't be hateful. You know what? If you love something, you're going to hate something as a result of it. Because the funny thing is that love hates. God says you love judgment, you're going to hate robbery. You love righteousness, you're going to hate iniquity. You love the Lord, you're going to hate wickedness. Love hates when you determine what you love. That will determine what you hate. It's just two sides of the same coin. And today you've got these preachers preaching. And you've got these preachers. And listen to me. Because sometimes, you know, people say like, you guys are so hateful. You're so negative. You're always talking about all these negative things. But listen to me. And people say like, why don't you preach more positive sermons? Every time we get up and rip on sin, we're preaching a positive sermon. Every time. Because look, love hates. You know why we hate alcohol at Verity Baptist Church? Because we love those that will have alcohol destroy their lives. I mean, look at the verse. Hebrew, Habakkuk 2.15. Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor to drink, that put his thy bottle to him, and that maketh him drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness. Today, look, why would you want to drink something that would make you get to the place where you don't even know who's coming or going or what they're doing to you? You say, I can't believe you guys preach against alcohol. This afsham pastor, you know, is all about, oh, let's drink. Let's drink it up. Alcohol is fine. Listen to me. You don't love your people if you're telling them it's okay to drink alcohol. You don't love children if you're telling them it's okay to have a glass of wine. Hey, kid, never touch alcohol. You say, why? Because people will give you alcohol. I don't want these young ladies growing up to be beautiful young ladies and having some pervert give them a beer so they can take advantage of them. Go to Proverbs, chapter number 23. Proverbs, you kept your place in Psalms. The very next book is Proverbs, chapter 23. While you turn there, let me read for you from Genesis 19. Remember Genesis 19 where Lot was taken advantage of by his own daughters? And they said, let us make our father drink wine. The Bible says he perceived not when she lay down nor when she arose. Twice his daughters took advantage of him and he didn't perceive, he didn't know, he didn't understand. They became impregnated by their own father and it happened. Why? Because of alcohol. Happened why? Because of drugs. You say, well, you guys get up and you preach against alcohol, you preach against drugs. Why are you so hateful? No, we're actually very loving because love hates. And if you love children and if you love families, you know why we preach? Do you know why we hate alcohol? Because we hate what alcohol does to families. We hate what alcohol does to marriages. We hate that alcohol ruins lives. Are you there in Proverbs 23? Look at verse 29. Proverbs 23, verse 29. Notice what the Bible says. Who hath woe? Who hath sorrow? Who hath contentions? Who hath babblings? Who hath wounds without cause? Who hath redness of eyes? They that tarry long at the wine. They that go to seek mixed wine. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red. When it giveth its color in the cup. When it moveth itself aright. At the last it pities like a serpent and sinketh like an adder. Notice verse 33. You want this to happen in your marriage? Thine eyes shall behold strange women. And thine heart shall utter perverse things. Yea, thou shalt be as he that lied down in the midst of the sea. Or as he that lieth upon the top of a mass. They have stricken me, shalt thou say. And I was not sick. They have beaten me. And I felt it not. When shall I awake? I will seek it yet again. You are there in Proverbs 23. Go to Proverbs chapter 20. Look at verse 1. Proverbs chapter 20 and verse number 1. Notice what the Bible says. See a pastor that loves you is going to tell you what Proverbs 20 and verse 1 says. Wine is a mocker. Strong drink is raging. And whosoever is deceived thereby. Afshan, afsham, afshang is not wise. And you say, well why do you guys got to preach? Why do you got to hit the pulpit? Why do you got to raise your voice? Why do you got to be so hateful? Because we're so loving, that's why. See our world doesn't understand that love hates. You love families, you're going to hate alcohol. You love marriages, you're going to hate alcohol. You love people, you're going to stand up and tell them the truth. See these liberals want to get up and say, well you're supposed to preach the truth in love. No, the fact that you're preaching the truth is love. The fact that you're preaching the truth is, look, faithful are the wounds of a friend is what the Bible says. You're there in Proverbs 20, go to Proverbs 22, look at verse 6. Proverbs 22 verse 6. You know what else we hate about the church? We hate the public school system. We hate the government's institutional system. Now listen to me, we don't hate the kids in the public school. We have many kids in our church that are part of the public school system and they're in families and situations. But that's the only situation they can be in. And we love those kids and we're doing everything we can to help those children. We're praying for those kids and we want to try to raise them right. But you know what we hate? You know what I hate? I hate the government school system. Why? You say, why do you hate? Because we love children and the children that they are brainwashing in those schools. Proverbs 22 verse 6 says this, train up a child in the way he should go. And when he is old, he will not depart from him. Deuteronomy 6 verse 6, you don't have to turn there, it says, And these words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart, and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest out, and when thou risest up. Do you know that God gave those children to you? They did not give these kids to Barack Obama. They did not give these kids to Hillary Clinton. They did not give these kids to Donald Trump. They didn't give these kids to the government system. They gave them to you and they gave them to me and it's my job to train them and it's my job to teach them, you know what, to hate. It's my job to teach them to grow up and say, Hey kids, love righteousness and hate iniquity. Love God and hate this world and the perverts of this world. Why aren't you guys more loving? I think we're pretty loving. I don't think you can handle it if we loved anymore. You guys need to get loving. You know who doesn't love you? There's a pastor who will lie to you because he wants to get your money. That's the guy that doesn't love you. You know who doesn't love you? There's a pastor that will never get up and preach anything that's offensive, anything that's rude because he wants to just make sure he has a big crowd and he wants to make sure he can make his payment on his Bentley and he wants to make sure that he's got his mansion. That's the guy that hates you. When someone stands up and says, Those serve the Lord God, they love you. Because you know what's interesting about love? It hates. Love is hateful. Because when you determine what you love, that will determine what you hate. And the guy says, Why can't you love everybody? You love nobody. Because love hates. So you hate the public school system? Absolutely. You know why we hate abortions? The very Baptist church? Go to Jeremiah. Jeremiah chapter 1. If you had your place in Isaiah, the very next book says Jeremiah. Jeremiah chapter 1. Let me explain something to you. We hate abortions. I agree with Pastor Romero. I'm not pro-life. I'm anti-abortion. Everyone's pro-life. Everyone's pro-life. That's a good point. I'm anti-death. I'm anti-abortion. Jeremiah 1.4 notice what the Bible says, Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, This is what God said to Jeremiah, Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee. Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee. And before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. I wonder how many Jeremiah's have been aborted in the United States of America in the last several years. I wonder how many men of God God had in the womb, and He ordained them to stand up and preach the Bible and to bring this nation back to God. But they were aborted, and listen to me, abortion is murder. So you hate abortion? I hate abortions. I hate Planned Parenthood. I hate every abortion doctor. I hate every abortion nurse. You say, why? Because it's murder? See, I love the unborn child. I love the most innocent child on this planet. I love the little child that should be in the safest place in this world, in its mother's womb. I love that child. So I hate Planned Parenthood. You better hope we never wake up on a Sunday and hear that a Planned Parenthood was bombed. So I'm going to get up here on a Sunday night and say, you think I'm sad that a Planned Parenthood was bombed? I think it's great. I think there are some unborn children that are a little safer tonight. And they can take that clip and put it all over whatever they want. Hey, you say, why do you hate abortions? Because we love children. Why do you hate children? Because we love kids. When you determine what you love, it will determine what you hate. Love hates. And love that doesn't hate isn't love at all. Yeah, we hate abortions. Yeah, we hate alcohol. Yeah, we hate the perverts out there. Yeah, we hate Dusty Arnold, who said on an interview that he wants these kids to see men kissing other men and women kissing other women. He said on the news that he wants to expose these children to that. Isn't that enough to tell you the mindset of these people? And look, just because you cut out a bunch of tops of cereal boxes and mail them in and they send you a phony ordination letter doesn't mean anything. If you have a little rainbow tie, do us all a favor, go hang yourselves. Are you inciting violence? No, I'm just saying if he'd do me a favor, if he'd like to do it, that'd be great. I'm not telling anybody here to go buy a rainbow tie and go hang anybody. You say, why do you hate these people? Because they hate our children. And when you love children, when you love families, when you love God, that'll determine what you hate. We hate abortions because we love more children. And you know what? Love hates. You know we hate divorce this morning. Go to Malachi chapter 2, go to the last book in the Bible. Malachi chapter 2, you say you hate divorce? No, actually God hates divorce. Notice what the Bible says, Malachi chapter 2, look at verse 16. Last book in the Old Testament should be fairly easy to find, Malachi chapter 2, look at verse 16. Malachi chapter 2 and verse 16, notice what the Bible says. For the Lord, for the Lord, for the Lord the God of Israel saith that he hateth. God doesn't hate anything. That he hateth putting away, putting away is a biblical term for divorce. God says I hate it. Listen to me, you're here this morning, you've been divorced, I'm not mad at you. Ask God to forgive you and move on. Don't ever do it again. But let me tell you something, I hate divorce, God hates divorce. You say why? Well look at verse 15. Notice what he says. And did not he make one? He's talking about twain shall become one flesh. He said did not he make what? We're talking about marriage. Yet had he the residue of the spirit and wherefore won? He says why? Why did God institute marriage? Why did God say twain shall become one flesh? Why did God give us marriage? He said and wherefore won, notice that he might seek a godly seed. Do you know why God gave us marriage? Because God wanted, not a seed, a godly seed. God wanted children to be born to a mom and a dad that love each other and love the Lord and stay married. And look, I'm not saying your kids can't be raised for God. You can have a Timothy that's raised for God and we will help you and we will do everything we can at Verity Baptist Church. You single moms, you know we love you around here and we will help you in any way that we can. But God's perfect will is that a man and a woman will stand at an altar and make a vow till death do us part. Why? Because it's the best thing for a godly seed. It's the best thing for children. The best thing that a man can do for his children is to love those children's mother and stay with her and protect her and provide for her. You say why are you going to preach against divorce? Because we love families, because we love children. I'm just trying to help you explain because I think these media people, they're all confused. They're like, you think your church is supposed to be about love? My sister was talking to this IFB lady and she got all teary-eyed. She's like, I just can't believe what you guys are doing. And then she like, she proceeds to like, she's like weeping and she like gets all dramatic and she's like, for God so loved the world. That's like, we've heard it. We know. I went to In-N-Out. I looked at the bottom of the cup. I get it. And she's like, God loves the world. I was like, is that the only verse you know? Because you know, in other places, whatever love is mentioned, hate is mentioned. It's funny that the same God that sent his loving son will send people to hell for eternity who reject his son. And the same God that sent Jesus Christ to save those perverts, when they rejected him, he's going to send them to hell for eternity to be tormented forever and ever. So isn't God loving? There's another side to love. It's called hate. You know what we hate at Baptist Church? We hate fornication. 1 Corinthians 6, look at verse 18. Notice what the Bible says. 1 Corinthians 6, verse 18. Flee fornication. Flee fornication. So why are you preaching all that? I'm trying to make it easy for them. You know, they've got like at least eight weeks of articles they can preach from this. This guy, we thought it was just the homos. He hates Obama. He hates Hillary. They're like, he hates Donald Trump, but that's okay. Because he's got an R at the end of the day. Let me help you out. We hate all of them. To be the prize of the United States of America, you've got to sell your soul to Satan. Right? And Donald Trump just was perverted as all of the rest of them. 1 Corinthians 6, look at verse 18. Notice what the Bible says. Flee fornication. Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body, but he that committed fornication sinneth against his own body. Did you see that? Did you know that sexual sin is one of the only sins that scars you, messes you up? So you can steal from someone and you hurt them. You can go vandalize someone and you hurt them. But listen to me, young people. Listen to me, teenagers. When you fornicate, when you have a physical relationship before marriage, you are sinning against your own body. Look at verse 19. What? Know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit. It's my body. No. Which are God's. It's not your body. It belongs to God. Your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost. And he says flee fornication. He said, why do you hate fornication? Because we love young people. Why do you hate fornication? Because we understand how difficult it is for a teenage girl to get married out of wedlock. And we love that child if that happens. And if she repents of fornication and gets right with God, we want to help her and love her along the way. But listen to me, it makes your life difficult. It's not the best thing for that child. And instead of giving you a bunch of free contraceptives, we're just going to preach against fornication. And we're going to teach our young people to be pure and to walk down the aisle one day a virgin and pure before God. I tell our girls at Verity Baptist Church, when you're a teenager, you're a young lady, and some guy wants to put his hands on you, you have my permission to punch him in his fat nose. And you just say, pastor said, knock you out. And you're not touching me. You flee fornication. You say, why do you preach against fornication? Because we love the local church. Go to 1 Corinthians 5, look at verse 1. 1 Corinthians 5, look at verse 1. He's teaching young ladies to be violent. Shut up. 1 Corinthians 5, look at verse 1. It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you. And such fornication that is not so much as named among the Gentiles that one should have his father's wife. Here you have fornication being mentioned in the church at Corinth. And notice the result. Look at verse 6. For a second time, just look down at verse 6. Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? See, you let people come into the church and be just in open fornication. Guess what happened? Other people start thinking it's okay. You know what I like about going back to church? People show up here, they're shacking up. We preach against it. We stand against it. We say it's wrong. We say not to do it. Some of them leave and some of them get married. Some of them leave and some of them get right with God. And that's fine by us. You say, why are you so hateful? Because we're so loving. Because love hates. And when you determine what you love, it will determine what you hate. And when you determine what you hate, it will determine what you love. You're there in 1 Corinthians. Go to 2 Corinthians chapter 6. 2 Corinthians chapter 6. Look at verse 14. 2 Corinthians chapter 6. We hate worldliness. We love the world. We love the world. That's why 195 soul winners went out yesterday, knocked on doors, tried to preach the gospel to people. We love the world, but we hate worldliness. We love the people in the world. Let me make that clear. We love the sinners in the world. We want to reach them. But we don't love this world. We don't love this culture. We don't love this society. You're there in 2 Corinthians 6. Look at verse 14. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? What communion hath light with darkness? What conquered hath Christ with Belial? And what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of living God. As God hath said, I will dwell in them and walk in them. And I will be their God. And they shall be my people. Wherefore? Wherefore? Notice. Wherefore? Come out from among them and be ye separate. Sayeth the Lord and touch not the unclean thing. And I will receive you. God says I'll receive you when you come out from among them. I will receive you when you touch not the unclean thing. And I will be a father unto you. And ye shall be my sons and daughters. Sayeth the Lord Almighty. See, it's not the world plus God. It's not wear your hair like the world plus God. Dress like the world plus God. It's not bring in the world's music plus Jesus. It's just Jesus. It's just God. And we hate the world and the society we live in. We love the people. We love the sinners. Want to get them saved before they become reprobates. But we hate the world. And listen to me. As a Christian you need to determine if you love God you need to determine you hate the world. If you love God you need to determine you're going to have to start hating that television, that same television that is calling us all sorts of names saying we're haters. Hey, Abe, you're calling me a hater. Guilty as charged. It's not that I'm a lover, not a hater. I'm a lover. That's why I hate. Because love hates. And I love God. I love His word. I love these people and I want to help them out. But listen to me. We need to get to the place where we just say, you know what, I hate the world. Someone who once says I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes. I hate the work of them that turn aside. It shall not cleave to me. That's why, you know what, I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes. That's why a Christian shouldn't be watching the Vampire Diaries. I'll set no wicked thing before mine eyes. That's why no Christian should be watching the Big Bang Theory. I'll set no wicked thing before mine eyes. That's why no Christian should be watching How I Met Your Mother. I'll set no wicked thing before mine eyes. That's why no Christian should be watching Game of Thrones. I'll set no wicked thing before mine eyes. That's why no Christian should be watching The Good Wife. I'll set no wicked thing before mine eyes. That's why no Christian should be watching NCIS. That's why no Christian should be watching Castle. That's why no Christian should be watching Bones. I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes. That's why no Christian should be watching The Modern Family. I'll set no wicked thing before mine eyes. That's why no Christian should be watching The Walking Dead. That's why no Christian should be watching Orange is the New Black. That's why no Christian should be watching Mad Men. That's why no Christian should be watching Glee. You say, how long are you going to do this? Till I get yours? Till I get the one you're watching? That's why no Christian should be watching Hawaii Five-O. That's why no Christian should be watching Two and a Half Men. I'll set no wicked thing before mine eyes. That's why no Christian should be watching Breaking Bad. That's why no Christian should be watching True Blood. That's why no Christian should be watching South Park. That's why no Christian should be watching Gossip Girls. That's why no Christian should be watching Californication. That's why no Christian should be watching Saturday Night Live. That's why no Christian should be watching Sex and the City. That's why no Christian should be watching Desperate Housewives. That's why no Christian should be watching House or One Tree Hill or The Simpsons or Family Guy or SpongeBob SquarePants. I said SpongeBob SquarePants. That's what I said. That's why no Christian should be watching Sesame Street. That's why no Christian should be watching The Bachelor or The Bachelorette or Keeping Up with the Kardashians or Duck Dynasty. I'll set no wicked thing before mine eyes. That's why no Christian should be watching Dancing with the Stars. That's why no Christian should be watching Real Housewives. That's why no Christian should be watching American Idol. That's why no Christian should be watching Hell's Kitchen. That's why no Christian should be watching The Voice. That's why no Christian should be watching the Jersey Shore because we are to set no wicked thing before mine eyes. In fact, we're supposed to hate the workers of iniquity. So you're so hateful. No, I'm actually pretty loving you. You're so mean. No, I love. What you don't understand about love is that love hates. So you say, why do you guys preach against the lust and pornography of this world? Because we love people. We love families. We love what it does to marriage. We hate what it does to marriages and we hate how it destroys men. Jesus said, But I say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Job said, I made a covenant with mine eyes. Why then should I think upon a maid? You guys get up, you preach so negative, you preach so mean, you're so angry. No, we are loving. It's just love hates. Next time somebody tells you, you're so hateful, just say, no, no, love hates. Love hates. You hate the pervert? Yeah, because we love children. You hate the TV? Yeah, because we love truth. You hate the sacramental bee? Yeah, because they're liars. You hate, you say, why are you so hateful? Because we're so loving. We hate false prophets. Jesus said, beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Go to Romans chapter 16, look at verse 17. Romans chapter 16. Let me tell you who I hate. I hate Rick Warren. You know what I hate? I hate Bill Hybels. You know what I hate? I hate Joel Osteen. You know what I hate? I hate Joyce Meyers. And I'm not sure if she's a male or female. This transgender thing's got me all confused. You say, why, why, why you shouldn't call those people out? Romans 16, look at verse 17. That's what the Bible says. Romans 16 verse 17. Now I beseech your brethren, now I beseech your brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them. See, in order, we got to mark them. How do you mark them? Now I could say, hey, stay away from that lady that's got a haircut like a man and talks like a man and looks like a man and gets up and preaches at Arco Rita this week. I could say that, but it's just easier for you to mark her by saying, hey, Joyce Meyers is a false prophet. Joyce Meyers needs to read her Bible. How about she reads a part that says, let your women keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak, but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law, and if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home. That's what the Bible says. But I suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over a man, but to be in silence is what the Bible says. We hate the feminist movement in the United States of America. Hey, listen to me, get the quote right. I believe a woman should submit to her husband just like the Bible says. And you know what? Marriages would be better if man took the leadership role. Yesterday I was out soloing. I saw him giving the gospel to this man. He was interested in what we had to say, and his bossy wife literally grabbed him and said no and took him. I thought to myself, if that guy goes to hell, he kind of deserves it. I mean, good night. Yeah, you know what? America is a good place when women just submit it to their husbands, to their own husbands, not the one you worked for. You hate Bill Hables? Yeah, because he started the secret-sensitive movement that ruined the churches in America. You hate Rick Warrens? Yeah, because he promoted the secret-sensitive movement. You hate Joe Lawson? Yeah, because he gets on national TV and says, well, all roads lead to heaven. Billy Graham gets up and says, there's no real fire in hell. We hate false religion. We hate false teachers. Go to 2 Corinthians, chapter 5. 2 Corinthians, chapter 5. We're out soloing and this man who is an agnostic, very kind man, he recognized me immediately. He said, oh, you're the pastor on TV. I said, well, I'm not the pastor on TV. That's Joe Lowstein. I'm the pastor that gets on TV, you know. And he's like, oh, yeah, I've been following you. And he didn't seem offended at all and we started talking to him. And we gave him the gospel. And he said, you know, what you're saying to me is that I have to believe in Jesus Christ in order to go to heaven because Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me. And he said, what you're saying is that everyone who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ is going to go to hell? What you're saying is the Muslims are going to go to hell, Hindus are going to go to hell, they don't believe in Jesus Christ? And we said, we're saying, yeah, that's what the Bible teaches. And he said, and he was real kind, but he said, that's kind of mean. And my soul importer said, he said, no, actually, that's really kind. See, we believe you're going to spend eternity in hell. And we have the message of salvation. We can keep you from hell if you would just believe this message. And the most loving thing we can do is bring you the message of salvation and try to give you opportunity to be saved. Now, look, if you don't get saved, that's between you and God. But we want to be able to say, we did everything in our power to get you the gospel. That's love, not hate. 1 Corinthians 5, 11, notice what the Bible says. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men. Why do we persuade men? Because we know the terror of the Lord. Because we know of coming judgment. Look at verse 14, for the love of Christ constraineth us. Because we thus judge that if one died for all, then we're all dead. You there in 2 Corinthians 5, go to Philippians chapter 3 and look at verse number 19. Philippians chapter 3 and verse number 19. Pastor Mendez, what's the point of this sermon? I'll give you the entire sermon in two words. Love hates. Love hates. You're so hateful. No, we just figured out what we love. And that has determined what we hate. Philippians 3 and verse 19 says this. Whose end is destruction? Whose God is their belly? Talking about false prophets. And whose glory is in their shame? Who mind earthly things? See, you know who these preachers, these preachers who refuse to stand up? Even these independent fundamental Baptist, King James only. Listen to me. The IFB movement outside of what we are is dead. And if it's not dead, it's going to die soon. And I'm to the point where I want to do everything in my power to just strangle that thing and let it, you know, rest in peace. And I'm not changing my name. All these people are like, well, I'm just changing my name. I don't need a Baptist anymore. No, no, no. We're going to make them change their name. I want them to take the name Baptist off there. I want them, you know, independent fundamental Baptist, Google it. Guess who comes up? Steve Anderson. Guess who comes up? Roger Jimenez. Guess who comes up? Donny Romero. Guess who doesn't come up? Jack Treiber, Paul Chappell. We're taking over. We're going to make them drop their name. Bunch of cowards. They know what the Bible says. They know what's true. They know that the Bible teaches. And they hear what we say on the news. They know it's true if they've read the Bible. Now, look, if they've read the Bible and they are liars, they need to get out of the pulpit. And if they've not read the Bible to where they don't even understand what the Bible says, they need to get out of the pulpit. And these independent, fundamental, limp-wristed, can't-grow-hair-on-their-legs Baptist that don't want to get up and say anything. You know who they love? Nobody. They love their paycheck. They love their retirement fund. They love their car. They love their second home in Colorado. They love their second home in Hawaii. They love their little six-week trip. That's what they love. But you know what they don't love? It's true. Their God is their belly. Ephesians. Go to Ephesians. If you're there in Philippians, just one book over. We'll finish up right here. Ephesians chapter 4. Ephesians chapter 4. Look at verse 15. Ephesians chapter 4, verse 15. So many people have said this verse to me. The Bible says, but speak the truth in love. Look, speak the truth in love doesn't mean you don't call out sin. Speak the truth in love means that it requires love to speak the truth. I love you, so I'm going to tell you the truth. I love these children, so I'm going to do the best I can to make sure they grow up and they don't fornicate and they don't become addicted to drugs or alcohol and they live righteously and they do right and they have lives that are honoring to God. It takes love to speak the truth. And people say, you're so hateful. You're so mean. You're so angry. No, we're loving. And here's the thing. Love hates. Love hates. But speaking the truth in love may grow up in unto him and all the things which is the head even Christ. See, the most loving thing that we can do for our society is to preach the truth. And I just have one point. When you leave here today, here's what I want you to have in your mind. Love hates. And if you hate nothing, you hate no one, you love nothing. And you love no one. Let's bow our heads. Heavenly Father, Lord, we come...