(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right truly is a pleasure to be here with you all this evening. I appreciate the invite I think it's great that brother Brett was able to keep this thing alive and Get everyone coming together and I appreciate all the hard work Also the pastor he has been doing getting all the equipment here and doing the stream and getting everything set up as well So a lot of work has been going into this behind the scenes So get make sure you give these guys a thank you a big thank you Especially for you ever you that are here they're able to come and enjoy this. I love it. I appreciate it So thank you gentlemen, because I mean this is great for for the pastor's just as much as is for everyone else that comes and shows Up, I love hearing the preaching and the fellowship and I love seeing a lot of faces that I've already met before And some new ones that I have not met yet So it's a really great to be here at the the fundamentalist conference, you know, what? There's always gonna be haters and they're gonna continue to get worse and worse and But you know what the heathens gonna rage. We know they're gonna rage They're gonna try to shut things down, but guess what here we are Or they're gonna keep on trying, you know And even if we didn't have a nice place with nice seating and everything else this conference would still go on I think I wouldn't drive up here and say oh no, you don't have you don't have a hotel Well, guess what? We'd be going somewhere and preaching and I don't care how difficult they want to make it Some loser who has no life at all and just care, you know, there's they're so angry. They want to shut down People who are preaching Basic Bible truths, which by the way, this is the fundamentalist conference, right? Which fundamentalism is just you know, it goes down to the to the basics of the route to the foundation Core Christian doctrines, you know I don't know who wants to fight against that except these Antichrists that just hate God and hate the work that's being done and hate the hate the doctrine good doctrine from the Bible Otherwise, I don't you know I don't understand why you'd even want to try to shut down a conference like this and the title of my sermon this evening Is that the Bible teaches? Fundamentalism, I know shortly after I got saved, you know I didn't get saved from from a soul winner going door to door Obviously, I had heard the gospel at some point but I didn't have someone directly leading me the moment that I called on the name of the Lord and So it was kind of I didn't get led in the right direction immediately because I didn't have a lot of influences kind of helping to guide me and show me hey, where's the you know, Where's the best place to go to church? And and I had a brother that actually helped me He gave me some information on the King James Bible Shortly after I got saved and that just clicked it made sense I mean you hear the Word of God whereas before you get saved your eyes are kind of blinded You know, you can't understand the Bible at all natural man doesn't receive the things of God, but after you get saved it's just you know, the whole book it's opened up and Even though I had a lot to learn like every new believer does it's still a completely different experience reading the scripture and you can you hear the voice of the Shepherd, you know that that's the truth and there's a lot of things that are just Intuitive when you start to learn and you're and you're seeking out the truth God will lead you in that direction because you have the Holy Spirit because it's going to help guide you into all truth and What I want to teach this evening is that the Bible actually teaches Fundamentalism. So how did I become an independent fundamental Baptist church member, right? How did I even find it? Well, because it's what the Bible teaches and that and that's ultimately why we should believe Anything that we believe is because you could find it in Scripture. You're trying to find the churches you're trying to find the people who are teaching the Bible in a way that is Accurate and right and just spot-on. There's people who are just gonna stand up and preach thus saith the Lord That's why I'm a fundamentalist Now the name doesn't even it could never have existed But people will still be true you be preaching the truth in its pure form just say preaching the Bible What it said for what it says, right? There's too many people these days that want to change what scripture says They don't like what it says, so they'll just try to explain it away Right you read passages in Scripture and oh, that's not really what it means because that couldn't be what it means well, you know what it's what it says and fundamentalism in a nutshell is we believe the Bible for what it says and We don't try to add our own spin to it and make it say something It doesn't we take the Word of God and say thus saith the Lord and this is what it is So I'm gonna go through some points here On How the Bible teaches Fundamentalism and in order to do this, I'm going to start with a definition that I that I pulled from Wikipedia Okay, and you can go to a dictionary or whatever I don't have a problem with the word, you know with the term fundamentalism or even how it's defined necessarily I think the one in Wikipedia is okay. It's there's nothing, you know, there might be some things I'd change a little bit here and there but it's not that big of a deal It's a basic truth that we're going to get across here and I'm actually going to use this definition as my outline To show how the Bible teaches that yeah All these things that are being said here about what fundamentalism is is taught in Scripture It's exactly why we're fundamentalists So I'm gonna read this to you and you could look this up later if you want fundamentalism Wikipedia says usually has a religious connotation that indicates Unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs, right? So we don't waiver in In our attachment our association with these beliefs that you break down irreducible means you can't keep breaking it down low and lower So it's at the foundation at the lowest level, right? However, fundamentalism has come to be applied to a tendency among certain groups mainly although not exclusively in religion That is characterized by a markedly strict literalism as it is applied to certain specific scriptures dogmas or ideologies and a strong sense of the importance of maintaining in-group and out-group distinctions leading to an emphasis on purity and The desire to return to a previous ideal from which advocates believe members have strayed Rejection of diversity of opinion as applied to these established fundamentals and their accepted interpretation within the group often results from this tendency, so It's a lot of a lot of words there, you know, don't worry I'm gonna go through this point by point though and explain why this is accurate This definition by and large is is accurate and this is actually taught all these points are taught in Scripture and I'm gonna start off just by saying this, you know fundamentalism is the only is is you know, a fundamentalist religion is a pure religion It's one where and I don't care what the religion is that I have more respect for any of the fundamentalists and I don't mean respect and I respect what they believe just in the respect that Hey, if you're gonna believe something, why don't you just believe everything that it's saying, you know If you're gonna go off and believe, you know in Islam, you're gonna become a Muslim Why don't you just believe like all the teachings that your holy texts say if they're supposed to be coming from God Then why don't you believe everything that it says and just and just take it to its extreme and just believe it all right and don't cherry-pick and Then you got the same thing with the with the Mormons the latter-day satans, you know I mean, hey, you're gonna you're gonna believe in your prophet Joseph Smith that he's really a prophet from God Then they just take it all right. Why why are you just picking and oh, no this is you know Look take it all Just be a fundamentalist in that belief and you know what Christianity if you're gonna if you're gonna believe the Bible if you're gonna believe in Jesus Christ believe all of it believe the whole Bible just just take it all believe it for what it says don't pick and choose the parts that you like and the parts you Don't like and and water down certain areas. Oh, that's a little bit too harsh. Look. Let's just let's just take it all There's integrity in that You We're into started off here in Hebrews chapter 5 look at Hebrews chapter 6 though real quick as I is, you know This is all just by way of introduction Bible says in verse number 1 therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ let us go on unto perfection not laying again the foundation of Repentance from dead works and a faith toward God of the doctrine of baptisms and of laying out of hands and of resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment now These are principles. These are the first things these are the things you get to first in the faith, right? You have to have these things established the doctrine of Christ, right? That's primary salvation is primary right you you can't be a believer until you believe the doctrine of Christ of who he was the You know all that he did for us. He rose that he died rose again from the dead, you know He's a son of God You got to believe all these things the doctrine of Christ and he's saying you know what? We're gonna we're gonna leave that because you should already have that foundation So you're gonna go on to perfection meaning adding more to that now We're not going to continue adding more to that. There's a fundamentalist conference I'm going to teach just on what the fundamental You know fundamentalism what it is and kind of how the Bible teaches that but then he lists other things here He says not laying again the foundation against about foundational principles Repentance from dead works, right? We're not trusting in our works. This is again tied into the salvation We're not trusting in how good we are We're not trusting our works to be saved and a faith toward God because we have faith in Jesus Christ of the doctrine of Baptisms and laying out of hand resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment These are all things that are just real basic real primary things Now as fundamentalists, we don't want to lose sight of these things We do continue to go on under perfection. We don't just stay at this level of primacy But as a fundamentalist, you don't want these things. These things are just unalterable These are immutable. These are unchangeable These are these are some core doctrines that define and everything else needs to be built upon now as believers We're gonna end up Every single believer is probably gonna end up having some disagreement on how you understand Certain doctrines and scripture and just you know, you're gonna have differences of opinion in different areas, right? We're gonna think that oh, I think this means this or that, you know, and it's gonna be more nuanced. It's gonna be More particular on some doctrine, but it's not gonna be the foundational things Right if you can't agree on the foundational things. We're not believing the same thing at all I mean if you if you don't believe the same method of salvation You know, you're not even saved. I Mean, that's what boils down to and these are things that just there is no arguing. There is no debate We're not going to have a discussion on well Let's see you say this and I say this and and you know, we'll see who's right. No these Fundamentals the fundamental truths are right. They're not up for debate and One of the things I think is I find is interesting is that the people who shy away from oh, you're a fundamentalist and stuff Especially those that call themselves Christian Almost all of them are going to be these Christians that Yeah, you don't you don't stick to any fundamentals You know, you don't really stick to any doctrine at all You think everything is up for discussion and everything is is on the table for oh Well, let's talk about that. Oh, well, what Bible do you have? Well, I've got this one Let's see what your says and we'll see what mine says and there's no foundation. There's no solid rock there There's nothing to start from and what the Bible said We started off in Hebrews chapter 5 at the end of that passage before it goes into chapter 6 About the principles of the doctrine of Christ look at verse number 12 Bible says for when for the time you ought to be teachers you have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God and Our becomes such as have need of milk and not of strong meat and what he's saying is, you know You've been saved for a long time. You've been around this you've been exposed to this You know, you've had the Bible you've had people preaching you have all this stuff and he says You should be teachers by this point, you know at a certain point in your life in your spiritual life You're expected to grow you're expected to receive and learn and grow and he's saying you've been around this for so long Hey, you should be able to teach other people now He's saying but you're not and it's a shame because now you need someone to teach you again the basics. It's like, you know You're 25 years old 30 years old. You should be an education level of like being able to teach grammar school Right and he's saying you got to go back to kindergarten You got to learn your alphabet You got to learn Basic sentences and words, you know, you got to go back to the foundations. You need to go back to the principles that's what it's like for the people who Just disregard the primacy and the importance of having those fundamentals and aren't willing to keep those Fundamentals at all costs he says for verse 13 for everyone that use if milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness For he is a babe Right when you're born again everyone who's born again the day you get born again. You're a babe in Christ It's a brand-new birth. Of course your baby. There's nothing wrong with being a babe when you first get saved There's nothing wrong with with having a baby when they're they're just born or of course They're baby right and babies are gonna cry and babies don't understand very much and babies need to learn they need to grow but I'll tell you what if you've got if you got a 25 year old son in your house and he's still acting like a baby and throwing temper tantrums, you know That's a problem. There's nothing wrong with that picture and This is the the spiritual situation unfortunately of many Christians that they've been saved for a really long time and Man for all that time you've been saved you ought to be able to teach other people and nope You're still in need of the milk. You're still in need of the basics and with fundamentalism We're not going to let that stuff go. We need we need to make sure that all of those Stay pertinent and are taught and we never stray from those fundamentals verse 14 says But strong meat belonging to them that are of full age Even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil And then of course it jumps into chapter 6 where he's saying yeah, these are the principles These are the foundations and we're going to move on under perfection in the rest of Hebrews there now The definition I started with from Wikipedia. The first thing that it said is that there's an unwavering attachment To a set of irreducible beliefs. These are the fundamentals. These are the the core doctrines Turn if you would to Galatians chapter 2 Galatians chapter 2 we're going to show how does the Bible teach That we ought to have an unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs Well teaches it in many places. I'm just going to give you two examples Okay, the irreducible belief that is being brought up in Galatians chapter 2 is salvation itself Okay, you can't break it down any further that's at the lowest level that's at the foundation That's at the core how you get saved, right? What must I do to be saved, right? Well, hey, we believe believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved But there are many people at this time Especially in Galatia that were trying to bring works and add works into salvation and they were teaching Well, no, no, you also got to be circumcised Right believing is not enough. You got to be circumcised today. You've got people that say oh, no believing is not enough You got to be baptized Right or any other fill-in-the-blank. No. No, it's not enough. You got to do this. You got to do that You got to keep the law of Moses. You got to at least keep these laws You got to do whatever right and that attacks the fundamentals well Galatians chapter 2 verse number 3 the Bible reads but neither Titus who is with me being a Greek was compelled to be Circumcised and that because of false brethren unawares brought in Who came in privily to spy out our Liberty which we have in Christ Jesus that they may bring us Into bondage so he's saying these false brethren these these these wicked people came in. They're not even saved, right? They're acting like they're saved and they're trying to bring in this damnable heresy they're trying to bring in a workspace salvation and trying to draw people away and bring them back into bondage and And and get them get their minds wrapped up in this works and look at what he says in verse 5 Though he says to whom we gave place by subjection. No not for an hour So that they sit out and talk and be like well, let me hear you out. Let's see Why do you think that circumcision is I mean, maybe we're wrong here. Maybe we do need to keep circumcision Maybe that's something that we should look at. Is that what they did? No, they know that it's not a circumcision. They know that it's only faith They know there's there's nothing that is going to change their mind that that faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to be Saved there's nothing's gonna change their minds. It's unwavering That's why he says, you know what we gave place by subjection not even for an hour We're not gonna listen to them and be subject unto what they're trying to teach Says that the truth of the gospel might continue with you and they fought that the whole like even when you know Other people came in or say well go to back to Jerusalem and and let's talk to the Apostles It says like they're like Apostle Paul and Barnabas are like we we know what the truth is We don't have any reason to go back and and confirm with anybody else what the truth is That's unwavering Okay, that's an unwavering faith and an irreducible belief that you just are not going to change That's part of what fundamentalism is in Jude verse 3 the Bible says beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of The common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith Which was once delivered unto the Saints. It's something we should be willing to fight for again. There's no compromise there When it comes to the foundations when it comes to the fundamentals, there's no compromise That's part of being a fundamentalist and this is taught very clearly in Scripture and again, you know for sake of time I'm only turning to one or two verses for all of these points because there's kind of a lot of points in this definition I want to make sure I get through them all The next point in this definition and again, this is this the definition is coming from Wikipedia. This is the world's definition Right and and it but I think it's applicable I think it's just fine to be labeled a fundamentalist whether the world's labeling at you or whether you're labeling yourself Because the definition is true and it's accurate And again, I'm not speaking for every definition. I didn't look up every definition, but this one seems to fit just fine second Peter chapter 1 Their next point in their definition was that it's characterized fundamentalism is characterized by a markedly strict Literalism Amen Amen, I mean as fundamentalists more so than any other Christian denomination, they're going to be called Literalist, I mean we literally believe the Bible to be true And when the Bible says whatever it says, do you believe that literal? Yeah, do you believe that their water covered the whole earth? Yeah, I do I literally believe that because the Bible literally says that that the water went over the highest mountains and I know that there's these, you know the TV shows out there that try to explain away all the miracles of the Bible and all the things that happen that that might Seem kind of extreme which yeah the world being covered in water is very extreme This is extreme measure We have an extreme God that took an extreme measure on people and wiped them all out. There's a big deal. It's monumental It's something that that only happened once in the Earth's lifetime Just being completely flooded and And God pouring out his wrath on the earth at that time. Amen I mean so many places you could you could think of do you believe the Bible be literal? Yes, I do How about this because here's the one, you know, that one may not step on very many toes but how about where the Bible says that if you have a You know a son that curses their father or mother ought to be put to death You know what I say? Amen You know I say God is right You know, I say that's a good judgment from the Lord. I believe that literally to be true I Believe that that is the judgment that God has given that ought to be instituted by by a righteous government That's going to have God as their king that that's that that would be righteous and I believe that when Jesus Christ comes back and sets up his throne and And we're living back under God's rule and God's law that that'll be the case then Yes, it's literal I'm not gonna try to explain it away and say oh no No, we're really we don't understand what that mean if you go back to the Hebrew what that really means is You know I don't even know what people would try to come up with there's like ignoring those passages and just cherry-pick and just kind of glance Over and pretend like it doesn't exist But again, the fundamentalist is gonna have the integrity to say no, I believe all of it doesn't matter what Other people think or other people say, you know, I part of being fundamentalist again going back to my own personal testimony. I Used to think before I say I used to think that anyone who believed that evolution was false was an idiot They're imbecile. They're moron. They're uneducated They're not smart because I bought the lie hook line and sinker Growing up and being taught science class at evolutions of fact And I didn't question it I just thought yeah, okay, this is established science and I love science and look I still love science But when I got saved I knew I wasn't just going well I like this part about Jesus But I don't know about the rest of it when I got saved at my first one of my first questions was What about evolution? How does that work? because after that moment, I believe the Bible I believe creation And Then that's the only time I really started to question this other belief Because even from the beginning the faith was unwavering that God was true And then you got to figure out well how am I gonna reconcile this and that's when I started to see the actual the real evidence and start really critically thinking about what I was taught and I understand oh Wow, they don't tell you about the assumptions that are made They don't tell you they don't really explain the entire process that goes into the radiocarbon dating They don't really explain the entire process that goes into how they they come up with their Estimated ages of the earth and and and where they found us, you know, they don't go into that much detail They give you a high-level summary where they gloss over all the details. You know, the details are important Because the details have assumptions built into them That's not science That's just pretending you know what you're talking about and saying well we need this formula to work and we're just gonna assume this part Well that one part that's missing is a really important part And again, I'm this isn't a science because I'm not gonna get in all that tonight But having integrity by believing what the Bible says and having an unwavering faith in those things and taking the Bible literally is Important it's taught by Scripture. I had you turn to 2nd Peter chapter 1 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse number 19 The Bible reads we have also a more sure word of prophecy Where unto you do well that you take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and The day star arise in your hearts knowing this first that no prophecy of the scriptures of any private interpretation For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man But holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost See we believe that the Bible is a collection of Writings from men that spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost Which means the Holy Ghost is the author of the Bible, so it's God's Word. It's not man's word This is why we believe in a literal strict literal interpretation Because you just have to accept what it says because it's God's Word. I'm gonna mess with God's Word He's already thought of the best way to say what he wants to say and that's how he gave it to us And we don't have to get into the mind of man and well We need to understand the mind of Paul and the culture and everything else. No, it's the Holy Spirit That's what we need to understand and take it for what it says We need to take literal the Bible says no prophecy of the scriptures of any private interpretation It's not up to you to say well I think that this means this and you know and just give your own interpretation that That up ends what the scripture just literally says on the surface if you've got a doctrine or a belief That is Contradicting what the scripture just says clearly flat-out on its face Then your interpretation is wrong. And that's some private interpretation. It's not open for private interpretation Now obviously the Bible is very deep and you can extrapolate further meanings other than just what's on the surface But you could never go against the surface meaning of the scripture. I Mean the Bible says what it says. You got to be able to take it literally otherwise I mean when you start taking that type of Liberty Where is your authority? Your authority ends up becoming your own heart and your own mind as opposed to the Word of God. I Don't know about you, but I don't want to place my authority in my heart I want to place my authority in God's Word Because that's what's solid. I don't want the sinking sand of a wicked heart I want the the solid rock of Jesus Christ and his word Why do we take it literally because God doesn't change Again, the people who don't want to take the Word of God literally are going to be the ones that think oh you have to Understand the culture you have to understand the times, you know back then they didn't let women have their you know Any freedoms but now we've gotten so much smarter and and you know Liberated the woman so she could go out and work for a boss and and you know do his will Instead of doing the will of her husband at home. There's so much liberation and freedom there. It's so much better God doesn't change when what God said back in the Old Testament that his feelings and his thoughts on on what's right and what's wrong on morality and when he says thus saith the Lord it doesn't change in Malachi chapter 3 you could turn if you would to Turn if you would to Turn if you go to 1st John chapter 2 1st John chapter 2 Malachi 3 5 says and I will Come near to you to judgment and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers and Against the adulterers and against false swearers and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages The widow and the fatherless and that turn aside the stranger from his right in fear Not me saith the Lord of hosts for I am the Lord I change not Therefore you sons of Jacob are not consumed Now in the book of Malachi hundreds of years have passed since the law Moses I mean many hundreds of years have passed since the law of Moses was given and yet he's still bringing up I'm gonna be a witness against the sorcerers. I'm gonna be a witness against the adulterers Brings up all of these sins and all these crimes that he's been spelled out as being sins in the Old Testament says I don't change Yes, I'm still against those things I don't care how much time has passed and I'll tell you what I don't care how much time has passed today time isn't some magic Additive that just says oh now all of a sudden God's changed his mind. God is not like this world God is not like the you know, the times that is they shift and bounce around back and forth. This is wrong This is right, you know Eating eggs is good for you eating eggs is bad for you You know the science that's gonna tell you all these things and shift with the times even within an own lifetime of I don't know I mean when it comes to food, I'll tell you what, I don't know how many different diets and foods I'm 43 years old and and I've lived through so many different fads and and the I mean, it's food like how much more fundamental can you give this human beings eating food and And you know the world can't even get that right? This is good. This is bad. That's bad. This is good Gone good evil and evil good from day one If it can't even get that right why am I gonna listen to you when you're oh, yeah Well, God changes. No, he doesn't No, he doesn't God has his standards and he set it forth. God is eternal God doesn't change. He tells us in Scripture that he doesn't change. So yes being Keeping a strict literalism to the Bible is taught by the Bible It says by itself and not just that God's words are not man's words. They're his words in Jeremiah chapter 1 he instructs Jeremiah in Verse 6 saying then said I our Lord God behold. I cannot speak for I'm a child So Jeremiah saying hey, I mean, I don't know what to do. I'm child. What am I gonna say? I'm not that smart. I can't go to these people What am I gonna say and it says in verse 7 but the Lord said unto me say not I'm a child For thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak See, this is what God wants of his prophets of the people who are following him. Just speak what he says You don't have to worry about coming up with your own words If he wanted Jeremiah to be very clear about speak what I tell you to speak I Think what God has to say is very important. We should just listen to what God had to say and There's no reason to think That we shouldn't take the Word of God literally if he's not telling Jeremiah to add anything to it Just take what he says it's what we need all we need is the Word of God First Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 13 says for this cause also We thank God without ceasing because when you receive the Word of God Which you heard of us you received it not as the Word of men But as is in truth the Word of God which effectually worketh also in you but that believe The next point so that was the literal taking the Bible literal right or their beliefs they're literal That's part of fundamentalism here's the next point a strong sense of the importance of maintaining in-group and out-group distinctions That people who are in the group of being a fundamentalist and believing fundamentals There's a distinction between you and people who don't believe in those things and don't believe that way and drawing distinctions between the two You know what? I believe that's important and then their sentence continues on saying leading to an emphasis on purity and The desire to return to a previous ideal from which advocates believe members have strayed So part of fundamentalism is saying look There's a difference between the clean and the unclean and we want to keep pure We don't want to be defiled We want to make sure that we have a pure religion that is undefiled and unspotted from the world We want to make sure that what we believe is right because we care about truth. We care about righteousness We care about what God said So yes We're going to draw Distinctions and we're going to draw a line and say this is right and this is wrong and we want to know right judgment That's part of fundamentalism. So yes, we're going to make that distinction We're going to draw that line and we're also going to show that hey, there's a previous ideal. There's an old path There's an old way and people have strayed far from that old way. We need to go back to that That's part of fundamentalism. We're going to see where the Bible teaches those things you're in 1st John chapter 2 look at verse number 15 the Bible says love not the world Neither the things that are in the world if any man loved the world the love of the Father is not in him For all that is in the world The lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father But is of the world and the world passeth away in the lesser of but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever Little children, it is the last time and as you have heard that Antichrist shall come even now are there many antichrists whereby you know That it is the last time they went out from us But they were not of us for if they had been of us They would no doubt have continued with us But they went out that that might be made manifest that they were not all of us So the Bible here is drawing a distinction between Loving the world versus loving the things of the Father There's a very clear distinct distinction there in what's pure and what's not pure Hey the love of the Father that's pure and the love of the world is not pure He says love not the world don't love those things. There's a very clear distinction being drawn Right there of the in-group right versus the out-group the in-group is saying we need to love God The out-group is saying hey We love the world and we want to be like the world and we want to bring the world in here We want to make everything like the world No The Bible is telling us not to do that Because if you love the world you don't love the Father And you know the people who are doing that type of thing are the people who says they went out from us But they were not of us Talk about a group Classification there that there's people that they were they came in and then they left from us But they didn't really believe in the things that we believed as is evident because when they went out from us They started teaching all kinds of other things You know, it's the people who they claim to believe one thing while they're in the group Then they go out and start teaching. Oh, well, Jesus is the Father Right, and they start teaching all these weird damnable heresies on Who God is and just you know, whatever it's all these all these bizarre things. Look they went out from us They were not of us there is a grouping there and The Bible is teaching us right here. He says if they had been of us they would no doubt Have continued with us No doubt They'd really believe that they really been on board then they would have continued but they weren't Because they're infiltrators from the beginning That they might make manifest that they were not all of us There was group in classification going on in Scripture right there. And you know what that's part of the fundamentalist belief also How about this turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 5 not just the distinctions Of in-group out-group with us in the world or us and false prophets You know part of being a fundamentalist is you're going to draw those distinctions even within the church even among believers Because of a desire and an emphasis on purity Now Knowing where to draw the line Where do we get that from we get that from the scripture? We get that from the Word of God. We don't make up our own rules We don't just say well, I think this is important for purity and this isn't important for purity And this is where I'm going to draw the line. It's not based on what's in your heart It's based on what the Word of God says and you know what 1st Corinthians chapter 5 gives us that line It's a very clear line on where we draw the line even within the church among believers of making an in-group and an out-group Based on the purity with the emphasis on purity verse number 9 of 1st Corinthians chapter 5 says I wrote unto you an epistle Not to company with fornicators yet not all together with the fornicators of this world Or with the covetous or extortioners with idolaters for then must he needs go out of the world But now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or Covetous or an idolator or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner with such in one No, not to eat. So this is someone who's called a brother. This is someone who's saved This is someone you can come to the church. Hey brother so-and-so. It's good to see you Glad you're here with us And brother so-and-so is a fornicator. He's living with his girlfriend. They're shacking up He knows what the Bible says. He knows that the Bible contempt condemns fornication and condemns it very severely He keeps showing up well, you know what a fundamentalist is gonna say, you know what God's Word says Here's what God's Word said God Word says not to keep company with that man God's Word says in verse 12 for what have I to do to judge them also that are without do not ye judge them that are within Being rebuked and reprimanded for not judging people within the church because that's what God's Word says to do They may not be popular today and most churches out there aren't going to do that because they're gonna say well we can't judge They're gonna say hey everybody welcome everybody come on in We don't care about anything else anything you're doing your life, you know, you're a Christian come on in You're not rich come on whatever it is. Just everybody come on in. There's no standards here That is not the way that God's Word says to operate a church It's not That's why verse 13 says but them that are without God judges therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person The wicked person is being referred to the brother in Christ that's guilty of one of these sins Put them away I'd say that's drawing a distinction between an in-group and an out-group Fundamentalists is gonna say I care about the Word of God and I know that this is right So even though it may be uncomfortable or unpleasant to deal with I'm gonna say sorry. I Care more about God's Word and being pleasable in the sight of God than I do in the sight of man And when you understand when you get to the level where you could go beyond the milk of the word You'll actually start to understand that obeying these types of principles and these Commandments and this doctrine that's being taught here is actually loving towards the person because this is a way that's gonna help that person get right and When you read further and this doesn't include my notes But when you read further you understand also that we welcome people who repent and they get right and they change their ways And they do and then you know, the brother who's guilty of fornication stops fornicating Does the right thing, you know moves out with from the girlfriend or gets married or whatever and they get right with God You know what? We're gonna welcome them right back and say amen. Praise the Lord. We're glad you're back But until that happens we need to show that we do have standards and there is going to be standards in the house Of God and you know children are gonna learn especially new believers. Everyone's gonna understand and learn that There's some things that you don't just look the other way about there's some things we're gonna say You know what? I can't hang out with you. You know what? I can't go out to lunch with you Sorry, not gonna happen because you're a wicked person You're doing some wicked things. I Need to put you away from among me because that's what the scripture says to do and I believe God's Word to be Holy true. Yes. It's literal. Yes. It says what it means There's no dancing around this and trying to say well what it really means is that they're just doing something wrong But they just need to be in the house of God anyways No, it doesn't Means it need to be put away And I mean talk about something that's not being practiced today in churches. I Mean, there's just no standards in almost any church Sadly even among many fundamental churches We Need it we need to reinvigorate fundamentalism and Help people understand what it really means and bring people back to those foundational fundamental truths And you know that first Corinthians after five that's not a complicated doctrine That's not something you need to be studying the Bible for years and years early on you really grasp this You need to be a doctor of the law you really need to be have gone up and down and You know read all these other PhDs then you could really understand first Corinthians 5 no It's real simple. There's some things that are just really wicked Everybody is a sinner, but there's some things that you need to draw a line over and say, you know what? We're not going to tolerate this Yes, we're gonna be intolerant. I Know a lot of people suffer from the brainwashing of the world that teaches that tolerance in all things is a virtue But it's not It's not You'd be tolerant of many things you'd be long suffering is a better word Long suffering would be a good thing. God's long suffering But God does not tolerate everything and we ought not to tolerate everything either. I have to draw a line And that's part of you you believe that way You could be a fundamentalist turn if you would to Jeremiah chapter 6 Jeremiah chapter 6 The one other concept that's part that's tied in with being a fundamentalist and according to the definition from Wikipedia is that there's a return To a previous ideal from which people have strayed All right that hey this used to be taught this is the old way of doing things and People have just wandered off the path. So we need to bring it back and ratchet it back It's taught in Scripture Jeremiah chapter 6 verse number 13 the Bible reads for from the least of them even under the greatest of them Everyone is given to covetousness and from the Prophet even unto the priest everyone dealeth falsely And you know when I read Jeremiah and I read about these false preachers and these false prophets It's like I feel like this is just happening today Like we could just very easily be in the days of Jeremiah When you read through Jeremiah, and you're seeing what these false prophets are saying and everyone just help He's be all everything's good brother. It's great, you know No one's preaching on sin like Joel Osteen would have been great back in the day of Jeremiah I mean he's already doing great. That's why I think it's like the same time He's doing so great financially and everything else in this world now man, he'd be Just as good back then if not better we start reading this why it says because everyone's given a covetousness It's all about covetousness talk about the guy who's You know living the dream with his million millionaire billionaire, whatever Mansions and everything else that he's doing. It's all about the love of money for him From the Prophet even unto the priest everyone dealeth falsely verse number 14 They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly Saying peace peace when there is no peace. So it says they've healed the hurt slightly Why because people are hurting and you're saying oh no. No, it's everything's gonna be okay, right? There's a little there's a small degree of comfort. Just hearing someone say everything's gonna be fine But you know, it's only slightly because it's it's a false feeling because it's not really gonna be okay When people tell you, oh everything's gonna be okay You may feel a little bit comforted But in the end you're not gonna be comforted because in the end is just a lie like it was it where's the peace? It felt good for a very short period of time when I believed in that lie But when the end actually comes You would have rather that he told you the truth So you could prepare yourself and other than just thinking oh, it's all gonna be fine Verse 15 were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? Nay, they were not at all ashamed neither could they blush again talk about the day that we live in a day There's people committing abominable acts every day and have no shame and you know, what not only are they not ashamed they're proud They glory in their shame They're going out and boasting about it and trying to cram it down your throat and cram it down my throat and say you need To tolerate us you need to accept us and that's gonna be not enough for them and say you need to promote us And then we'll stop at nothing until you do They Weren't ashamed therefore they shall fall among them that fall Their end is coming to by the way, you don't need to worry about about the trouble they're causing now They've got their end At the time that I visit them they shall be cast down Set the Lord thus at the Lord stand ye in the ways and see and ask for the old paths Where is the good way and walk therein and you shall find rest for your souls, but they said we will not walk therein So the Lord is working through Jeremiah here saying hey look the old way that old path That old way that was given to you by Moses that old way that was already delivered unto you. That's the right way You've strayed real far you're committing abominations You know what that's still true today the old way that old path this old book Still holds the truth. It's still right hasn't changed That's the right way and yes fundamentalists are gonna go back to these old paths Fundamentals isn't fun because you just think that oh, you know things were better in the 40s and the 50s or something like that No, we're talking way older than that The 40s and 50s had their own now it may have been comparatively better than today overall But you know what? There are still a lot of problems in the 40s and 50s in the United States of America We're talking going way back really old-school To the ways that the Lord has given on righteousness Those are the old paths and you know what people have strayed from that people been straying from that But we need to try to bring people back to the good way and walk there in so you could find rest For your souls verse 17 says also I said watchmen over you saying harken to the sound of the trumpet But they said we will not harken. So it's the warning sound the trumpet is a warning sound Hey, listen up There's judgment coming. You gotta get back to the old path They wouldn't listen therefore here you nations and no congregation was among them hero earth behold I will bring evil upon his people even the fruit of their thoughts because they have not harken unto my words Nor to my law, but rejected it Part of being a fundamentalist is returning to a previous ideal from which people have strayed It's taught right here in Jeremiah Turn to Romans chapter 16. We're almost done Romans chapter 16 The last portion of that definition is the rejection of diversity of opinion as Applied to these established fundamentals and their accepted interpretation within the group So within a group of fundamentalists There is no respect. It's a rejection of having a diversity of opinions on fundamental truths It's funny because you know this this definition is is neither You know good nor bad it's it's not one of the reason why I kind of like it There's a couple things that make it that may make it sound like it's leaning towards a bad definition But overall it's pretty it's it's pretty accurate It's just how do people? Interprets it's kind of like once saved always saved from in many people's eyes That's like a slam that's like oh man. You're one of those You know and they use it pejoratively they use it in a sense. That's just like demeaning to you like oh You're one of those people Whereas we're like amen. That's the truth Fundamentalism the same thing, you know people use it in a way like a negative lie now. Oh, don't tell me you're one of those fun Yeah, what's wrong with with believing and then foundational truths and being unwavering on it and saying, you know We don't change these things and we don't just allow for every other every objection to these core doctrines You have to have a foundation You have to have a basis of which you say this is true and we're not going to shit change from it We're not it's not going to shake that faith. We need to be rooted down in the truth Roman 16 Talks about here. How about this diversity of opinion taught in the Bible in Roman 16? Look at verse number 17 now I beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and Offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them. Oh But we need diversity of opinion No Mark and avoid those people that come in and they try to cause problems and they cause the visions Because they're bringing in damnable heresies because they're bringing in these other opinions on these doctrines that are just solidly held We don't need to reinvent the wheel I don't need you know what there's a lot of doctrines I don't ever have to revisit because once you get them established once you know that something's true You don't have to keep going back to it I mean, it's just as simple as once you finally realize that two plus two equals four You don't have to keep on going. Well, wait a minute. I mean, is it really four? If I have two things over here and two things over here, we put them together I'm not gonna add them up every single time. I know that it's four Okay, I don't need to go back and question or not, you know, even if I see also Well, what about this? What about James chapter two, huh? I Don't need to question whether or not that salvation and eternal life is based on my works or it's on faith I don't need to question. I don't need to doubt that. It's established. It's settled done. I Don't care what verse you want to try to throw out there there's some things that are just foundational and not up for debate and that's part of being a fundamentalist and Roman 16 says you know what those people that want to cause divisions and bring in these contrary doctrines from what you've learned avoid them Mark them avoid them have nothing to do with them We're not going to give place to them Galatians chapter 1. I love I love Galatians chapter 1 Again talking about salvation and you know what the things I'm talking about Because we don't want to let this thought the thought process get out of control right fundamentals It's still talking about basics talk about foundational doctrine. It's talking about all those basic things We saw in Hebrews chapter 6 a great list to find in the Bible. What are Principle things what are at that low level of just foundational truth This doesn't apply to every single doctrine under the Sun That you could possibly believe that you just say mark and aboard everybody if you don't believe exactly like me That's not it. That's that's Not what we believe at all. It's the core things. It's it's the main things. It's the big things It's what Roman or excuse me Hebrews chapter 6 says Galatians chapter 1 verse number 6 The Bible says I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel Which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you Let him be a curse. That's a pretty bold statement saying I don't care if we come back and tell you oh no No, we're wrong The gospel is really this or even if an angel descends from heaven and says no no No, now you've got a different gospel now You gotta believe this he says let him be accursed Let him be accursed That's how solid is saying this is right This is the truth and you're gonna be accursed and not only does he say it once He says in the next verse as we said before so saying now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you Then they've received let him be accursed. There's a double cursing That's how seriously you know what this is this wasn't in here at all But this just kind of you know, the spirits giving it to me. Sorry The dispensationalists that want to tell you. Oh, no, there's different Gospels and There's going to be a different way that people are saved in the end times and then it's gonna be by works You know what? Let them be accursed Let them be accursed Because they're bringing another gospel a gospel that they haven't received a gospel that you haven't received You know what if someone tries to come to me and says well, you know people in the end times They're gonna be saved by their works. You're accursed get away from me. You're teaching damnable doctrines There's an everlasting gospel. It's the gospel of Jesus Christ. It doesn't change Salvation has always been by grace through faith no matter when you've lived Man has never been good enough and will never be good enough to have any part in their own salvation Never have never will It's always been all glory to God. No, but in the tribulation some glory is going to be to man Blasphemous liar get out of here you stinking devil Let them be accursed That's fundamentalism About you, but I kind of like it I've liked it from day one. I Mean I've been to all kinds of different churches not all kinds. I take that back I've been to many different fundamental Baptist churches and you know what? I've loved them. I love all of them all the ones I've been to and Some have been better than others But you know just people who wanna That that have integrity with the Word of God And just want to stand on these these fundamental truths and they're gonna be unchanging unmovable. It's not up for debate It's the right way it's a truth and you know what We don't need to worry about people labeling us a fundamentalist You ought to be happy to be called a fundamental. I am Gonna shy away from that. I'm not gonna be like well, I'm a fundamentalist or you know, or someone said are you a fundamentalist? No, no, not really. I mean, you know, look don't backpedal embrace it. Love it. It's true. It's right It's taught from Scripture. I Mean every single point in the definition I went through and showed multiple places in Scripture how the Bible actually is literally teaching that we need to be strong on these things if the Bible didn't teach this Wouldn't be a fundamentalist, but it does you We're closed on this turn if you were to Titus chapter 2 Because if you truly are a Christian fundamentalist And you do have integrity and you do believe the Word of God. You're not gonna be changed on it You're not going to be moved And you're gonna hold to these truths. You're a hold to it because it's the Word of God you know, it doesn't change and You treat the Word of God and actually apply it to your life and live it like you mean it Right, you don't judge you're not just a forgetful hearer, but you're a doer of the word as a Christian fundamentalist You're gonna find yourself different from the vast majority of people in this world Because you take the Bible literally because you don't just blow it off as being oh that can't be what that means When the Bible says that you know, if a man divorced his wife and then gets remarried He's committing adultery that can't I mean I can't really mean That I can't get remarried Yeah, yeah, that's actually what it means because that's what it says You're gonna find yourself living very different from the world Because the world you don't have a standard Shifts the changes just like the diet and who's gonna tell you one thing one day and another thing the next doesn't matter God doesn't We don't need to worry about being subject to ridicule Don't don't let that bother you we could be of good cheer because being different from the world It's exactly what the Bible teaches also Bible teaches it's good thing Titus chapter 2 verse number 11 the Bible reads for the grace of God that bring us salvation at the pure to all men teaching us that Denying ungodliness and worldly lusts. I mean just think about that first denying Ungodliness and worldly lusts means you're gonna be different from the rest of the world Because the world's given over to worldly lusts It's coming from the world and you're denying those things that inherently will make you different Verse 12 again teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts. We should live soberly Righteously and godly in this present world Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ Who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity? Look at this and purify unto himself a peculiar people peculiar means you're different Special Peculiar people zealous of good works these things speak and exhort and Rebuke with all authority let no man despise thee So people want to despise you for being a fundamentalist Don't let them despise you. You know what? How about you speak and exhort and rebuke? Say no being funny you ought to be a fundamentalist Don't mock me for being a fundamentalist. You ought to be a fundamentalist. Why aren't you a fundamentalist? What you don't care about the court doctrines of the Bible you think that we could just they're up for debate and you Just change them. You don't think that we should hold those things to be solid Are you even founded and settled those are you just a babe in Christ? We ought to be fundamentalists We ought to take the Word of God. Literally. We ought to have a foundation. That's solid We ought to make a difference between the in-group and the out-group Because we care about purity because we care about righteous living and we care about what the Word of God says. I Love that we're having a fundamentalist conference Amen It's part of who we are. All right, I'm looking forward all the great preachers this this that's coming up here Appreciate the time coming out of this power as I've ordered prayer your heavenly Father Lord We thank you so much for giving us your words and that we could have full faith and confidence and trust knowing that Bible's true because you said it not because we're trusting in any man or any man's wisdom But that we've received just as others have in the past The Word of God as it is in truth that it is the Word of God that it's not we're not just trusting in Paul We're not just trusting in David. We're not just trusting in Moses. We're trusting in you We're trusting in your words and that your words never fail and that your words Are here to lead us and teach us and guide us dear Lord. I pray that you would please help us to retain Purity in our faith in our belief that we're not going to let any sinful lusts of the flesh Sway our opinions and our mindset on what's right and what's wrong to try to fit that that particular sin but that we would have integrity and purity knowing that no we're gonna stick to what your word says because we know that to Be true and that these things are not up for debate dear Lord. We love you I thank you so much for bringing everyone here together safely God I pray to please be with everyone as we go our separate ways this evening. It's in Jesus Christ name we pray. Amen