(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, it's great to be here at the missions conference and I'm glad I get to stay for the whole thing. Very exciting stuff and I learned a lot from the sermons and really appreciated the sermon last night. A lot of it packed with a lot of information and so I'm going to kind of have a sermon where I'm preaching but I'm also going to try to pack in some information and it's kind of like a book report at the same time as preaching. It's kind of a unique type of sermon, these missions conference sermons, I think, but I'm going to try to put all three in there, right, the trinity of applying this stuff. But so I just want to say thank you to Pastor Anderson and Faith Forward Baptist Church for putting this on. Really appreciate it and we couldn't have done and accomplished the things that we've done in Washington without the inspiration and just the help that we've had from Faith Forward Baptist Church. I think it's been pretty much to everything that we've done up there and of course we've had other people from Faith Forward Baptist Church that have come. I think Brother Caleb came to one of the trips and many people from Tucson and Brother Raymond, I think, came. So there's been a lot of help done from the Tucson Church and here at Faith Forward and I just want to say thank you so much from the bottom of my heart as a pastor. It's been a great help to have an inspiration to knock all the doors in not only the Yakima Nation but my dream or goal or burden or vision would be that we knock all the reservations in Washington. And there is several in Washington but Yakima is the biggest one and that's the one I wanted to tackle first. The title of my sermon this morning is The Salvation We Saw in Yakima, The Salvation We Saw in Yakima. And like I was saying, the inspiration really came from this church at the last missions conference in 2020. Brother Corbin Deacon-Wrestle preached a sermon about the program that they have here for reaching all the Native Americans or Indians in this state and obviously from then to now there's been a lot of work done. And so it did inspire me to go back and just kind of start studying and learning and trying to plan to do something in our state. And it did take several months to kind of get everything gathered up and all the information and just the ability to get out there and do it. But I definitely was inspired by the missions conference and that's really what the point of this conference is, is to inspire people to do something for missions. And obviously this church is very mission-minded and I don't think that there hasn't been a month in this year where some kind of missions trip or some kind of preaching trip involving missions hasn't been done in one of our churches. Those are the people that are saying that the new IFB is dead, it's like, well it doesn't feel that way to me at all. So it feels like we're doing more and more and we're just doing so much that we're kind of even like, hey, do you have something planned for this month because I got something going on. Obviously right now Pastor Bruce Mejia is in I believe Belize, is that right? And he's preaching, we've got people from our church and other churches down there preaching right now. As a matter of fact, they're setting off into some village there and trying to get into some schools. Just saw that prayer request come through. So things are always going on in this movement and the heartbeat of the new IFB is soul winning and missions. Obviously hard preaching and a lot of other things but the glue that binds us together is the soul winning. Everybody pretty much in this movement cares about souls. We have a really high percentage of people that go out soul winning and I'm very thankful to be a part of a church and friends with a lot of pastors that have the same vision as each other and the church members that love to go soul winning. This kind of was brought up the other night in Pastor Anderson's sermon but when we go out and do these missions trips they do solidify the home team. And even if people can't go or if you can't go and sometimes we have seasons in life where we can do things and if you have a huge family and you got a lot of littles it's hard to go on some far away missions trip but you can live vicariously and also through prayer and just watching the things get done and someday it will be your time to go. And even if you just can't go to all these things because it's almost impossible to go all these things. I can't go to all these things. But you know you can be involved in something so if there's something at this conference that gets you fired up then don't just leave that feeling and that desire just sitting there do something with it. Turn that vision, turn that desire into action and do it even if it's just obviously we should be soul winning in our own areas in our own churches. But anyway I started to plan this trip to the Yakima Nation. I'll give you some statistics about the size and all that here in just a minute. But basically I just started to plan and I had this guy named Daniel that had been visiting our church and he was living in Yakima and he's like and I was trying to plan just because I like to when I go into a place at least maybe have a church to send people to. Basically those types of churches are hard to find but he said yeah I'm going to this church and the pastor likes Pastor Anderson and I'm like sure he does. They always say that and then they end up turning on him or whatever but he's like no he actually does. I was like uh huh yeah sure he does. But I end up giving this pastor a call and he starts grilling me from the outset. He's like are you dispensational? I was like no. You know but he actually does like Pastor Anderson and you know what he's still even though we have that church has been passed to me through him. He retired this last June at the very end of June and he wanted to give a pastor the church that's actually going to do something with it and make you know just continue on with the dream that he had for it. But anyway so when we first started out we had some kind of launching pad that we could go from. We actually preached sermons there. We had big church services on our first trip there. But I'm getting a little bit ahead of myself but I do like to have you know I don't like to people accuse us all the time of you know throwing the baby in the dumpster or whatever when we go to some place to get people saved you know they don't even want to get they don't want to give birth at all or have some baby's birth but you know they accuse us of just leaving them in the dumpster but you know they want to leave them in the dumpster fire. They don't even want to have them at all. So but I do like to have people you know be able to go to a good church in their area so that's kind of how I started off. I'm not so much that way anymore I really don't care because they always end up seeming to you know stab us in the back but not in this case. So anyway so my first point of my sermon though is we all have power to make our soul winning dreams a reality. We all have power to make our soul winning dreams a reality. Let's look down at the Bible in verse number one and you know what I what do I mean by that well look what it says, when the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion we were like them that dream. Now today we are not in captivity you know obviously this is talking about the Babylonian captivity that's what I believe but when you apply it spiritually you know Jesus came to set the captives free. So once we got saved we were free to follow God to work for the Lord and to make a difference in this world. We are not bound we are free we have liberty to go out and to proclaim the Gospel freely. It says when the Lord turned the captivity of Zion we were like them that dream. Now the Lord spoke to the prophets through dreams if you've read the Old Testament you see that he does that. So when it says we were like them that dream well then that dream would be the prophets and the false prophets obviously are the ones that have fake dreams but the real prophets had dreams and those dreams came true. So but God doesn't need to speak to us through dreams like this anymore. We have his plain word in the last days he's spoken to us through his son the Lord Jesus Christ and he said go ahead and turn to Matthew chapter 28 verse 18 he said and he gave us power to fulfill his mission. We know what the dream is we don't have to go like hey Lord what do you want us to do. We know what he wants us to do. He wants us to win souls and baptize them and teach them the Bible. In second Timothy chapter 2 verse 9 the Bible says wherein I suffered trouble as an evil doer even unto bonds which brother Daniel was kind of talking about that last night we suffer as an evil doer every time we try to do something big for the Lord there's going to be some kind of opposition but you know what but what did Paul say but the word of God is not bound and so we're not bound we're free in Christ and he's given us the liberty to serve him we're no longer bond servants under the world we are servants of the Lord Jesus Christ look at Matthew 28 18 this is the great commission it says and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. So who has the power Jesus has the power right look what it says in verse 19 go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I've commanded you and lo I'm with you always how long is he with us always who has all the power Jesus has all the power and he gives us the power to tread on scorpions and to go out and he wants us it's very clear people are always like Christians these you know strange Pentecostal Christians like I'm just waiting for what the will of God is in my life and people in Baptist churches do this too I just been praying that God would just tell me go soul winning get out there and win some souls get out there do some real missions trip you know pastor Anderson's the other night was saying we're not here to collect money for some missionary you know a lot of these places you know they get all the the t-shirts made and they don't even learn the language and then they go in and and they raise money to build a cinder block house someplace in another country and they're like oh we did so great you know no get out there and preach the gospel and get some people saved that's what Jesus commissioned us to do he said go ye therefore and so in churches like ours that's what we want to do we want to go we're not captive we are free to live that dream and as prophets and priests and kings of the New Testament we all can be prophets we all are in God's army we all can preach so if you're old enough to read and old enough to preach the gospel you can be you know one of these people that dream we're like them that dream the prophets receive these dreams and we have the dream told to us very clearly go out and get it done a dream is a cherished aspiration ambition or ideal obviously it means you know something that occurs when you're sleeping but for this sermon a dream would be a cherished aspiration or ambition or ideal so the dream that we should have is something that we're trying at something that's cherished by us that we aspire to get done and we have ambition to get it done a vision is obviously there's you know a lot of definitions for a vision but for this sermon the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom and I would say imagination and wisdom you got to have imagination to get these types of things done you have to have wisdom to get these things done what preaching the gospel to all the world and starting you know we started this campaign in the Indian nation of Yakima and I'll get to that in a minute but also a burden a burden is a heavy load obviously but it's also the main responsibility for achieving a specified aim or task so if we have a dream a vision a burden to get these things done we will accomplish it there is a plan to evangelize the whole world and I think that we're just now scratching the surface on getting it done but we also need the participation and we also need more churches to rise up we need this movement to grow and we need people to get a hold of this dream and and try to make it a reality get behind your pastor get behind his plans and whatever you can get in to do get in and do it so the place of Yakima is and it's the Indian reservation and it is in like lower central Washington if you know what Washington State looks like it's kind of just like right in the middle but down a little bit toward the bottom not sent not right in the center of Washington but it's a little lower and it's definitely it's like a high desert step type area but then Yakima Valley is a very fertile farmland type area and so it's it's a like I said it's a Native American reservation in Washington State and it's the biggest one in the state by far and it's known as the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakima Nation this is what the flag here is representing and the tribe is made up of Klickitat, Palouse, Walla Walla, Wanapom, Wenatchee, Wishram, and Yakima peoples also made of natives of other areas because we have a guy at our church his name is Paul and he is actually a Blackfeet so a lot of these tribes they kind of you know I don't know if they have a transfer process or what's going on but some of them like to go to the different reservations and and live at the different spots where there's more opportunities I guess but the Yakima Indian Reservation is comprised of 1,371,918 acres so it's pretty big and the Yakima's seeded 10,828,800 acres of ancestral homeland to the U.S. government more than 8,800 people are enrolled in the Yakima Confederation of Tribes and there are more than 13,700 people living on or close by the reservation and I think that that by that statistic they're talking about just the Native Americans but there's 36,000 including Hispanic, white, and others that are living on that reservation so I believe Yakima is the most receptive place in Washington State of course I haven't been everywhere in Washington State but it by far is the most receptive place we've ever been to and it's called the Palm Springs of Washington because it boasts 300 days of sunshine per year so I'm not trying to you know put something in your head to move there but 300 sunshine days a year and it's not 120 degrees but anyway it is really nice there as far as that but the winters are pretty brutal so but it is a farming community and there's a lot of different crops that are grown there and a lot of the the land is seceded to the government and then a lot of natives have like sub leased out their land to white farmers and you know Mexican farmers to bring forth the crops and things like that so there is a there's a big Hispanic population there too so there's a lot of opportunities to give the gospel in Spanish there there's a lot of opportunities to give the gospel to and it's it's very like I said it's very receptive but the vision for Yakima is the vision that God has for the vision of the whole earth that the gospel will be preached the Great Commission fulfilled and for churches to be started and established point number two this morning is preaching the gospel to the heathen is the mission it is the mission look back in our text at Psalm chapter 126 verse 2 the Bible says then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue with singing then say they among the heathen the Lord hath done great things for them and that's the mission isn't it that we are going to go we're supposed to go to the heathen the unbelievers and tell them the great things that the Lord has done for them we must tell the heathen what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for them that he died on the cross he was buried he rose from the dead now obviously most people know who Jesus is but do they they don't really know because they're getting a lot of false doctrine a lot of false Gospels from the wicked churches that are out there that are so-called churches but again our main job as Christians is to not only dream dreams big have big visions for the areas and burdens to reach the people but to actually do it a lot of people talk about wanting to give the gospel or wanting to do this or that but you have to not only you know have words but deeds also so we can't just sit around and dream about things we have to make those dreams a reality and in verse 2 says that they said among the heathen said they among the heathen the Lord has done the great things for them so in 2020 we made our first trip during kovid and of course the mission strip here was in January and so we didn't do our mission strip there in Yakima until September of 2020 so nine months have gone by into the year and we literally made that first trip during kovid and during the worst wildfire season that had been in a long time and of course the heathen think it's a it's a global warming or whatever and maybe God is globally warming these areas that are that are wicked right and but you know we were protected we were obviously kept safe while we're there but we literally were sowing in smoke I mean the skies were completely blotted out basically by how bad the smoke was there and but that didn't stop our people I mean we were like is this dangerous let's keep knocking doors you know they were crazy it was crazy because you know we got there and it's like you know we don't know exactly live in the Bible Belt in Washington and you know people do get saved every week there but it's not like super receptive up there I guess as some people would say so when our people get turned loose on a receptive area they are like dogs on a bone and they're just gonna go after it and that is again the other positive thing about missions trips is you know if your area is not that receptive well you know as a pastor I try to set up our people to to be able to get that hunger and and go to a place that's receptive and so they can feel you know because sometimes you know you get one or two people saved a week it just doesn't feel as accomplished as when people are just like literally jumping in the boat trying to get saved right so but it was literally like when you drive if you've ever driven through the Columbia River Gorge it's really beautiful you could not see the river that's how smoky it was you could not see the river and I've never seen anything like that it's like a thick fog but it was actually smoke so we threw caution to the wind and just said we don't care we're gonna keep knocking the smoke people like badgering our people they have their kids out with them and stuff are like why are you bringing your kids out into this smoke you know it's like to get you saved I mean what do you think but anyway it was so bad that they actually canceled my work that week I mean and that was in Portland so but before I went there I put this ad on Facebook and you can target ads to certain places and I just thought well maybe I'll target and maybe we can get some people interested in going soloing with us when we go we put our our video up on there and I knew I kind of knew that because of the resistance I got after this that it was probably gonna be a great trip like literally I got all these people saying quit colonizing the Native Americans you know get leave your white Jesus at home they're fine they're doing fine it's like no they're not doing fine and look they don't even care about them they just care about their politics and all this racism garbage that they like to peddle so that everybody will turn against each other because of the color of their skin so really ridiculous but we we filled the church up there we had Pastor Shelley came to the first one we had Pastor Enrique Reyes the deacon came of course and we filled the church with over a hundred people the church there is Bible Baptist Bible Believers Baptist Church and we found two of the greatest eating places of all time on this trip which we still frequently except for Sea Galley Sea Galley was a steak and seafood restaurant that we found that we ate at pretty much every night almost but it was really good and of course they just closed down the last one that was the last one in America RIP you know whatever Sea Galley we're all very sad about that deacon didn't get to come back up before they closed it now they're gonna open up a Texas Roadhouse which is and I guess okay but it's not like they have lobster or anything but anyway but then we also found this place called Peppermint Sticks it was like you know you're like why are you talking about food pastimes well you know sometimes having a missions trip is about eating together meeting together we try to have fun on these trips and fellowship you know and you know the this place Peppermint Sticks is like kind of like a cafe style place but like you know those to-go boxes they have they're like the really deep full ones they put a banana the banana split is that it's like me and Deacon were like ah but anyway after that he didn't want to miss any more of the trip so but we also found a really great hotel that we still frequent I mean because we do have a church there now and we still go there and plan trips we went there about three weeks ago and had a big trip there but Deacon picked that hotel because it was the only one that wasn't displaying pride stuff for that month because it was made or when he went that one of the second trip when we went oh no it was the first trip yeah it was they didn't have the pride stuff going on every other hotel in the area was like putting the rainbow flag on there for whatever reason because they know the the fags have like you know three different months or whatever now that are dedicated to them or something but anyway so we picked that that that hotel it's really nice we played some football games in the yard there it's so big they have it like a big courtyard or playing football games a swimming pool Pastor Shelley's team dominated my team I threw like 17 interceptions or something Pastor Reyes it permanently injured his shoulder still talks about it I think Gabe got hurt too but I mean it's fun you know and we plant we it's fun getting hurt yeah I didn't get hurt though well we had we have a great time so but our first trip there we had was was like I said September 2020 in the smoke we had 115 salvations and then we had two baptisms and as Cody and Alicia Chandler got baptized and they still go to our church to this day they won their first souls that week and you know they they just they got they dove in to the new IFB movement and they haven't looked back and and so these trips aren't just about numbers obviously numbers are important but it's also about people these are real people we're getting saved and they have real stories to tell and they have great things that are happening to them because of the great missions trips that we're doing now our second missionary journey was in May 2021 and we had more salvations than we had the first time we had 155 salvations we packed out the venue that we booked to preach and we had a great preaching service and song service there and so those are the two main long trips that we did there were like I don't know three or four days maybe even five days long a couple of them but yeah I mean it's been a great shot in the arm for our church it's been a great time just just having other people come and and and partake in these great trips we've had some smaller trips there like I said but again I was appointed as the pastor of the church at the end of June this year so we actually have a church called Bible believers Baptist Church and so we're we're trying to keep that that going strong we got a pretty good core people there about 22 people at this point but we do have a church there we have a church building so it's got a yard it's got grass anyway it's pretty nice but so grass have you guys seen grass before just joking I saw grassy yard yesterday must be really hard to keep up that grass but anyway I'm sorry I'm just kidding but we have grass you have rocks no but you have sunshine so we have rain right now anyway so about three weeks ago we went again on a trip there and in two hours we had 28 salvations with like 20 people so it's like you know there's been a couple times when we kind of you know sometimes you'll get at that neighborhood that's not that great but then we had like 38 salvation so we had 65 salvations in like a day and two hours of of soul winning so that was just three weeks ago the main towns that are there are Toppenish and that is a city of 9,000 people we've knocked pretty much the whole thing of Toppenish I think there might be some straggler maps there but Wapato same thing it's about 5,000 people so those are the two biggest towns in the reservation and White Swan and I'll talk about that here in just a minute the the town of White Swan is about 800 we only allowed men to go on that trip and I'll tell you why here in just a minute but last hot last trip we we knocked a whole town called Hera and it was a town of about 600 but just to show you how different towns can be in some of these places it was basically mainly all Hispanic people and you know a lot of just only Spanish speakers a lot of hardcore Catholics so it wasn't super receptive that second morning but we knocked the whole town and we're like okay we're gonna go someplace else and then we end up getting a bunch of salvations then but the Yakima nation has gangs and a lot of crime and deadly violence and you would think while in a place where the area is only about I think 250,000 people for the whole area and the city of Yakima is not on the reservation it's like on the northeast it's on the very north corner you got Union Gap and then I don't know if this map is very good no it's not there's no map okay but that's the first time I got to see the flag was today I sent it up here but but anyway it's on the north the north side the city of Yakima it's about a hundred thousand people or something so the whole surrounding area like the metro area of Yakima is about 250,000 people so we still have a lot of work to do there but you know a lot of the problems are crime drugs alcohol like a lot of the same with a lot of reservation type areas but some of the nicknames for it is crack a mom and Yakima so I mean if you have nicknames like that you know you know you got a drug problem so in I'm gonna read from you an article on a mass shooting that took place in 2019 and it's like in the town of White Swan where there's only 800 people there's murders there a lot and there was what there's a shooting spree this guy went on and I'm just gonna read you a little bit about that I says so this guy he was convicted finally for doing this the feds had to come in and take and take care of business but I'll just read you a little excerpt from the article here says whether the convictions make anyone feel any safer on the reservation remains unclear said White Swan Community Coalition member and longtime resident Maria Garcia I really don't know if I feel more safe or not she said I don't think that there has been less strange traffic but that may be because the FBI tribal and county ongoing actions so really this place was you know kind of like Little Compton or something and it's still probably not that great today but only because of the all the presence of law enforcement things like that but a lot of things that go on on Indian reservations don't get reported we don't see all the statistics of how bad and violent all the crime is and things like that there but it is a place of violence there's a lot of molestation and and rape and just a lot of stuff that happens in these places that are never get reported because they don't want the world to see just how bad the reservation system really is and it oppresses people it's it's not a great system at all and and really it breeds laziness it breeds drug and alcohol problems and suicide and that's why I think it's just really a special importance to get into these reservations and get people saved because they're hopeless they're sitting in darkness and not able they just don't know how to get themselves out of it but you know when we bring that light of Jesus Christ we can set them free as captives as well so anyway so the law enforcement agencies continue to investigate several homicides and missing person cases on the reservation the clouds which is the people that one of the guys that did his name was last name was cloud are enrolled in members of the Yakima Nation and the incident occurred on the reservation which is why the case was in federal court over the past five years there have been at least 41 homicides on the reservation involved involving Native Americans whether suspects or victims that doesn't count those who have gone missing so 41 homicides in a place that's just not really a big area and those are just the ones of the people that actually they know were killed for sure that doesn't include missing people so we went to White Swan and you know you think well wow we've gone to Compton and Watts and all these other places and yeah and there's a lot of dangerous places South Africa and you know it sounds like Nagoland might be a little bit dangerous when it comes to you know overseeing your welcome or whatever but you know we went there and the reputation of that place preceded it and we just went with only men it was me Deacon pastor Shelley pastor Reyes and some other men from our church and immediately when we got there were met by a gang of rez rez dogs and you know you might think I'm just you know over blowing the story but rez dogs are a big thing like you if you've been on the reservation trips you know what it's like and immediately this this gang of dogs is there and led by the most vicious and evil and wicked Chihuahua that you've ever seen it was you know it's like Beelzebub or something but he was obviously the leader of the gang because he was standing out front this little white Chihuahua right and and like there's like this fence behind where this pit bulls locked up and he's you know just freaking out or whatever and so that's that's kind of how we started if you don't believe me I have a picture if you scan that little thing I did that I hope that got in there you can see the gang leader right there and then the pit bull behind the fence I don't know what happened I took that picture after we'd already gone so when he came back and the Chihuahua was still in the same place but all of his homies left like he was like it's okay it's go chill out or whatever but when we saw so and then like right after that it's like literally right next door is this house and you can probably see that picture and if you scan that a little booklet and it's this this house and it's got gang writing sprayed all over it we're talking about a town of 800 people it's just not normal like usually in small towns you're not gonna see gang graffiti all over houses gangs of Chihuahuas and and other stuff like that it's just but the rez is different it is a different nation so but then we right after that it was just like all these things happen like right when we get there but right after that this white Jimmy pulls up full of natives and asked what do you what what are you doing here and I told them we're missionaries out preaching the gospel and they kind of got nicer after that right but I think that they were there trying to kind of intimidate us or whatever and I said I heard there's a lot of gang violence here and a lot of gangs and the driver said you see that house right there it was like pointing at the graffiti house he said someone got murdered there last night so like literally the night before someone got murdered right there then I said are you guys gang members and he was like yes I was like all right we'll have a nice day you know we just kept going but we did have you know we had some salvations in that town and we came across other rez dogs that were way more dangerous than the Chihuahua I think somebody had a like brother Deacon was telling me when we're out eating breakfast this morning he said that this big pit bull came after him another guy that was there and the guy had to threaten to shoot the dog because the kids were just like you know looking to see like what are these dogs gonna do to these white people or whatever and and like they had to threaten to shoot the dog and and to restrain it was a pit bull a land shark you know the reprobates of the dog world but there was several of those you know around and so it was just you know the rez trips are always fun they're interesting and you could lose your life you know but don't be don't let that scare you from going because we're all still alive I still have all my digits I bet I've almost got bit before on you know when I didn't see a dog it came like just got right close to me but you know that's what these things come in handy for so if you don't have one of these when you go to the reservation I would just highly recommend you get one and you know sometimes the pit bulls smile at you but pastor Anderson says they're 97% working or whatever so it detorted it's not to shock them because then you'll just piss them off right but it's to scare them with that noise or whatever right so that so the the towns that we've reached in in in the area we still need to reach so we've knocked the whole town of Harrah Union Gap Yakima proper still needs to be knocked but we've knocked a lot of those doors also so we're still trying to you know continue to reach and we haven't gone to the straggler areas either we've just really knocked the main towns and the reservation and so some of the other issues of the Yakima nation that might kind of hinder our work is the native heathen religion that they held to before and the peyote religion which is a new religion and I think pastor Anderson has a whole video about that he actually preached a sermon about it and then that I think it's only like a hundred years old or something like that like it's not that old but most natives kind of took this on because the last chief of the Comanches same as Quanta Parker kind of there's other people that are involved in it but peyote doesn't grow in the United States except for maybe in South Texas or something it comes from Mexico but this last Indian chief of the Comanches and his name was Quanta Parker he kind of like spread this gospel of this peyote religion so the peyote religion just basically is a combination between Christianity and drug-induced you know the religion of the natives or whatever like when I had a like part of my salvation story is my friend was a Grand Ronde Indian tribal member and when he was killed they had this native funeral and I never knew what the natives believed and he's just preaching he's preaching about Jesus I was like oh I didn't know they believed in Jesus and he's like and he's out fishing in outer space with grandpa moon or something I'm like what so I was really confused about that but you know it is a false religion and just because they mix Christianity with it you know they're they're their real thing is they see visions from the peyote and it's a it's a hallucinogenic drug and they allow children to partake in it and they put them these sweat lodges and and they have have them see visions or whatever and one of Quanta Parker's commentaries or one of his famous quotes is white man goes into his churches to talk about Jesus the Indian into his tipi to talk to Jesus with peyote so and pretty much most Native Americans accept this as their old religion along with their creation mess the problem of Catholicism is out there too and of course they have a church called the Shaker Church has anybody ever heard of the Shaker Church before they're like weird Pentecostals that believe that original sin quote unquote is Adam and Eve you know consummating their marriage or whatever and so they don't believe in you know they believe in celibacy so it's like well how would everybody have gotten here if they hadn't have done that like anyway they also believe that God is male and female of course there's a female that was the false prophet for this religion and she thought that she was like some kind of reincarnated Jesus or something so I mean there's actually people there's one there's one on the reservation of the Shaker Church and you would think that they would have unbread themselves out of existence by now and there really is a small amount but I mean there is false religion on the reservation this is something that we always have to battle that's why it's really important that we give a really clear presentation so and there is a little bit of a Baptist influence and I'll get talking about that a little bit there's a one church in Harrah and they didn't read us when we got there or anything like that but you know there's another poor effect of this thing of going back to old traditions and religions in the indigenous cultures and this is going on all over the world you know people are trying to go back to the Greek or Norse mythology and just all this stuff that was you know it's called mythology for a reason folks it's not real but all these pantheons and then of course indigenous people they want to throw culture in with the religion and that really is a lot of the hard thing about getting people saved in some of these other countries is that their family life and their religion are basically combined together and like I got this this lady saved not too long ago and at the I mean I believe she got saved but at the end she said but I'm still a Catholic though like she didn't want to divorce the idea of the fact that she's still Catholic because it's she's probably thinking my family you know my family's gonna be upset when I say that I I got saved or whatever so there is a that's a big hurdle that you have to over step with you know you know people are upset and hate you know the white people that came over and took their land or whatever but you know we're we're trying to get them saved like we're not we don't have an agenda to steal their land we just want to get them saved they've already been put on the worst land you could possibly have to live on anyway so but in most cases that is so the Bible says to prove all things and hold fast that which is good so whatever your culture is you know you got to get rid of the stuff that's wicked and just prove all things hold fast to that which is good that's fine but get rid of that heathen culture there's this movement to go back to that and I think that's the opposite of what they need to do so number three this morning when we do great things for God he provides rewards by doing great things for us so when we do great things for God he provides rewards by doing great things for us look at verse number three back in our text in Psalm chapter 126 the Bible says the Lord hath done great things for us whereof we are glad so we go out and we preach the the gospel to the heathen and God's gonna reward us for the work that we do and so and go ahead and turn to Mark chapter 5 verse 18 and I think that when Jesus is quoting this he might be quoting this psalm a little bit here Mark chapter 5 verse 18 and it's this guy that's possessed by devils and Jesus heals him and he's back to normal and in his right mind but it says in verse 18 and when he was come into the ship he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him how be it Jesus suffered him not but said saith unto him go home to thy friends and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee and have had compassion on thee so the Lord has done great things for us and his reward for this guy was that he's no longer demon-possessed right I mean and then he's gonna use us when he's done these great things for us to do great things for other people and you know he wants to bless us he wants to do great things for us but he wants us to do great things for him too and so but he rewards us not only in this life but also in the life to come our rewards follow us we don't lose those eternal rewards so verse 20 says and he departed became and began to publish into capitalist how great things Jesus had done for him and all men did marvel God wants us to be a light to the world we are supposed to reflect that light that Jesus given to us on to other people around us and to all the world so the questions might be for people that just are some people just are afraid to go on things like this and they're you know they hear about White Swan and how dangerous it was but we're all still here we all still have all of our parts and we got a cool story to tell and people got saved and that's kind of gonna be the testimony I mean obviously you know people are gonna die from time to time but like at this time when we've I don't think anybody's died on one of our soul winning trips not to say that I want to give the disclaimer it could happen but but the question might be well should we go Lord yes we already know the answer to that will we be successful Lord yes will people get saved yes the gospel has not lost its power will churches get planted yes they will and so I kind of want to talk a little bit about the church that we have there now in Yakima it's uh and and and so what are the vision that's happened is that you know people got saved and a church has got planted so the pastor that did like Pastor Anderson he still likes Pastor Anderson still so he was actually telling the truth he retired he handed the church over to me and he wants to see the vision that we're doing to continue and you know some of the people left and I'm glad that some of them did but we have a great foundation there like I said and we currently have a church there it's again it's called Bible believers Baptist Church yes I know that's a rock of a night name but no it's not rock of a night okay so but we still do believe the Bible so amen right and we're primed to continue to knock the doors of the reservation remaining and to knock all the doors of the small towns around it so it's not just the the Yakima nation itself but also the surrounding areas and so you know it's just it's great to have a church there to launch out from it's great to be able to have a building to go and and to do the great things and continue to train soul winners there to do all these things so the Lord has done great things for us he's done great things for the people that live there I mean there's a lot of people out there that would love to have a new IFB church right people email this church all the time asking them to start churches they email me all the time I don't know why they email me all the time the first the first step is admitting you have a problem but anyway I'm only kidding but but people want a church you know and not everybody wants to move I get that but we have a church there and obviously it's not some million you know million population city but we kind of have the corners painted there in Washington we have a church in Seattle that we've started and you know we have three we have two churches in British Columbia or in Canada so we want to you know our goal is to reach the northwest right and so we're really just slowly doing that and we want to just saturate Washington with great preaching and great places and for people to be able to have a church to go to so and Yakima is no exception to that so when we have the King James Conference I just kind of want to give a couple testimonies of you know because I just don't only want to have you know some white church or whatever because that the town like I told you there's a Baptist Church in the town of Harrah used to be called like Yakima Indian Baptist Church or something like that so right there they're already saying this is this is who we want to come to our church I don't think we should name them like it's not like we have churches here that's that's like you know sure foundation white church or whatever so I you know it's a house of prayer to all nations and so I don't like the name Indian Baptist Church how about just Baptist Church and let everybody come but I definitely want natives to come and we've knocked all these doors so I'm like you know people say well where's all the people you got saved where's all the people you got baptized well that doesn't matter God's gonna build the church and we do have natives that go to our church and we actually have a guy named Paul and his wife is Michelle and their last name is long time sleeping so do you think that sounds like a native name which is something I would like to have gotten the last couple nights but no but at the King James Conference we had like a group of natives come from Yakima and they found our church and that you know we had I think give it dropped off videos or something that I think they live in Wapato one of the smaller towns that are really receptive but they were already saved but they got saved through that church that you know I don't know what they what kind of gospel they preach now but I know that Paul's been saved for a long time Paul a long time sleeping and they just drove by our church and they just kept coming and then he's he's raised some of his nephews they go to our church and his son goes to our church and so we have a good strong section of Native Americans that go to our church so I'm really happy about that we got white people too we got Mexican people there too like it's a house of prayer to all nations right but it's funny I Paul long time sleeping he preached a sermon there and he said you know pastor he's like I've never preached a sermon that long before I said well your new Indian name is now Paul long time preaching so but but his nephews name is Josh and he was going soul wanting he was just studying how to be a soul winner and when he came to our well this is you know recently but when he came to our King James conference he hadn't been step foot in a church in seven years and he was a Baptist he was saved but he came because he was seeing all the things that the trolls kind of put out about our churches and stuff like that and he didn't want to just take what they say at face value he wanted to come to our church and see for himself and he came and he heard the preaching he's like never a man's big like this I mean he he's been in our church ever since he's a soul winner now he got his first person saved and now he's a bona fide soul winner the cycle is complete and you know I'm just really happy that we have people that are coming we put a lot of great effort into knocking all these doors and doing all this stuff and I'm just really thankful for them and their family they're very huge blessing to us and pastor Rick Messler was our pastor and now he he still stayed on at the church but he's not like the pastor anything but he's just a big help and even though he's retired he does a lot of work for the church there he cuts the lawn he he still has a pastor's heart so when people are missing he goes and finds them and you know I really appreciate him being there still and then of course we have Cody and Alicia there brother Robert Larson if anybody knows him so we got a good core there of great people and I'm really excited about the things that God's gonna do for us he's already done great things for us but he's gonna continue to do great things for us there in Yakima for the people there and you know when when you're faithful God's gonna bless right so and then he has two brothers one of his brother Josh the guy Josh he has a brother named Roman and he's six foot ten I call him sir but he's a good guy he's going going out so many to and then they have another brother and he he he had long hair when he first started coming to our church like the you know the classic Native American guy long hair but you know a few sermons later you know he's he chopped his hair off and people might think well that's not a big deal but for natives it is a big deal if they're kind of steeped in that native culture you know cutting their hair off is like you know when you have to show yourself around around town and on the res and everybody sees you got your hair cut you know it is a big deal so I'm just really thankful that God's doing so much in our church and we also have brother Baker Daniel Baker the guy that kind of introduced me to the pastor they're still going we have a new guy named Javier that's coming and he's gone out so wanting so it's just it's a lot of great things going on at that church and God's really blessed and we've taken that dream and that vision that burden and to save people very seriously and God's blessed us greatly for it look at Acts chapter 13 verse 47 Acts 13 47 the Bible says for so hath the Lord commanded us saying I have set thee to be a light to the Gentiles that thou shouldst be for salvation unto the ends of the earth and when the Gentiles heard this they were glad and glorified the Word of God and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed and this this is the mission to be a light to the Gentiles and to preach the gospel to the heathen point number four is my last point when when precious seed is sown people will get saved and it's not it's not an if it's it will happen people will get saved and that precious seed is what the Word of God obviously and so when you're out there sowing the Word of God people are going to get saved and obviously there's different receptivity in different places but they're going to get saved look at verse 5 back in our text and of course this is a great Psalm by the way I love Psalm chapter I love Psalm 126 I love singing it it's actually probably my favorite one that's been put the music I love to sing this song because it's just you know it puts joy in my heart knowing that God's promises that when we preach the gospel when we sow the seed people are gonna get saved he's gonna bless us verse 5 says they that sow in tears shall reap in joy you know when you go out you care about people you have a tear in your eye and it says you're gonna reap in joy you sow that seed it says they that go forth and weepeth bearing precious seed that's the precious Word of God shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him so when you go out and sow the seed yeah people don't get saved at every single door or every single person that passes by you does not get saved but people will get saved that is a guarantee and you know people are gonna get saved when you preach the Word of God you know it takes it takes spirit filled believers to preach the Word of God to get people saved you have a very important role in this world and in this church and in this Christian life and so you know I did mention a little bit of the problems that are facing Yakima and you know the Bible says righteousness exalted the nation a nation but sin is a reproach to any people network reproach means shame or disgrace and so we want to turn Yakima onto a righteous nation obviously we're not going to get everybody say we're not going to convince everybody few there be this are saved but we're gonna save some we're gonna we're gonna make it happen and you know all these problems that they have they get they get saved and they and they turn to the Lord and from these totem poles and false gods and peyote and shaker religion or they're just like they're like Pentecostals or something but anyway you know and now they're trying to introduce this two-spirit thing who's heard of this this fag two-spirit thing they're trying to you know this it's a it's a native thing or whatever where you have two spirits you're male and female or whatever so they're really into that's really starting to be pushed but you know as a whole I don't think there's a lot of queer Native Americans I'm I'm glad for that I mean maybe I'm wrong about that at least not in the Yakima that I've seen so but the problem is sin but when we bear that precious seed that Word of God they're gonna get saved people are gonna get saved so and people like Pastor Anderson was saying this you know before the sermon he said American Indians are a very receptive group and that's true obviously you have different receptivity in different areas right but the vision to reach them you know he was talking about different going to different places different Indian nations well there's a lot of different places you can go and I've kind of looked up some of these but the Comanche are in Oklahoma the Osage and the Osage people are all there's a lot in Oklahoma so if you're near Oklahoma like that might be the second most groups of natives that there is but the Osage people were actually the richest people in the country at that time because they accidentally you know kicked him to this bad area but it was full of oil underneath and so they were like millionaires driving around like that all each had like 11 cars and mansions and stuff so I kind of backfired but then they sent all the evil white people in there to marry the people because you can only get the land through inheritance so then they were killing all the people so I mean people have taken advantage of Native Americans of course in a really bad way but I don't know what it's like so many there now but all the oil dried up so they're not rich anymore but they're still on the same reservation you know that that's a that's a doable thing to get to these different places to reach the Comanche to meet to reach the Osage the Cherokee also in Oklahoma Sioux in South Dakota and I've heard that that's receptive there and I think that that might be the poorest reservation in the whole country and then you have Cheyenne Wyoming the Cheyenne and Wyoming the Blackfeet in Montana the Pawnee the Lakota the Crow Montana's got some pretty big reservations that I haven't been to personally I've never been to Montana but you know the the vision is you know I want if I leave you with anything I want to leave you with the vision to get something going for the Native Americans the Indians in your state in your area and you know if maybe you don't have any in your state well what about the state next to you yeah we can make these trips and and and do these things and and the goal to reach all the natives in this country is very doable like pastor said it's a lot easier than knocking the whole city it's it's maybe not easier but it's it's definitely less people so and some of these tribes only have like a thousand people or two thousand three thousand people but some of them have thousands of people so anyway so I would say just you know get gets maybe you know you want to go to India great but maybe you want to go to the Indians in America too so they're they're called any of you anyway I'm not gonna go into the history of it but you know the thing no but before I get done preaching I just want to give a couple shameless plugs for our church here so I'm pastor Thompson by the way and from sure foundation Baptist Church that's our church home is in Vancouver Washington we have a church plant in Spokane Washington and Seattle Washington and Yakima Washington and then Surrey BC and Winkler Manitoba Canada and I was talking about how there's always events going on so I want to kind of plug a couple events while I'm up here the police missions trip just it's too late to go now but pray for that missions trip to be very successful pastor Mahia and then also this Tuesday there's one in South Africa but I am I suppose where's pastor Bogart is it okay to say where it's at or no okay yeah well there's one going on Tuesday in South Africa that's all I'll say so that's a big group that's meeting there and then the second and third of next month there's a preaching trip to Calgary Canada and that is being run by my evangelist Jim weeb who's he's in Manitoba but he's gonna drive he's gonna drive in Canada and close to winter he's like yeah it's not really that bad at that time it's like okay it is Canada but um but yeah so there's a group of people there and what kind of the testimony he told me is that a long time ago pastor Anderson sent some people from faithful word I think the balls and some other people went there to train them how to go soul winning well now they so they they became a soul winning group and now they're a church plant and someday he's gonna get ordained Lord willing to be a pastor but the goal to reach Canada is big too you know they I will not send a national American to be a pastor there because you're just gonna get thrown out or thrown in jail so my plan is to have people that are citizens there to to start these churches and brother Jim has got this trip going on to Calgary Canada and his testimony is that they got trained and they want to pass that on to another group of people there's about six families there and they want some encouragement and they want to go so there's gonna be a soul any brother Rob you're going right so there's some people there if you're in Canada and you can make it to Calgary it's December 2nd and 3rd Saturday and Sunday there's gonna be a preaching service on Sunday so if you need more information just get with brother Jim and then December 8th and 9th there's a preaching event in Indianapolis Indiana I'll be preaching there on Friday night there'll be a couple soul winning times there and then the Philippines soul winning trip and Pastor Stuckey is putting on in February 19th through 25th in Manila and Pampanga so and you know just to close off I'd like to just say some future endeavors that I'm dreaming about and one of those things is to reach the South Pacific Islands I really I mean those are tough because they're just so far away but I believe that those are probably some of the most receptive places obviously you know the Bahamas is kind of you know got the corner marketed right now but I mean obviously you can go to wherever you want but sometime I want to go to American Samoa and preach the gospel there and Fiji and Guam and the Marshall Islands and Chuuk never heard of Chuuk who's heard of Chuuk before those people will invite you in their home and let you preach the gospel their whole family I mean they're really hospitable really nice people there's a lot of them in Vancouver Washington for whatever reason but Tahiti you're like Tahiti well just like Pastor Anz was talking about there's poor people that live on those islands too it's not just all about the glam it's pretty poor it's pretty impoverished for the people that actually live there so and they speak French though so you have to be able to speak French probably to to go there but I really want to see those islands get reached and of course the Indian nations in my state and in Oregon Alaska and other cities in the USA of course but you know if you want to get a church going in your area I would just suggest this get a bunch of people together go soul wanting get organized get faithful pray for leaders I already mentioned it's God's will for churches to be planted but you know sometimes people say that they want something and then they really don't put forth the effort they're like they just want you to you know to rub the lamp and then all of a sudden you got a new IFP pastor in your town of 800 or whatever you know I mean be reasonable but we do need men to step up we need men to get trained and to get that there was a long time ago when people everybody wanted to be a pastor it's just like that kind of stopped happening when they saw the persecution but we're still here we're still alive pastor Anderson still alive you know he got swatted but he's still here twice I mean we've all had our share of persecution but we're still here you know what God's gonna see us all the way through he's gonna protect us he's gonna bless us he's gonna protect our churches and bless so don't be afraid and hey if you're a lady you know it can't just be the husband the wife has to you know be on board I'm not saying you have so all these duties but because my wife does a lot of stuff I know every pastor's wife that I know does a lot of stuff and you know you need somebody that's gonna stand behind you guys don't even think about going to the ministry if you don't have a woman that's gonna stand behind you all right and be that help me when you need it so I'll close on this one's last scripture let's look at Acts chapter 26 there's just the the world is kind of our oyster and we just got to find the pearls right so I like this these quotes from the Apostle Paul here he's given a testimony of his life here in Acts 26 verse 17 the Bible says delivering thee from the people and from the Gentiles unto whom now I send thee to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me and of course that's the Lord Jesus Christ talking there and then he says this to King Agrippa I really like this he says where upon Oh King Agrippa I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision and I would just challenge you with this do not be disobedient to the heavenly vision that's kind of how it where I started off you know we're like them that dreamed well we can dream big because we got all the power let's get out there and you know if you if you can't get into the to the native thing get into the Indian thing or get it whatever it is just get a hankering for something and then and do something you know let the Spirit guide you and we already know what God wants us to do so number one we have all power to make our soul winning dreams a reality number two preaching the gospel of the heathen is the mission number three when we do great things for God he provides a war rewards by doing great things for us and when precious seed is sown people will be saved let's pray Lord we thank you so much for this great conference Lord I pray that every single person here would have a fire in their heart Lord to do something extra Lord we many of us here are our soul winners ourselves in the areas that we live in but Lord I pray that you'd give us a burden and a vision and a dream to do more Lord and to if anything else just pray for those people that are out doing these great missions trips and pray that you would give us more men so we can get more stuff done more men of God that would rise up and start churches and and ladies that would get behind their husbands and and want to be in the ministry so they can do great things Lord and start great churches and that Lord our people would continue to just have this fire in our heart for evangelism and so winning and missions Jesus name we pray amen